ITList Information Technology Blog » Endeavor Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Tips for ‘Good Start’ of a Day Sat, 22 Jan 2011 15:29:00 +0000 bikram Each day is special, new and source of hope. Well, saying is easy but often found difficult in real for those who start their day in an average way with stress of work. Start it with a fresh mind, fresh endeavor so that your entire day falls into place and you even go to bed at night with a cheerful spirit. Start each day with a fresh gush of energy. Just follow these few simple tips.

Green is truly evergreen

Green is a color depicting youth, life and newness. Once you wake up from the bed, look for some green plants around you. It’s always advised to have some plants in and around the house. Step out to your terrace or balcony and see the green trees in front. If there’s a park in front of you there’s nothing like it. Green rejuvenates, brings lot of freshness in life. It also keeps eyes good.

Little bit of exercise

A healthy and happy mind resides in a fit body only. So exercise every morning. It will not only keep you fit and active but also in shape. If you like yourself on the mirror, naturally you will be happy. You may hit a fitness center or aerobic and dance classes or practice yoga. Do whichever suits you and you like to. You may simply watch some video tutorials of experts and practice at home. Make sure the ambience is good, fosters freshness. If you have a nice backyard garden or terrace, do exercise there. Being close to nature, it will make you feel better all the more.

Breakfast of your choice

If tummy is happy you are happy too. Start your day with a lovely wholesome breakfast. When we rush to work half fed we start a day with negative thoughts already. So make sure you grab a good wholesome breakfast everyday. If you don’t get much time to prepare, you may prepare it before and store in fridge or grab some ready to eat ones. But a healthy nice start will make you happy. Make sure you don’t grab the same breakfast in all days of a week. Treat yourself with different breakfasts each day.

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Windows Live Writer: Making blogging powerful Wed, 31 Dec 2008 14:10:12 +0000 digitaldreamz Windows Live Writer, a blog editing software from Microsoft, is a wonderful tool for more efficient blogging. This is a free, downloadable application that makes it easy to publish content, share photos, videos and support almost all blogging services may it be blogger, wordpress, Type Pad or live Journal. Many tools have already swarmed this market like Ecto, Performancing and Qumana. Windows Live Writer has many advantages over these already available tools:


WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) view allows knowing exactly how a blog post will look like before actually publishing it. This saves a lot of time spend in republishing the articles again and again after modifications.

Customizable API

Windows live Writer provides a customizable SDK (software development kit) that allows developers to have additional content types thereby extending the functionalities of the software. E.g.: Product thumbnails, tags, embedded videos etc.

Photo Sharing

Windows Live Writer allows uploading photos, customizing and publishing an easier task. You can modify the size, borders; perform text wrapping and many other things. It publishes all the stuff automatically when you post.

Embedding video clips

Easiest way of embedding videos is provided by Windows Live Writer. The code needs to be copied straight away and it is recognized in a flash.

Map Publishing

It is a special feature for traveling blogs and sites that allows publishing maps in your posts and can also customize them to provide different views.

Screenshot images

If need arises to insert screenshots into the blog, Windows live writer lets you do it without using any third party tool. You can just Print Screen and paste it in writer and use it.

Wider platform support

Writer supports almost all the blogging services like Live Journal, Word Press, blogger, Type Pad etc. and the endeavor is to support all and sundry.

Live Writer Backup

Live Writer Backup utility allows carrying settings of writer if you are continuously changing your workstations.


Most of the times, you come across common words like blogger, phishing etc, which are not recognized by editors, you use. Windows Live Writer overcomes that obstacle and saves time on editing.

Dynamic Templates

For more tech savvy people, dynamic templates allow to do variety of experiments with Windows Live Writer like user data input, adding date instantaneously.

Auto linking

Windows live Writer provides the feature of auto linking for those who usually link web pages to their posts. So when you type in a familiar word, it automatically links to the appropriate web page.

This tool is currently available in 6 different languages and is going strong. Windows Live Writer makes the entire experience of blogging far more easy, powerful and intuitive. It is such an easy application that even a novice can make use of it and take the benefits. That’s why they say, “The best things in life are for free” and so is Windows Live Writer. Go ahead and download it now and start writing your own stories online.

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