ITList Information Technology Blog » Beneficial Relationship Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 How to Become an Ideal Employee at Work? Sun, 22 Aug 2010 05:41:15 +0000 bikram We all work for money. This fact has no contradiction. But beyond money there are many things more which make us work, like – work satisfaction, reputation of the company, good work atmosphere, excellent team or boss, perks and facilities, growth opportunity and reward. But we forget that an ideal job also looks for an ideal employee, with whom it can build long term mutually beneficial relationship. Head hunters are constantly looking for an ideal person for the vacant profile. We are not born as an employee, but following few tips we can actually outshine the rest and become an ideal employee for the company, a true asset for it. Who knows ‘Best Employee of the Year’ title may be waiting for you only.


  1. Nothing can replace good performance. Good performance is possible only when the employee is 100% dedicated, hard working, focused and competent. Don’t forget you are definitely competent, else the company wouldn’t have chosen you. No one can take away your success if you give your 100% to your job with sheer dedication and hard work. Don’t think about the result, just believe in doing. Good deeds bring success along. Hard work never goes unnoticed, it silently reflects in work.
  2. Maintain transparency at work. If you commit mistake, admit it. Don’t run away from the truth. A truthful, honest employee easily wins boss’s trust and reliability.
  3. Be punctual. Reach office on time. Don’t hesitate to put the extra few hours at work. It will show your dedication towards work.
  4. Always meet the task deadlines. It shows your competence, discipline, dedication and accountability. Set a false deadline for yourself, marked as a day before the actual task completion date.
  5. Follow office rules and regulations, policies. You may not like the rules always, you can ask for their alteration through proper channels like – human resource or administration department, employees’ suggestion box. Even an efficient employee goes ignored at times because of his attitude towards the office policies.
  6. A good attitude always pays back. Maintain honesty, humbleness, cooperative, polite attitude towards all, irrespective of the hierarchy. A good human gets noticed everywhere. Patience is also the key to success.
  7. Last but not the least, go an extra mile always. Try to excel in whatever job you are assigned to do. Do more than required. There’s no harm in doing a bit more than others, if you are eyeing at the big success, much more than others.

These few valuable tips can actually make you a winner in life, an ideal employee every company hunts for.

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