ITList Information Technology Blog » Existence Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 PPC Ad Writing Tips Tue, 09 Nov 2010 18:23:00 +0000 bikram You do not get enough space to write 500+ word long sales letter when asked to write a PPC ad for your client, or even for your business. The space is limited, and to make profound impact using that space, you will need to be clever with the words. Just arranging any words, I know you call it a sentence, will not cut it for a PPC market in 2010 and beyond. It has become fiercer. You need to be creative, and have to think out of the box; rather, deny the existence of the box itself.

The tips I am going to share below will help you in that.

PPC ads writing tips

  1. Do not be verbose. Sometimes saying less actually creates more impact. What could be more effective than Nike’s Just Do It, and Apple’s Think Different?
  2. Add powerful call to action in the body of a PPC ad.
  3. Do not use your PPC ad as a sales engine. It will prove to be very ineffective sales engine. I would recommend you to use it as a hook to pull visitors to your website. The single goal of your ad should be to make visitors click the ad. Leave rest on your website’s copy.
  4. If you are a B2B wholesaler, use the order size so that people looking for one piece do not click and waste your money. You can say something like, minimum lot: 1000 pieces, or no retail inquiry, etc. Including lot size is a nice strategy to keep B2C customers from clicking your ads.
  5. Write multiple versions of a PPC ad, and send all live, do the testing, and keep the ones that converts well.
  6. Use action words and active voice. Do not use passive voice in your PPC ads. It will not get you desired result.
  7. Flaunt awards and recognitions, if they matter to end users.

These are some key rules of writing PPC ads. Do not tamper with any of the above. You will soon see the result.

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3 More Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview Even When You Are Desperate Sun, 21 Mar 2010 21:47:32 +0000 bikram An interview is not just an opportunity for the interviewer to know about the interviewee, but it is also an opportunity for an interviewee to know if the company he or she is interviewed for is any good or not. And the only way to find this is by asking questions. You will not know anything, if you do not ask questions. Continuing our discussion from where we left yesterday, in this post I will talk about 3 more questions you need to ask during your interview.

Question 1: How performance is measured

You need to ask your interviewer about the criteria on which you will be judged when taken for the job. It will give you a target to match in order to get promoted or rewarded. A good company will have a set practice for employee evaluation, and HR people will not shy away from telling you that.

Question 2: Why previous employee left the job

This is a tricky question, but you need to know why the place became vacant. There could be a genuine reason for the previous employee to leave, and office politics or unfair boos could also be a reason, which you can only find by asking about it. The answer to this question will give you good idea about the existence and complicacy if office politics.

Question 3: Remuneration

You need to know about your salary, perks, performance bonus, etc. After all, it is the money that you are working for. You also need to ask about the salary date, deductions, etc. You will not want surprises here, so do not hesitate in talking about your remuneration. If you find the package offered below your expectation then tell the interviewer what you were expecting. Interview is the best place to talk about your salary and other benefits.

Answers to these questions will help you understand whether your personal goals will be met in the company or not. This will help you weigh the job opportunity properly.

I had only this to say, what else do you think should one ask during an interview?

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