ITList Information Technology Blog » Enough Space Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 PPC Ad Writing Tips Tue, 09 Nov 2010 18:23:00 +0000 bikram You do not get enough space to write 500+ word long sales letter when asked to write a PPC ad for your client, or even for your business. The space is limited, and to make profound impact using that space, you will need to be clever with the words. Just arranging any words, I know you call it a sentence, will not cut it for a PPC market in 2010 and beyond. It has become fiercer. You need to be creative, and have to think out of the box; rather, deny the existence of the box itself.

The tips I am going to share below will help you in that.

PPC ads writing tips

  1. Do not be verbose. Sometimes saying less actually creates more impact. What could be more effective than Nike’s Just Do It, and Apple’s Think Different?
  2. Add powerful call to action in the body of a PPC ad.
  3. Do not use your PPC ad as a sales engine. It will prove to be very ineffective sales engine. I would recommend you to use it as a hook to pull visitors to your website. The single goal of your ad should be to make visitors click the ad. Leave rest on your website’s copy.
  4. If you are a B2B wholesaler, use the order size so that people looking for one piece do not click and waste your money. You can say something like, minimum lot: 1000 pieces, or no retail inquiry, etc. Including lot size is a nice strategy to keep B2C customers from clicking your ads.
  5. Write multiple versions of a PPC ad, and send all live, do the testing, and keep the ones that converts well.
  6. Use action words and active voice. Do not use passive voice in your PPC ads. It will not get you desired result.
  7. Flaunt awards and recognitions, if they matter to end users.

These are some key rules of writing PPC ads. Do not tamper with any of the above. You will soon see the result.

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How to Promote Books on Internet? Sat, 25 Sep 2010 18:03:06 +0000 bikram Often a masterpiece book even goes unnoticed, unheard, and unaware of. In this age of too many books published in a year, even great books go unnoticed in the absence of good promotion. A good marketing strategy can make a book popular overnight. A good marketing strategy involves all media – audio, audio-visual, print, internet. At present, Internet has gained a mammoth shape through social networking sites, blogs, forums, websites, email marketing, Twitter, and the like. Gone are those days when inaugural of a book in a bookstore used to be enough for promotion of a book. Nowadays, being seen in bookstore shelves is not enough; the book also needs to occupy enough space in the virtual world – Internet. An effective Internet marketing can spread like a rapid fire.

Here are tips about how to promote books online.

Use social networking sites

Social networking websites are the best choice for promoting a book. Especially when your target audience is youth, modern, educated Internet savvy bunch of people – social networking sites are ideal. Twitter and Facebook are great platforms. Publicize the book release date on Twitter and Facebook. Publish details of the event in advance including venue, time and send the invitation to all friends in your list or tag them. Who doesn’t wish to buy a book autographed by the author? Enrich your personal page with detail. Publish your day to day thoughts, photographs, achievements, goals, events, experiences. It brings author close to the readers as they come to know the author closely. It will make them even more interested to know you, respect you, admire, and follow you. Also write the thoughts that inspired you. You should include all big news channels, publishers, newspapers, journals, critics in your friend and follower list. Post book inaugural and book cover page photographs. It will hike interest among your prospective readers.

Start blogging

Start blogging. Publish small extracts from your book in your blog. Promote your blog link through social networking sites. While reader reads your blog post, put a link which will land the reader in your website, from where they can directly buy your book. Stir interest, curiosity and leave the rest to be discovered in the book.

Give online purchase offers

Put some attractive offers for online buyers like first 50 online buyers, buying from your website will be entitled to 20% discount. Publicize the same everywhere on social networking sites.

Get into email marketing

Send attractive mailers to prospective buyers, entitling them special discount. Mailers can be sent to those who subscribed for mails and newsletters on your website. Email marketing can be used not only to sell your book, but also to share news about your achievements, critic’s appraisal, launch date of the book etc.

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What Lie Are You Telling Yourself to Avoid Freelance Writing? Sat, 12 Dec 2009 23:01:31 +0000 bikram Many people cherish this desire to take freelancing as profession, but not all of them end up taking this as a career. Not because they did not have writing ability, but because they are sold to self-beguiling lies.

Lie Number 1: Do not have time

This is the most common lie people tell themselves. I often hear people say that after a work it is hard to take time out for writing. This lie is preceded and supported by the fact that they cannot leave their job because the family needs food on the table. Indeed, your family needs your support, so you should not quit your day job, but it has nothing to do with the lie of “not having enough time” that you fool yourself in believing.

Dare to ask people and you will be amazed to find how many people are taking 2 hours each day from their life for part-time freelance writing. This is worth the effort. If you cannot do it daily or on alternate days than stick to weekend-only routine, but do it. Start now and soon you will see the difference.

Lie Number 2: Words, empty words

Well words are important for we freelancers, but words not backed by action ends up being empty words. And empty words do no good to anyone. I know many people who speak volume, but when it comes to taking action, they are just not there. Start writing, do not just speak about starting to write.

Lie Number 3: Excuses, colorful excuses

From not having time, to not having money to not having enough space at home to make it a workstation, there are many lies that people tell themselves. These lies are colorful, and at times have vivid details, nevertheless, it’s a lie.

The time to start freelance writing is now. There will not be any other good time, nor will you ever have more money than you have today to start freelancing, nor will you have enough space to do that. For those who sell themselves lie, there will not be any opportunity.

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