ITList Information Technology Blog » Career Management Current IT field related information Mon, 03 Oct 2011 03:14:33 +0000 en hourly 1 How to a Develop Effective Communication Skill? Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:32:23 +0000 bikram Communication skill is a vital part of our life. If you don’t have a good communication skill and fail to send the intended message across effectively, your relationship, work everything may suffer. Be it personal or professional life, effective communication is very important. Poor communication skill can result into conflict, misunderstandings, disagreement, and confusion resulting into anger, doubt, allegations and growing distance in relationships. Learn from mistakes; develop an effective communication skill. These tips may help you.

Improve your diction

Important of all things is your pronunciation. Even right grammar, great vocabulary skill may fall flat because of poor diction. Try to make your accent globally understandable. Start with singing English songs, talking in front of the mirror, imitating some ideal speakers or journalists, watching news in channels like BBC, CNN. Refer to for pronunciation guidance. Some books, audio CDs may help you too. While you speak, ask others to judge you, correct you.

Reading helps

Many times, we do not consider reading being related to speaking, but yes, it is. Unless you enrich yourself with good books you cannot reflect good communication power. So start reading as much as you can. Read good novels, journals, national dailies. Start with easy language oriented books; gradually move on to serious books. Read what interests you.

Keep a dictionary handy

Always keep a dictionary in your pocket. Whatever books you read, underline the words you are unable to understand. Make a list of words, which are new to you. Write their meanings. Now try to incorporate them in your daily conversation.

Good listener

To master good communication skill, you need to listen to good things first. Be a patient and attentive listener. See how experts speak. Do not interrupt or get defensive. Listener to others speaking.

See others point of view

Try getting others point of view, and then you will know how others can interpret your words. We all want to be heard, understood, and accepted. Encourage others to speak, try to understand their points. They will be more likely to listen to you if they feel heard.

Take criticism positively

Many of us just don’t like to be criticized. It is easy to feel critics are wrong and turn defensive. However, do not forget, it’s for your help only. Listen to the criticism, find out what makes them say so and work on the same.

Follow these tips and develop an effective communication skill.

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What are the Time Wasting Culprits? Fri, 13 May 2011 01:35:15 +0000 bikram Have you ever wondered why you fail to manage time effectively? What are the time wasters in your life, where do you unknowingly devote long hours and end up messing with the whole schedule of yours? Here are the common time killers.

Telephone interruptions

We hardly consider how much time we waste on telephonic conversations each day. Many of us are quite glued to our phones and don’t even realize how we waste a potent portion of the day conversing on phone. While working keep your phone either in silent mode or switch it off. It’s a big interruption while working.

Extended lunch breaks

While working at office, lunch is definitely not just a matter of eating, but also unwinding oneself. At the same time, extended lunch break filled with gossiping can actually prove to be a serious hazard. Keep lunch break relaxing, but not too addictive that you wish to carry it on and on for hours.

Frequent coffee or smoke breaks

At work place people are often seeing taking too frequent tea, coffee and smoke breaks. These are highly addictive and time wasters. You may think it’s a great way of unwinding yourself, but when done too frequently it’s more like a bad habit. You may end up socializing during these breaks and wasting lot of time.

Small naps are never small

People are often seeing taking small naps in-between work. But in reality they are hardly small ones get extended and definitely waste lot of time. They are addictive too, you may soon start regular naps. Rather than taking naps in between work, try to finish work first and then sleep with a relaxed mind.

Socializing on the job

People often socialize too much at work place, indulge into gossiping and waste big amount of time in a day.

Television watching

Television is one addictive medium, which results into severe time wastage. If you wish to watch something particularly on television, make sure you watch it only and don’t keep the television on for extended long hours. It results into huge time killing.

Social networking websites

These days a major chunk of the professionals, students, even home makers devote a large portion of their daily schedule in social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, Hi5, MySpace and the like. They are highly addictive and cause serious damage to work schedule.

Poor planning
Ill planning of daily schedule or inability to set priority of work can land one into grave problem. Start planning your daily work, set a priority ladder of most important work towards least important ones. Work on the same, accordingly.

Multi tasking

Don’t try to juggle between too many works. Work on a specific job at a time. Too many works at a time can distract you from your goal and shared attention results into average quality work.

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Mistakes to be Avoided while making and Delivering a PowerPoint Presentation Mon, 07 Mar 2011 00:56:16 +0000 bikram PowerPoint aided presentation is an integral part of formal presentation before the audience. It not only enhances depth of the presentation but also brings many more things on table like – easy to understand flowcharts and graphics, constant textual reminder, short and easy to comprehend points, sum up checklists towards end, a compact understanding of the entire topic. But while preparing and delivering a PowerPoint presentation speaker often loses focus and commits several notable mistakes. Don’t repeat these mistakes.

Too much of text

We are often tempted to overstuff our PowerPoint slides with too much of text and long paragraphs. Don’t forget presentation is all about putting points on slides and narrating or elaborating them in detail verbally. Don’t suffocate your presentation with too much of text. No one is interested in reading long texts. So write in bullets or points. Elaborate those verbally. Make sure you leave blank space in your slides.

Too much of animation

Many presenters love to show off their technical skills by animating each line or graphic of the slides. Remember, simplicity always sells. Don’t let the whoosh sound of your presentation distract the audience. It’s highly annoying when repeated. Keep slides simple, minimalistic, and elegant. Don’t animate each and every text or header or graphic element in it. Too much of rotation, blinking, floating, swinging of elements worsen a good content. Don’t use those animated sounds which are highly disturbing.

Baseless data

Presenters often put factual data, without mentioning the source. It’s a strict ‘no no’. Never put facts and figures, graphs without mentioning its source. No data seems authentic and valid without the source mentioned. People may doubt credibility of your presentation.

Reading out from the slides

Often presenters are seen doing nothing, but simply reading out whatever is there on the PowerPoint slide. It not only bores the audience, but also doesn’t add any value to the entire presentation session. You can add substantial value to a presentation only when you give your valuable inputs besides reading out from the slides alone. It also shows presenter’s lack of confidence, public speaking fear and lack of knowledge.

Make sure you avoid these mistakes.

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Why You Should Not Read Blogs, if You Want to Succeed? Tue, 01 Mar 2011 20:14:01 +0000 bikram I am certain you didn’t wake up today thinking of confronting such titles on a day when things are falling just in place for you, first time in many years. I know this introductory line sucks, and this is precisely why I wanted to write this blog post.

Why you shouldn’t read blogs?

The correct headline should be: why you should not read too many blogs. And the answer is because reading too many blogs takes time which else could have been devoted to taking action. Reading too many blogs would paralyze you. There are so many blogs out there, each one of them presenting different point of view, calls to different part of your mind. How can you respond to all?

How many should you read?

As many as you can in maximum two hours of time. I know I have been very liberal in allotting time to blog reading and I should have only asked for one hour. But we need to go slow when persuading people to change habit, or else our effort will not bear desirable result.

In the beginning, you should read and understand fully as many blogs as you can in 1-2 hours every day. Not a single minute extra should be wasted on this activity. But over time, you should reduce this time spent on blogging to 45-30 minutes.

What should you do in spare time then?

You should read books, industry journal, watch documentary, do research, or talk to people. In short, you should engage yourself in activities that give you more benefit. It is more about ROI on time invested. Some good blogs, like this one, do give you higher ROI on your time, but surfing through low-quality blogs take away from the overall benefit you get from reading a blog post.

Reading blog can be advantageous, and it often is, but indulging too much into it will reduce your productivity. So be judicious in your time allocation.

So what is the bottom line?

The bottom line is this: you must read various blogs, but your reading should not be limited to blog reading only. You should read from other sources as well. The varied your sources will be, the richer your experience will be.

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What Client seeks from its Service Providers? Sat, 19 Feb 2011 16:09:00 +0000 bikram Nature of clients and their size of business may vary, but clients’ requirements from its service providers remain same always. Service provider may be an advertising agency or printing agency, office furniture provider or security service provider. Every service provider comes with its own standard of operation and respective job requirement; but basic expectations from clients remain same everywhere.

These are the few requirements clients consider mandatory from its service providers.


Clients always look for authentic companies, who are in the business since long and have earned good reputation in the same. If company is new, inexperienced and can’t be traced easily client may not approach it.

Good image

Clients never wish to get associated with a service provider who has bad name in the market; since association with controversial companies also bring bad name in the industry. Choosing a prestigious company is very important for any client.

Competitive edge

Every client wants to remain ahead of its competitors whether in terms of office space décor or in stationary designs. It is not only an ego boost for the client, but also they love to talk about its service provider to all. If you wish your clients to stay with you for long time, always make sure you give something more than your competitors. Don’t compromise with the quality and never stop innovating something new.

Meeting deadline

Working within the stipulated timeframe is very important aspect of any business. Even if you are an excellent service provider with exceptional standard of quality, but you fail to give work on time clients may blacklist you forever. If client gives a deadline to its service provider, it definitely involves lot of thinking.


Clients look for recognized service provider. It can be recognition from an international council or government body or any well known institution. Clients hesitate to take risk of being associated with an unapproved or unrecognized company. It can also be recognition from well known personality.


Last but not the least, most of the clients prefer to keep their expenses as low as possible. Even if the service provider is excellent clients hesitate to pay a premium price for that. Clients may agree to pay little more than the industry standard rate, but not exorbitant.

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How to crack a Group Discussion Successfully? Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:50:00 +0000 bikram Group discussion is an opportunity to prove your ability, competence, team behavior, language skill, knowledge before the observer. Every modern job interview selection process or academic selection procedure is incomplete without the group discussion session. Even a successful candidate of personal interview and written test may miserably fail in group discussion session. So don’t let the group discussion opportunity slip off your hands. Make the most of it. Here are few tips for your help.

Don’t talk just for the sake of talking

It’s often noticed that people talk during the group discussion session, just for the sake of grabbing attention. It makes one look stupid and also shows lack of depth of knowledge. Talk only when you know enough about the topic in hand and you are confident. If you are not sure of yourself, wait for others to start, find clues from their conversations and then raise your voice. Don’t talk pointlessly, trying hard to prove a point.

Don’t shout to make a point

Just to get heard among many heads often participants end up shouting on top of their voice to prove a point. Wait for the right opportunity, raise your hand and state your point. If someone interrupts in middle, ask the person to wait and let you finish first. Shouting just to get noticed and beat others will create sheer confusion and chaos.

Stick to the point

Often we deviate from the main issue and stretch the topic too far. Don’t go far away from the main topic in hand. If the topic is controversial and raises lot of discussion, talk either in favor or against the topic in hand. Don’t keep switching between the two. Make sure you stick to your point and don’t go stretch it too far. Maintain the time limit.

Good start, great end

We often think it’s important to grab attention in the beginning only and thus put maximum energy in starting the group discussion rather than concluding nicely towards the end. Never commit this mistake. First impression is definitely the last impression, but an end moment fuss or ambiguity can tarnish the whole thing. So make sure, you are not only noticed in the beginning, but also equally heard and noticed towards the end. When time comes towards end, nicely wrap your message in an impressive conclusion. It will help you to leave a long lasting impression.

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How to Chill Out Even While Working in Office? Fri, 21 Jan 2011 16:10:50 +0000 bikram ‘Work and chilling together, and that too in office? Are you kidding me?’ That must be your upfront reaction. Right? Well, it may seem surprising but you can actually chill out at work too. Chilling in between work will not only make you more productive, but also help you to de-stress yourself and return home with a chirpy mood. Are you still wondering how? Here are some tips for you.

Take frequent breaks

We often make the mistake of working at a stretch without any break and thus pilling up stress. After you finish one particular job take a break and if the job is too long, divide it into few parts. Take breaks in between. You may go out to the terrace or balcony or just leisurely walk outside the office while having a cup of coffee. Breaks are even more enjoyable when you can grab a light hearted conversation with a colleague or over phone.

Music can keep you happy

Music is a charming device to remain happy and cheerful. If your office permits you and it doesn’t affect your productivity listen to music on your desktop or ipod in between work. It will keep your energy level high and enthusiastic. You will get back to work with double energy.

Colleagues can be friends too

We often think in office we can’t have good buddies and thus even don’t put an effort to make friends. But even two colleagues can be good friends. It will make your work life enjoyable and you will look forward to each day. In between work or during lunch and coffee breaks you can meet and have a nice chat session, discussing about work, personal life, problems, and opportunities. Who knows you may find a best friend at work place too. But don’t choose friends randomly and confide all secrets, it may land you into soup of troubles.

Internet is great

When you are not working, browse internet. It’s huge and endless. You can read, watch videos, download music, interact on social networking sites, and do endless activities. But if your office doesn’t permit it, don’t break rules.

Keep your workstation interesting

It’s your workstation where you spend long hours, think hard, come with ideas and work really hard. Then why not make it look really cool and comfortable. Let your workstation speak about you. You may put your friends’ and family pictures or interesting posters, accessories, write ups, stickers, calendars etc which can instantly perk up your mood.

Order food from outside

Food indeed brings happiness and togetherness. Apart from normal lunch, order food from good restaurants. You may convince all to contribute and enjoy the food. It will bring lot of happiness on the table.


Always think positive. It will help you to think good and remain optimistic even under work pressure. Smile, even if you pretend to. Slowly it will come naturally to you. Thinking positive will make you do positive things.

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How to Grab a Dream Job – Part 2 Sun, 09 Jan 2011 17:28:00 +0000 bikram In continuation to the last article about how to grab a dream job, this article includes many more tips regarding how to grab a dream job. Cultivate these habits.


Don’t forget quality can never be compromised in the long run. So to grab your dream job, you have to be competent enough to get it. How good are you for the dream job? Are you capable enough to do the job effectively? If you are applying for a graphic designer’s position, you should be skilled enough in graphic designing. You may be asked for a design portfolio besides creating an instant nice design on computer within the given time. Don’t forget, excellence can’t be ignored by anyone. So become competent enough to grab the dream job.

Do your research

It’s always advisable to do your research about the company before going for the interview. Go to its website, consult people. Know its mission, vision, clients, achievements, history, future plans etc. Your thorough knowledge about the company will impress the interviewer. It shows your interest and knowledge. Do your research about the industry and other competitors in the market too.

Stay honest

Integrity is very important. Maintain transparency. Don’t lie to the interviewer. Whether it’s regarding your age, educational qualification, job experience or reason for new job hunt – maintain transparency everywhere. Even if truth is not glorious at times, a good interviewer will definitely appreciate and value your honesty.

Don’t overcharge

Never quote a salary which is much ahead of standard fee. Definitely ask what you deserve, but not much ahead of standard salary. Don’t under price but don’t overprice either. Before quoting price know comparative prices in the industry. Even if you don’t get salary as per your own wishes, join. People will soon recognize your worth and provide what you deserve.

These few simple tips are highly effective. Targeting dream job is easy, but for acquiring the dream job one has to cultivate these good habits and evolve as a better professional. Start preparing yourself today; soon you will be ahead of others.

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What makes Successful People so Special? Sat, 08 Jan 2011 20:04:08 +0000 bikram Those who make it big are not stars fallen off the sky. They are humans like others, but made an effort to make their lives special by doing something meaningful and striking. Definitely, it’s not an easy task and also doesn’t happen overnight. But dedication, passion and some effective practices can help one to evolve as a winner. Get inspired from those effective people who have made it big and cultivate the habits which made them so special. Here are few of them –

Don’t wait, get proactive

Don’t wait for things to happen or let opportunities knock your door. Instead become proactive and grab opportunities. All leaders have remained proactive and not follower. Always remember to make a difference in this world, you have to come forward and make it, no one will make it for you. So get started.

Get your focus right on your goal

Without a goal motivating enough to make you act you can’t move ahead and do something big in life. Know what you wish to do in 10 years time. Then set your path towards achieving your goal. Now don’t sit back, work towards achieving it. Constant focus on goal is very important.

Don’t have a selfish goal

Most of the average people have a selfish goal, just work towards personal success. Remember, those people hardly make it big. Than mere personal success, think how you can make a difference in this world and change lives of many. Make sure you bring a change in the society.

Communicate effectively

Even your good purpose may fall flat unless you communicate it properly. Communicate effectively whether written, oral or verbal. To communicate well also develop good listening skill. Lend an ear, understand its meaning and feeling behind it. Communicate clearly, without keeping any ambiguity in between.

Don’t stagnate

Never get stagnant in life, always keep learning. Thirst for new things and knowledge will keep you on edge over others. Self renewal is very important. Enhance your skills, strengthen them, and learn new skills too.

Respect others

Respect for others is equally important for a winner. The person who thinks he knows it all and others can’t add any meaning to his life, never grows. Hold genuine respect for all irrespective of social class, gender, race, age. All may not appeal you, but accept this difference. It will help you to evolve as a mature and better person.

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When to Work When Guests Are At Your Home Sun, 02 Jan 2011 16:33:00 +0000 bikram One of the biggest challenges of a work from home professional is to find time to work, particularly when guests are there or there is a holiday. Meeting deadlines in such cases become a real challenge, but what is needed to be done should be done. There is no way out of it, unless you want to lose the client and his business forever.

In the times when your guests are at your home, you may need to exert yourself more, as you will work doubly — once to spend time with people you love and once to delight your customers with your impeccable work. We all face this kind of problem, and fortunately there is a way out of it. When I say a way out of it, I do not mean an easy way. Let me fist tell you about the ways out of it then you can decide to take it or leave it (this phrase sounds so filmy, isn’t it? Like the Godfather giving an unpleasant deal).

Work in the night

Once you have had all the laughs of the world, it is time to burn mid-night oil. This is kind of difficult, but you can manage it provided you do not end-up dining at mid-night. Stay awake for one or two hours in the night to finish the work.

Work Early morning

Waking up one hour early than usual could be tried. You can use this time to finish the works in due time. Early morning could be good, as your guests will not be waking so early, and nor will your kids and spouse.

Apart from these obvious times, you can also utilize the unplanned free time to complete the assignment. This way you will able to meet deadlines without sacrificing much on the fun your family and your guests are having. As I see, guests are not evil. They give you opportunity to break away from the monotonous life. Why not use it to the fullest? And to maintain pace of the work, do as suggested above.

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How to Find a Genuine Recruiter on Internet? Wed, 15 Dec 2010 11:24:00 +0000 bikram Internet is not only an engaging medium, but also a paying medium for many. It brings bread and butter for many houses, depending on Web based work. Internet is certainly a blessing, but its nature is again a challenge for the medium itself. Many people work together on Internet through mails, chats, voice chats without even knowing each other personally. Such relationship works on trust. There are many cases where the employee is c heated by the recruiter and faces immense loss. Don’t let it happen to yourself. If you can’t ensure 100%, you can still ensure till a much extent about getting hired by an authentic recruiter.

These guidelines may help you.

Take help of a medium

When you are new on Internet and don’t know which recruiter is trustworthy approach recruiters through websites. Many freelance websites take responsibility and ask employees to file a complaint against recruiter when cheated or abused. When approached with the right set of proofs they also ban the recruiter from its website. Find such websites and look for work over there. Make sure you communicate only through the website and you have all communication history stored over there. Once you work with a client and think he is good enough you can work with him in future, while communicating directly.

Read testimonials or search by recruiter’s name

When you are working with a client for the first time, make sure you get the maximum information about him or her. Don’t fall for a new client easily, choose an experienced recruiter. Read all testimonials or reviews about the recruiter on the website. See what past employees had to say about the recruiter – how many thumbs up and how many down are there. It may be an eye opener for you. If there’s no testimonial or if you have some doubt and wish to know further search his name on search engines and find out more about him or her.

Ask for required detail

If you can’t become too personal with the recruiter for work sake you can definitely ask for some personal detail like – full name, contact number, city, mail address, communication mode etc.

Make things clear

Never take things for granted. Whatever terms were discussed make sure you have a proof either on Internet history or you both sign a mutually agreed upon contract paper. Discuss about nature of work, specific requirements, deadline, mode of communication for clarifications, mode and terms of payment etc in advance.

Ask for some advance payment

Don’t feel shy to ask for some advance money before you start working together. It will keep both of you feel assured, happy and motivated. You may take 25% of the total work in advance, 25% after submission of first draft and the rest of 50% after final submission of work.

Now, finding a trustworthy recruiter won’t be difficult anymore.

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5 Tips to Nurture Creativity Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:44:04 +0000 bikram Are you trying hard to be creative and prove the creative spark within you? Don’t try so hard, we all are creative in greater or smaller proportion. At times it’s latent, so we don’t realize its power and consider ourselves not so creative. Don’t feel that way. All you need to do is stir the creative juice flowing within your mind. It will make you conceptualize ideas, innovate things. A creative mind and its output not only draw materialistic gain, but also immense mental satisfaction and physical well-being. Sharpen your creative side, today.

Here are some tips to evolve as a better creative person.

A pair of thirsty eyes

Change your vision, change the way you look at things with a pinch of newness. Get rid of pre-occupied ideas and notions. Look at things like a child with sheer enthusiasm, curiosity and eagerness. It will definitely help you to overcome your bias, see the world from a new perspective and develop a creative mind.

Stay active

Stay fit and active. An active mind only nurtures creativity and helps creative ideas to evolve. Exercise daily, fresh ideas can evolve anytime. Physical activities will also sharpen your mental acuteness.

Break the rule

A creative person can never be average and conventional. Challenge rules, conventions. Don’t make your life as like others. Try to be different. Break the monotony. If you normally go to movie every weekend, this weekend indulge yourself with a puppet show. Challenge your own understanding and see how you perform. Variety is the key to creativity. Don’t restrict your mind. Explore the world. Don’t follow route, create your own route.

Question everything

A curious mind always learns new things, cultivate creative ideas and innovate new things. Question everything around you. The answer may lead to some creative ideas.

Study things, read more

Learning is the key to creativity. Experience of life is enriched with studying the surrounding, studying art and music, voracious reading etc. It will expand your horizon and help you to evolve as a better creative person. Study people around you, their lifestyle, places, nature. It will give you many ideas. Reading will sharpen your vocabulary power and command on language. It will also help you to come across with better ideas.

Just go with the flow. Nurture your creative mind.

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How to Overcome Fear of Success? Sun, 05 Dec 2010 14:43:27 +0000 bikram Many of us suffer from the fear of success. It’s a realistic problem with many of us which needs to be checked, yet it’s not that grave matter which seeks psycho-analyst’s guidance. Just addressing the problem and following few tips can solve this problem. Here are some tips for your help.

Get to the root

Remember, it’s all in your mind and your mind controls all your actions and thoughts. So, if you can control your mind, all will fall in place. Do soul searching. Ask yourself if you are scared of rejection. Do you dare to take risk? Remember, risk taking attitude is a must for an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur with right set of attitude and talent draws success. Do you wish to be different from others always? Do you fear popularity? Get to know yourself, what you want and at the cost of what? What’s your dream? How far can you go to achieve your dreams? Find out what makes you scared of success and avoid it? Don’t be harsh to yourself; just find out what scares you.

Prepare yourself

Prepare yourself, right now. Don’t blame your destiny if you are not welcomed by opportunities. Opportunities only reach people who are prepared. If you are prepared, you will be awaiting success, not fearing it anymore. Just get into the mode of giving your 100%, success will follow automatically. If you make the first effort, second effort will be easier. Also stay consistent. Failure shouldn’t stop you. Keep on giving your best every time. Success can be late, but not impossible to attain. Practice will make your perfect too. And it will also boost your self-confidence and sharpen your skills. So don’t fear practice and preparation session, it’s a stepping stone towards future.

Do it now

Talking doesn’t help. It may boost your confidence and keep you motivated. But it’s doing that makes the difference in reality. So get started, right now. Dream will remain dream only if you don’t work towards achieving it. Don’t fear mistakes. Just start. Know what it takes to achieve your target and success.

Life may not give you a second chance. So go for it, give your best. Cherish success. Don’t let the fear of success control your life. Crumble it into pieces for once and forever. Just a fear can’t take away your share of success. Face it.

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How to Become Organized? Wed, 27 Oct 2010 16:46:00 +0000 bikram Who doesn’t wish to be organized in life? Many of us take pledges of becoming organized, everyday. But only few actually manage to become organized. But if one gets into the habit of staying organized, life becomes much smoother and easier. Who wants to keep searching for a pen in the house when needed, and finding it after 3 days from the cupboard? It’s not only inconvenient but also very frustrating. Whereas, by staying little bit organized, one can not only stay at ease, but also emotionally balanced and grounded. They are capable of managing time better, stay in a cheerful de-stressed mood forever. They don’t feel insecure or imbalanced. An organized place looks warm, clean, relaxing and happy.

Here are some tips about getting organized.

Start connecting things

Start making mental connections. Organizing things is a mental process. Start treating similar objects as a group. As for example, suppose you are shifting to a new house. While packing your stuff keep kitchen equipments together in a box. All glass items which are breakable could be in one box. Put all woolen clothes in a box. This way, you are actually memorizing things which are similar in nature or by any other reference. You could also group things of same material or color or size. Start grouping and connecting things in your mind.

Divide things

Just similar to the process of assembling or connecting, you can also divide things into separate entities. If you have a huge database of names, you could divide them alphabetically into different sections. And then put them into different folders, with alphabets of names written on top. Too many things together need segregation into many parts. It gets easier to remember.

Keep things in their own place

Don’t keep shifting place of things, it will confuse you and make you forget when needed. So make sure a book is in the book shelf only, money is in the wallet. If you use a thing, place it back where it was initially. If a thing is in its actual position for long, it becomes memorized and habituated to.

Re-sort things often

Even if you are super organized, with time things get scattered, mixed and cluttered. Such situation calls for re-sorting and re-arrangement. New clothes get mixed with the old ones, gadgets pile up, shoes get stored one on the other and such situations calls for re-arrangement and re-sorting.

Get rid of stuffs

At times one needs to get rid of not so important or obsolete old stuffs, to make space for the new upcoming ones. If something has been part of your life since long but has no such meaning in present term, get rid of it. You need not be sentimental about it.

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How to Stay Motivated? Fri, 22 Oct 2010 01:32:08 +0000 bikram It’s very easy to give some pep talks about motivation and weave dreams in reader’s mind. But even if those excite us for a moment, the moment it’s over, its effect witnesses a sharp fall too. Talking big just doesn’t work. What we need is an actual realistic motivational factor, everyday, which will keep us going. Motivation will make you reach your goals, curb depression and frustration and stay in a good mood. A pessimist reaches nowhere. It’s only a motivated, optimist who works enthusiastically, with full vigor and passion towards his or her objectives in life.

Here are some realistic tips towards staying motivated, everyday.

Relax in between work, don’t be overstressed

An overstressed mind and body can’t be motivated enough. Human body and mind seek adequate rest. Only a refreshed body and mind can be receptive to fresh ideas, new learning. In between work, take few breaks, refresh yourself with small naps. If that’s not possible, don’t compromise with 8 hours long sound sleep at night. You will wake up fresh and rejuvenated.

A stroll could do wonders

Don’t captivate yourself within the four walls. It not only gets monotonous, but your soul also gets deprived from the fragrance of Mother Nature, fresh air and sunshine. Step out every day, go for a walk. It will not only keep your mind fresh, but also keep you healthy and fit. A fit body will keep you energetic, happy and in good mood. Choose early morning or evening. If you wish, listen to your favorite track of music while taking a walk. You’ll return with a pleasant mood, filled with energy and happiness.

Entertain yourself

All work and no entertainment, makes life appear gay. So, make sure there’s some fun that you look forward to everyday, at the end of work. Either watch good movies or comics or television shows which make you laugh and stay amused. A good laughter is much needed than medicines. It will keep you entertained and in a light cheerful mood.

Learn every day, read something new

Apart from starting your day with a newspaper, learn something every day. Read something. It could be a novel, a new recipe, a beauty guide, an interview. If normally you read novel opt for a lifestyle magazine or a travel journal. It will spice up your life and make each day enjoyable.

Enjoy small weekend getaways

Don’t let the weekend be same as you weekdays. Treat yourself with small getaways if not big trips to other cities. Just go to the country side or somewhere in city, where you have never been. Explore new places in your surroundings. Take camera along. Even if for a day, treat yourself with a day out. It will keep you highly motivated. If you are a busy professional, it’s strongly recommended.

Find a motivated self with these tips.

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3 Very Effective but Rarely Used Job-Search Strategy Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:59:00 +0000 bikram What most people do when they search for a job? They scan the job portals, and scour through newspaper ads. These are obvious places to look for, and almost everyone uses these job-search strategies. In this article, I am going to show you 3 non-so-obvious places that will help you find a job before anyone else does so.

Business networking sites

If you are looking for a job, and could not find a good one through the usual channels then business networking websites like LinkedIn and Ryze are the ones you should scan first. People often advertise jobs here, but to be successful in here, you will have to first make your presence felt by preparing a strong profile that should have some sound recommendation.

Job boards and forums

Believe it or not, forums also help people in getting hired. There are many job boards and forums where people ask and respond to various questions. You should also participate in such forums because it is the quality of your answers will increase your reputation, which will eventually land you in a decent job, as people are always on the look for a knowledgeable worker.


Yes blogging can get you a full-time job as well. A blog does not only help you find a freelance gig, but it also helps you showcase the understanding of your field to the world. And it should not come to you as a surprise that employers love to have employees that are knowledgeable and astute. Your blog demonstrate both to the outside world.

Of the above three sources that we discussed above, blogging is the one which people do not take seriously as a job-search tool. Most of them are quite skeptic about the effectiveness of this tool, which makes it a very rarely used job-search tool. That is why I will suggest using this first.

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3 Biggest Benefits of Part-time Freelancing Fri, 10 Sep 2010 07:23:00 +0000 bikram The side benefit of being a knowledge worker is the fact that you can anytime start on your own and make yourself free from the grind of “leaving home at 8.30 and returning god knows when.” And did I forget to say nosy bosses?

But, as you can guess it, the road less travelled is not nicely paved, so there could be a lot of patches, holes, dust, dirt, broken patches, and even molten pitches, so to speak on the road to freedom. You need to be cautious when faring through such road. That is why part-time freelancing is always a good idea before you embark on this life-changing journey. To help you take an informed decision, I am going to show you the 3 biggest benefits that part-time freelancing offers.

3 biggest benefits of part-tome freelancing

Get an opportunity to test the water

It is always wise to test the water before you leap into it completely submerging yourself up till your nose. By starting part-time freelancing you can test if the quality of your output is worth its salt or not. Based on the feedback you get from your clients and experiences you earn, you can fine tune your skills and yourself to make it marketable.

Extra bucks in extra time

Part time freelancing also helps you put some extra bucks in your pockets, every single day. This money could be used to meet your financial obligations and even you can use it to finance your vacation. Yes, you can earn this much to support your vacation.

Still get to put bread on the table and smile on your kid’s face

This is the biggest benefit of part-time freelancing. It allows you to keep your current job, which inevitably mean putting bread on the table and smile on your kid’s face — well, on the faces of everyone in the family.

Before you utter the highly motivated, adrenaline-charged two-word phrase, “I quit”, you should start your freelancing career as a part-timers, which you can turn anytime into a fulltime venture.

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Criteria for Selection of an Ideal Job Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:40:00 +0000 bikram Just a job offer is not enough at times. Even if we manage to crack many job interviews we choose the best one. Unfortunately we often make a hasty decision and end up judging a job just on the basis of good salary package. That’s definitely one very important criteria of job selection, but not the only factor. There are many factors to be considered before making any decision. They are discussed below.

Location of the office

Location of your work place is one very important criteria of job selection. If one doesn’t have own conveyance and depends solely on public transports; one has to consider the distance from the workplace, means of communication and the cost it incurs. Public transport again helps in saving money spent on gas and time wasted in traffic. Location in a poor area may threaten the female employees.


Alluring perks always attract employees. Perks like gym within the office campus, day care centers for babies, swimming pool, company provided car naturally attract all. Perks also come with position and experience. Interact with the Human Resource team to know about the perks offered.

Growth and Increment

Even a fat salary package seems inadequate over a couple of years of time. At the age of 20 the salary package which seems irresistible, appear convincingly inadequate at the age of 30. That’s the irony of salary package. A job which doesn’t offer much scope of growth and annual increments isn’t attractive to its employees. It’s like a mundane job, which no one wishes to stick to for long. Not only in terms of money; but one needs to scrutinize the opportunity for growth, hierarchy within the organization and delegation of duties and responsibilities to its employees.

Work environment

One should also scrutinize the work environment. Is it a very loud place or quiet? Is the environment casual or formal and strict? Are people cooperative and friendly or very judgmental and formal? Is the work culture very nice or quite ordinary and cheap? Does the company consider about employees’ comfort and space required or is it very suffocating? Is it a safe place for women? Such factors definitely affect productivity and mental peace.

Job security

Job security is a big concern for the employees. Younger employees may not need to worry about it, but family men definitely need to check it. Is the job safe and what does its past track record says? Do your research. Check the company’s market share, reputations, strength, frequency of vacancies advertised etc. Employees should ask questions related to the job security during interview session.

Do what keeps you happy

Get into a job which delivers maximum job satisfaction and is close to your heart. Even if the job is not very money making, your love for it could keep you happy for life. If you are passionate artist you can’t be happy for life in a banking job. Do what keeps you happy and satisfied. That’s a key to success.

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How to Become an Ideal Employee at Work? Sun, 22 Aug 2010 05:41:15 +0000 bikram We all work for money. This fact has no contradiction. But beyond money there are many things more which make us work, like – work satisfaction, reputation of the company, good work atmosphere, excellent team or boss, perks and facilities, growth opportunity and reward. But we forget that an ideal job also looks for an ideal employee, with whom it can build long term mutually beneficial relationship. Head hunters are constantly looking for an ideal person for the vacant profile. We are not born as an employee, but following few tips we can actually outshine the rest and become an ideal employee for the company, a true asset for it. Who knows ‘Best Employee of the Year’ title may be waiting for you only.


  1. Nothing can replace good performance. Good performance is possible only when the employee is 100% dedicated, hard working, focused and competent. Don’t forget you are definitely competent, else the company wouldn’t have chosen you. No one can take away your success if you give your 100% to your job with sheer dedication and hard work. Don’t think about the result, just believe in doing. Good deeds bring success along. Hard work never goes unnoticed, it silently reflects in work.
  2. Maintain transparency at work. If you commit mistake, admit it. Don’t run away from the truth. A truthful, honest employee easily wins boss’s trust and reliability.
  3. Be punctual. Reach office on time. Don’t hesitate to put the extra few hours at work. It will show your dedication towards work.
  4. Always meet the task deadlines. It shows your competence, discipline, dedication and accountability. Set a false deadline for yourself, marked as a day before the actual task completion date.
  5. Follow office rules and regulations, policies. You may not like the rules always, you can ask for their alteration through proper channels like – human resource or administration department, employees’ suggestion box. Even an efficient employee goes ignored at times because of his attitude towards the office policies.
  6. A good attitude always pays back. Maintain honesty, humbleness, cooperative, polite attitude towards all, irrespective of the hierarchy. A good human gets noticed everywhere. Patience is also the key to success.
  7. Last but not the least, go an extra mile always. Try to excel in whatever job you are assigned to do. Do more than required. There’s no harm in doing a bit more than others, if you are eyeing at the big success, much more than others.

These few valuable tips can actually make you a winner in life, an ideal employee every company hunts for.

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How to Craft an Effective Speech? Fri, 16 Jul 2010 03:52:03 +0000 bikram Whether it’s at your marriage anniversary or at office seminar – you have to deliver a nice speech, everywhere. It’s the art of delivering a substance of 2 minutes in 2 hours, laced with confidence, good vocabulary, interaction, spontaneity and interesting ideas. Don’t try to mug up the whole speech. Make it spontaneous, relaxed, and natural. Develop a speech which will leave impression behind in the hearts of the people.

Guide to a perfect speech generation:

Map the audience

Find out whom you are going to deliver your speech to, how old they are, and which part of the country they are from. The better you analyze your audience, the easier it will be for you to prepare the speech. It will help you to develop the perfect style, set the mood, and connect with the audience by including relevant jargons. Most importantly, it will help you to pick up the apt topic, as per the interest of the audience. It must add value to their lives whether by solving a problem or setting new goals and vision. Develop an emotional connect with the audience.

Pick a relevant topic

Topic should relate to the audience. Don’t pick up a topic you are not comfortable with. You can turn spontaneous only when you have some command on the topic. Pick up a topic of interest. It can be an outcome of your personal life, general topic, current topic, or a browsed topic from Internet, magazines and newspapers. Unless you are passionate about the topic, don’t pick it up.

Set the objective and time frame

Every communication has a set objective. Speech is not an exception either. Set specific objective like what you want to achieve or want the audience to do. It will help you develop the structure of the speech, limit the content, streamline your thoughts, and march towards a desired outcome. Make important points and elaborate them, but don’t stretch too far. Too much elaboration bore the audience.

Use your imagination and build story

Hues of imagination instill life into a speech. Stretch your imagination and let it fly high. Grab attention of the audience right from the beginning. Use vivid examples while explaining the points you put across. Talk about personal experiences. Make it dramatic and personalized.

Relax and speak

Don’t appear as if you are rushing. Relax while you speak. Don’t talk in too high pitch. Don’t get too nervous, little bit of fear is okay. If initially you are to scared start practicing in front of family, friends, and mirror.

Last but not the least, enjoy!

Confidence oozes when you enjoy the session. It shouldn’t seem like a burden but an enjoyable activity. Make eye contact to appear confident and bold. Be yourself. Don’t get tempted to be like someone else.

And soon you’ll find you are the master of speech delivery.

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