ITList Information Technology Blog » Anonymity Current IT field related information Wed, 11 Apr 2012 23:45:02 +0000 en hourly 1 Why Should you Choose Online Career Counseling? Sun, 02 Oct 2011 04:02:44 +0000 bikram Career counseling itself is a specialized profession seeking special skills, efforts. But with passing days and busy schedules people do not get much time to visit a career counselor and get counseling done. But, since Internet has entered human lives with a buzz, people look forward to Internet for all problem solutions. Students seek personal career counseling where they can open up, share their concerns and queries and get helped by genuine guidance. Students are benefited by this for many reasons. Here are some of them.


Best part of online counseling is that you need not unearth your identity, you can remain anonymous and keep your identity hidden. You need not convey your true identity, you may choose not to share personal details. You may take help of career counselor with different identities every time. You may find out different guidances, different views when you approach the counselor with different identities. Anonymousness may help you to get genuine help from the counselor.

You can choose anyone, anywhere

If you choose a career counselor for guidance, you may end up with limited numbers of choices in your city, locality or country at the best. As a result, you may deprive yourself from the guidance of best counselor. But when you are opting for online career counselors, you have lots of options open. You may choose a counselor from anywhere in this world. You need not worry about geographical boundaries. You will have access to best quality counselor from all across the world.

You may choose multiple ways

f you are opting for online counseling you may have multiple options. You may interact with the online counselor via voice chat, talking on the microphone and even choosing webcam for viewing. On the other hand if you wish not to talk, you may simply choose text chat. So you have multiple options before you.

Less distractions, shoot listed questions

Online counseling is equipped with less distracting elements. There are no physical distracting elements around to confuse the student. In online counseling the student can remain focused and shoot all questions to the counselor while referring to the questions already listed beforehand.

Online counseling is picking up fast. Make the best use of it.

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Best-Kept Secret Twitter Tips for Job Search (Part 7) Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:35:31 +0000 bikram So far in the series on twitter job search, we have covered branding and networking, now it is time to talk about etiquette. Etiquette plays a major role when it comes to getting a job, through twitter or otherwise. It would be in your best interest to mind your manners, as no one likes a person who cannot behave nicely in the perceived shadow of anonymity that twitter or any other website provides.

Use direct message or DM, as it is known on twitter

Do not start sending confidential or sensitive information on the twitter’s public timeline using @ symbol. This is akin to taking someone’s bedroom talk to nearest pub. No one is going to like it, and you by doing so are risking your reputation. Instead, send sensitive or personal information in a direct message. Send your résumé link, interview request, etc., in DM only.

Hit Reply

Many a time job seekers do not pay much attention to DMs sent to them, or to the messages sent to them using @ symbol. Always, always, always respond to all direct and indirect messages sent to you. This will paint a picture of a guy who is helpful, friendly, and prompt. These are the traits of an employee that anyone will like to hire.

Count your words before you write

Twitter allows you only 140 characters that also include spaces and special characters, so be wise in the word selection. 140 characters are all you have, and it is on you to decide how you will make each character add to the value your tweet will deliver. Do not use unnecessary superlatives, adjectives, and adverts. I will rather suggest you to stay away from every word that has nothing to add to the discussion.

Go and check your tweets, and DMs to see if your tweets and DMs meet the standard set above or not. Fix them, if they don’t, and continue using twitter the way you do, if you do not find any problem.

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How to get a Proper Feedback for Anything Under the Sun Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:18:44 +0000 bikram A feedback is important. It plays a crucial role in our personal or professional development, but it works only if we get a proper feedback. An improper feedback like, “things look good to me” does not do any good. Therefore, the real challenge is to know how to get a proper feedback from people around us.

In this article, I have tried to provide a workable “feedback seeking system” which you can use to get a proper feedback. You can also modify the system, if you feel something is missing.

Step 1: Define your feedback goal

Why you want a feedback and on what? The answer to this question matters a lot. A generic feedback like, “all is good” or “there is some problem here and there, but the rest is good” will not do any good. Set a target for why you want a feedback. If you have written something then the feedback you can seek could be related to your writing style, coherence, grammatical and punctuation errors, or overall understandability. You can subdivide your work in this way and ask for feedback about the particular thing you want to know.

Step 2: Qualify your feedback source

Do not seek feedback from anyone and everyone. It will do no good. A proper feedback should come from a qualified source. Ask your senior, your client, your boss, your teacher, or anyone who is more qualified than you are on the subject for the feedback. A washerwoman’s feedback on the structure of your SQL database will serve nothing.

Do not ask your family or the closest friend who knows everything about your project for the feedback. Good or bad, it will never give you the feedback that you can use.

Step 3: Ask targeted question

Ask questions relevant to the feedback goal you set in step one. Do not pose generic question, as it will not fetch desired answer. Ask a targeted question and listen patiently for the answer.

Step 4: Promise anonymity

If feedback sought is for something or someone else then assure your source that his or her identity will be kept hidden if he or she wishes to do that. And if the feedback is about you then tell the feedback source that his or her honest opinion will not tarnish your relationship. This is very important.


Do not lose heart if you do not get positive feedback from all quarters. No matter how smart your source is, he or she can still be short-sighted or wrong. Show confidence in your ability.

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Overcoming The Fear Of Writing Rejection Thu, 22 Oct 2009 01:43:43 +0000 SamElli Overcoming the fear is essential to any writer.  You just can’t work hard and be successful if you have the fear, because nothing you do will measure up to your anxieties.  OF course the fear I’m referring to is how your work will be received.  Many people are afraid to have other people read their writing because they can’t face rejection.  But if you choose to be a writer, that is an anxiety that you really can’t afford to have.  Otherwise you’d have a hard time making a living out of writing projects created only for yourself.

You have to realize that in most cases the fear, or anxiety that you feel could just be a fear of the unknown.  You haven’t put yourself out there and been rejected, so you don’t know how it feels.  Having that unknown component can make rejection seem worse than it actually becomes.

Try to combat this by writing within your strengths at first.  You’ll be more likely to produce content that you actually like by writing on subjects you know about first hand, or are in general very knowledgeable about.  Plus you’ll be able to write more effectively concerning information you’re already comfortable with.  Don’t push yourself outside your comfort zone in the beginning.

Get all the creative criticism that you can find, and take all of it into account.  This is a good step to help you really put yourself out there.  Try starting small, with friends or family.  Or even if that seems to embarrassing at first, try a writer’s website, where you can retain your anonymity, but still receive feedback.  This way nobody knows the writing is yours, or even who you are, and you can get the feedback you need to take into account, to grow as a writer.

From there, when you feel you’ve fine tuned enough, it’s time to take a deep breath and submit that first piece.  Whether it’s a story, or an article, etc.  The only way that you can get past your fear, is to jump headfirst into submitting your content.  Remember that you’re going to get rejected, it’s a fact.  Even the greats have gotten a huge portion of their work rejected in the past.  You’ll be no different.  Rejection is a huge part of the job, just learn to deal with being rejected, and move on.

Most importantly, don’t let rejection stop you.  Being a successful writer is more about how you deal with rejection than anything else.  So don’t let your fear stop you, because it’s hard to become a writer if you never put your ideas out there.

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Why to Write a Press Release Fri, 11 Sep 2009 03:27:39 +0000 bikram Do you know what PR is? Well, it could mean press release, I can see you are primed by the title, but it doesn’t exactly stand for that. Then what PR stands for? Page Rank? May be, but the PR I am talking about has not exactly to do with Page Rank, so any guess?


PR stands for public relation, and press release is a very important tool to accomplish the public relation goal. We will not go deep into describing public relation in this blog post, suffice it to say that unlike advertisement, which is a direct communication from the company, public relation is the third party endorsement of a brand or company.

The essence of successful PR campaign lies in the anonymity of the company who created or ran the campaign. Most of the news that you read in the newspaper is actually a direct outcome of PR.

Why should I write a press release

Well, press releases are written to communicate to the general public the recent developments in the company in question. And by development I mean meaningful development, and not developments like these: your boss moved up to another position, or your CEO just sneezed. Developments that make news should be newsworthy. Some eminent personality of BBC (perhaps, I cannot be sure of who he was) once said,

“If a dog bites a man, it is not a story, but if a man bites a dog it is news.”

Following the lead many companies create the artificial “a man biting a dog” stories to get press coverage, and it get covered.


Journalists get either paid to do that or they are stupid enough to not separate wheat from chaff.

For whom should I write a press release?

As with any form of corporate communication that goes outside the corporate boundary, the ultimate target audience of a press release is the general public, but this is not what we should be primarily concerned with while writing the press release.

If we do so, our press releases will not be taken. The direct target audience of a press release is the journalist who is going to do his story based on the press release that we will send him about us. If the journalist is not impressed, our press release will hit the trash bin sooner than it should.

The general public is the indirect target audience of a press release. Their interest should also be at back of your mind while writing a press release, or else, why would you write one?

A parting thought

When I started writing this post, I thought this will be a single stand-alone post on press releases, but after reaching to this point I felt, I will not be doing justice to the topic, if I do not cover every aspect of press releases, and this gave me an opportunity to write at least three more posts on the topic. So, be on the look, and meanwhile send in your suggestions either here through the comment box or mail me on bikram [at] biksy [dot] com.

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