ITList Information Technology Blog » Distraction Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 Writing for Web – Things to Keep in Mind Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:20:00 +0000 bikram Writing for the Internet is different from writing for any other media, as there are far more distraction here than you can see anywhere else. There are so many things vying for your audience’s limited amount of attention that the attention is too thinly distributed among all the tempting elements.

Your copy or content has to perform in this chaotic world. Wouldn’t it be too much to ask your content to do without providing it the weapon necessary to cut through the clutter? Those weapons are scannability, keywords, and short paragraphs. You need to keep following things in mind when writing for the web:

  1. Keep the paragraph short. You are not creating a literary piece, so there is no need to make the paragraphs long. 3 to 4 sentences long paragraphs are enough.
  2. Divide your articles using headings and subheadings.
  3. Use important items as bullet points.
  4. Use keywords in H1, H2, H3, and other heading tags.
  5. Use primary keyword as early in the title as you can.
  6. Use important keywords in the first 50 words, or at least in first 100 words.
  7. Use headings and subheadings to communicate key ideas.
  8. Use standard font in the blog or article you post on your website, so that most of the people can read the items.
  9. You can also insert images and tables in an article or blog post to make the article scannable.
  10. Keep the sentences shorter.
  11. Do not confuse your readers by addressing too many issues in a small article. Keep it simple.

Your article or blog post should be constructed in such a way that your audience gets the central idea in the first 30 seconds. This is the amount of time one has for any online item. The visitors may stay longer if you succeed in retaining the audiences’ attention within this time limit.

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Freelance Writing and Work hours Sat, 26 Jun 2010 02:29:53 +0000 bikram This is one of the most common questions asked by freelance writing aspirants. They want to know if a freelance writer has to work from morning till evening, or just couple of hours a day will be sufficient. Another thing that bothers them in this regard is when one should write? These are valid questions, and need proper consideration before you embark on the freelance writing ship.

When to work?

There is no definite answer to this question as one can work whenever one wants as long as one meets the given deadline. I know many freelance writers that write in the morning, right after they wake up. Upon asking, they told me that writing in the morning is more fun as the mind is fresh and ideas keep coming.

I also know freelance writers who work in the deep darkness of the night. They feel they can produce good quality work in the night as there is seldom any distraction at that hour; no phone calls, no people coming over to meet, and kids and wives remain asleep then.

There are freelance writers who want to work during the day because for them working regular hours – from 9 or 10 in the morning till 5 or 6 in the evening – and maintaining a fix work schedule is important. They feel by working a regular hour they can take time out for family.

There are people who say they do not have any fix timing. They can work randomly at any hour without compromising the deadline or quality of the work to be delivered. They believe that the “hour of the day has no effect on their output”.

All of the people I talked to are excellent writers, and they produce excellent output for their clients. In the light of discussions I had, I believe working hour is not important. What is important is the quality of the output and timeliness of delivery. I must mention here that I do not endorse “working random hours” , as it affects the quality of output.

How long one has to work?

This depends where you are in your career and what your financial goal is. If you are starting out then you have to work long hours to meet your financial obligations, but if you are a veteran then you can work just for 3-4 hours and meet your financial goal, provided it is not very lofty.

I know people who worked for 15 to 16 hours (even more) when they started out, but as they gained experience and got good paying clients they reduced the number of working hours.

If you are starting out as a freelance writer then expect to work for more than 12 hours in a day, but as the time will pass you can reduce this to 4 to 6 hours a day.

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Are You a Freelance Writer, Do You Know How to Fight Distraction? Sat, 05 Dec 2009 02:11:11 +0000 bikram For a freelance writer, it is quite easy to get distracted because he works from home. For the large part of the day, people in our home keep either talking or watching television, which never fails to distract us. This is frustrating, which further sucks away our productivity.

How to avoid it?

Fortunately, there is a way out of it, which anyone of you can use to avoid distraction, regardless of your situation.

Assign yourself a place of work

This is the must-take action for any freelance writer. It is not good to carry your laptop and sit anywhere in your home to work, well occasional working-in-kitchen will not hurt but do not make it a routine. I know it sounds against the spirit of freelance writing—you can work from anywhere and anytime—but this is worth a deviation. Find a lonely corner in your house and turn it into a workplace.

Fix your work hours

I may sound like talking against the freedom of freelance writing, but my intention is not to drag you back into the 9-5 job that you left in the past, it is only to help you produce more. And as it is you can anytime pull the string and call it off.

Work, no matter what

Once you fix your work hour, you should stick to it, no matter what. Well, you can deviate from “no matter what” principle without any guilt feeling when you know you need to. Occasion deviation never hurts, at least not in our profession.

Talk to your family

At times, getting things write just need a word from us. Talk to your family and tell them that you are working around here, so not to create distraction. Well this might not work with a disgruntled spouse, but in most of the cases, this will be enough. Believe it or not, they understand the value of the work you are doing.

As you can see, fighting off distraction does not take so much of muscle power as much it takes discipline and tactics. What are your tactics to fight this monster off? Use the comment box and tell me your strategies.

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Write an Article in Less than 20 Minutes Tue, 03 Nov 2009 03:46:29 +0000 bikram Writing fast is the dream cherished by every writer, casual or professional. Some achieves it and other just hope to achieve it. In this post, I will reveal the secret of writing fast. Just follow the steps written below and you will end up writing a well-crafted piece in less than 20 minutes.

Step 1: Research the subject matter

Before beginning to write, gather some key information related to the topics you are going to write about in the article. Do not waste your time in finding every aspect related to the subject at hand. Find only what is necessary to explain what you want to write. Once they are handy, stop researching.

Step 2: Remove all distraction

Switch off your cell phone or put it in silent, remove your landline cord (if you cannot put it in silent), log out from your mail as well as social book marking accounts, log out from all instant messaging services, and also remove the internet connection for the time being.

Step 3: Write down the bullet points

Be quick and write down the bullet points that you are going to cover in the article. It should not take much time, if your pre-writing research is in place.

Step 4: Do not write and edit

Avoid using backspace and delete key when you are writing. Leave the editing work for later. Right now focus your energy on crafting the piece.

Step 5: Edit

Do not waste a life time editing an article. This is nothing but a sheer waste of time, unless you are sending your article for some research or academic journal. Remove the issues you had while writing the article.


Follow these steps and your writing will be quick. Do you wish to know how much time did it take me to write this short piece? Well it took me 9 minutes to write all this. It could have been 6 or 7, if I had not fall prey to editing while writing. Hope, you will not make the same mistake that I did while writing this, and get the work done real quick.

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Writing A Business Email Thu, 17 Sep 2009 19:18:32 +0000 SamElli Knowing how to properly format a professional business email is very important.  Not knowing how to do so could result in you appearing unprofessional, or under qualified, or unfortunately just unintelligent.  The business email format follows a fairly strict set of rules, to stay professional, and to flow so that your point is made immediately.  Oftentimes you have to write and answer dozens of these every day, so the importance of getting ideas across quickly is invaluable.

Start of by knowing your audience.  The format of an email to a colleague, opposed to one directed at your boss, you’ll find are written a different way.  Think about how well you know the person, as well as how they fit into the company ladder, as each point will affect your tone throughout the email.  But no matter how well you think you know a person, never get too informal.  Don’t compromise your professionalism for anything.

Know what you’re writing about, before you compose the email.  If it’s an answer to a question, make sure that you know the answer forwards and backwards.  The worst thing you can do is give an incorrect answer when someone has come to you for help.  So do your research!

Keep the purpose of the email in mind, and stay on topic with that purpose.  You want the email to just be a quick question or answer.  Something that a person can read with ease, take what they need, and then move on to getting more work done afterward.   You don’t want your email to serve as a distraction, not at work.

Address everyone formally, and never make the email about your personal issues.  The last thing you want to do is drone on about something that’s making you angry at work.  Just stay on topic, keep it short, and remain professional and courteous.

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Being A Better Worker Sat, 15 Aug 2009 13:55:55 +0000 SamElli Being a better worker is all about time management.  We all have a ridiculous amount of things to get to in one day, and sometimes that mountain can look pretty insurmountable, but keeping on top of it isn’t impossible.  Plus once you do get your day under control you’ll find yourself being a much more productive worker, and that’s better for you and your company.

-Firstly, organize everything.  Don’t just make sure that your work environment is well organized and neat, but make sure that your day follows suit.  Set aside time for phone calls and checking your email so that you don’t get bogged down trying to keep up with both, as either could end up dominating your day and interfering with how much actual work you are able to get done for that day.

-Secondly, don’t fall into the work distraction pitfalls.  These include mostly bringing in aspects of your personal life to work.  Such as browsing the internet, making personal calls, having a non-work related conversation with coworkers.  All of these are huge time wasters and will significantly cut into how much work you are able to complete each day.

-Thirdly, try using one single planner for all of your daily goals and activities.  This way you’re never confused or having to check more than one place to keep yourself organized.

-Fourthly, figure out your work strengths and weaknesses, and be completely honest in your self assessment.  This way you can focus on your strengths in a clinch to get work done and done well, and also be aware of your weaknesses so that they do not dominate your performances.  By pointing out your weaknesses you can become a more complete and better worker.

-Finally, know when to take a break.  It’s unhealthy for your body to sit down for long periods of time, as it constricts blood flow to different parts of the body.  Every 60-90 minutes you should be taking a quick 5-10 minute break where you stand up and take a few steps, either to walk away from your desk for a moment or to just walk around your office.  Your mind and body will feel much better, and in the end you’ll get more work done because of that.

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