ITList Information Technology Blog » Interruption Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 What are the Time Wasting Culprits? Fri, 13 May 2011 01:35:15 +0000 bikram Have you ever wondered why you fail to manage time effectively? What are the time wasters in your life, where do you unknowingly devote long hours and end up messing with the whole schedule of yours? Here are the common time killers.

Telephone interruptions

We hardly consider how much time we waste on telephonic conversations each day. Many of us are quite glued to our phones and don’t even realize how we waste a potent portion of the day conversing on phone. While working keep your phone either in silent mode or switch it off. It’s a big interruption while working.

Extended lunch breaks

While working at office, lunch is definitely not just a matter of eating, but also unwinding oneself. At the same time, extended lunch break filled with gossiping can actually prove to be a serious hazard. Keep lunch break relaxing, but not too addictive that you wish to carry it on and on for hours.

Frequent coffee or smoke breaks

At work place people are often seeing taking too frequent tea, coffee and smoke breaks. These are highly addictive and time wasters. You may think it’s a great way of unwinding yourself, but when done too frequently it’s more like a bad habit. You may end up socializing during these breaks and wasting lot of time.

Small naps are never small

People are often seeing taking small naps in-between work. But in reality they are hardly small ones get extended and definitely waste lot of time. They are addictive too, you may soon start regular naps. Rather than taking naps in between work, try to finish work first and then sleep with a relaxed mind.

Socializing on the job

People often socialize too much at work place, indulge into gossiping and waste big amount of time in a day.

Television watching

Television is one addictive medium, which results into severe time wastage. If you wish to watch something particularly on television, make sure you watch it only and don’t keep the television on for extended long hours. It results into huge time killing.

Social networking websites

These days a major chunk of the professionals, students, even home makers devote a large portion of their daily schedule in social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, Hi5, MySpace and the like. They are highly addictive and cause serious damage to work schedule.

Poor planning
Ill planning of daily schedule or inability to set priority of work can land one into grave problem. Start planning your daily work, set a priority ladder of most important work towards least important ones. Work on the same, accordingly.

Multi tasking

Don’t try to juggle between too many works. Work on a specific job at a time. Too many works at a time can distract you from your goal and shared attention results into average quality work.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-VII Sat, 26 Sep 2009 20:38:39 +0000 bikram In this episode of the mini-series 5 ways to improve your writing, I will talk about you. Yes, about you and about your habits that are stopping you from being a better writer. Let’s go straight to see what changes you need to bring in you to become a better writer.

One task at a time

Multi-tasking is not always good. Not at least when you are trying to write something. You should de-clutter your surrounding and focus on one thing at a time. This way you will be able to produce a quality work. Mono-tasking is what you should be aspiring for. Set some time aside to write without interruption.

Recognize your fear and overcome it

We all have fear of failure, but at the same time we can even give credit to these unwarranted fears for some of our big successes; still I will not suggest harboring any fear. You should know what you are scared of, and work on eliminating those objects or subjects. If the problem is skill related then you should take a course or undergo a training that will help you overcome that fear, and if it is attitude related then make yourself strong and ward the fear off.

Wake and write

The very first thing that you do in the morning should be writing. This is the hour of the day when you will have very little on the mind, so you can focus more at that time. Try doing it tomorrow, and see the difference.

Do not wait for the deadline

You cannot produce a world class article, news, or story when a sword of deadline is hanging over your head. You should start writing days in advance, do not wait for the deadline to show its ugly face before you write for a client.

Introduce yourself as a writer

Tell people that you are a writer. This will be a good confidence booster. Whenever you meet people, do not beat around the bushes, come straight forward, shake their hands and say you write.  Isn’t it a very simple way to boost your morale?

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