ITList Information Technology Blog » Hobbies Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 Tips for Effective Time Management Wed, 28 Jul 2010 03:31:56 +0000 bikram Time is one such element which has always evoked mystery, has not stopped for any one. One universal truth – it’s truly beyond anyone’s control. Many of us fail to keep pace with it, often complain about not being able to cope with it and find 24 hours too less for a day. Well, that’s where the need for time management comes. It just takes few techniques to make the best out of 24 hours and accomplish the more throughout a day. Taming the time under own control is possible with these valuable time management tips. Take a look.

  1. Most important criteria for effective time management is organized self. Initially it may be difficult. But try to build up daily ‘to do list’. Such daily planner will keep you organized and disciplined too. Also prioritize events with star mark, which need to be done first.
  2. Get rid off your lazy attitude and pushing things for the next day. What needs to be done in the morning should be done, rather than unnecessarily pushing it to evening or next day. Adhere to your time table, it will keep you stress-free.
  3. If your job asks for big decision, take it as soon as possible rather than avoiding it. Avoiding problems won’t solve them. Act now. Examine the problem, go to its root cause, find solution and execute confidently. Don’t be afraid of risks.
  4. If you are a team worker and you have authority to delegate work, do it effectively. Keep those tasks for yourself which seek your special involvement and attention. Less important tasks you can distribute among your team members. It will help you in managing work pressure and also perform better with good team involvement. Distribution of work load and responsibility will keep all happy.
  5. Take good care of your health. You can perform your duties effectively only when you are mentally and physically fit. So don’t neglect your diet, sleep and mental well being. If your hobbies or your family keep you happy, spend your spare time with them. It will keep you at ease. Don’t forget, happiness is key to success.
  6. Stress is integral part of daily life. But physical activities like sports, exercises, swimming, yoga, cycling, and running help one reduce stress and stay fit. Include them in your daily life. If a spa indulgence or massage helps you to de-stress, go for it.

With these tips you will find time is your best friend and it’s so easy to walk hand in hand with it.

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Handling The Hobby Section Of Your Resume Tue, 22 Dec 2009 16:37:39 +0000 SamElli The hobbies section of your resume can be a tricky one.  Because the main importance and the way you are being judged is resume wording and style, hobbies should be handled carefully.  While most people will be scared off adding a hobby section to their resume, you really shouldn’t be.  As long as you know what to write, the hobby section can be another way to sell yourself.  Another great little window into why you’d be a better employee than the other applicants as it were.

You should absolutely use your hobbies to illustrate skills that you have that can come in handy on the job.  So only use hobbies that apply to your career, so to speak.  If you play videogames a lot, you’re going to have trouble making that one come through, so an employer gains more interest in you.  So stay away from hobbies like that, and stick to outgoing proactive hobbies.  Anything that gets you out, as a positive force, and that likely showcases your leadership or problem solving abilities.

Remember to keep your hobbies job related, otherwise you’re just wasting space and an employer’s time, with content that doesn’t matter to them.  The idea of this section is to help them learn about you, and why you would be a fantastic employee.   So limit your hobbies to 2-3, so that you have a short but informative section.  This is just a little place to sell yourself, don’t drone on for too long.

That can’t be stressed enough, you absolutely don’t want a large hobby section.  Otherwise the rest of your resume will look worse off because of your hobbies.  Also, never let your hobbies section be the reason your resume spills over to a second page.  You want to keep your resume at page length, and if you can’t do that with a hobbies section, it’s better to go without.

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Turn Your Hobby Into A Dream Job Thu, 08 Oct 2009 21:47:51 +0000 SamElli Having a dream job is as simple as converting something you love doing into a venue for making money.  The real dream is turning your hobby into a real money making venture.  Imagine if you could be doing what you loved, on a daily basis, and get paid for the pleasure.  There’s practically nothing more rewarding than having a job like that.  So how can you make that dream become a tangible reality?

First, think about your hobbies.  You need a good practical one that you really enjoy.  If you enjoy cooking, something to do with the culinary field is a good bet.  Or if you like building projects, fixing up an old car, or even something like golfing, all of those could become viable business options.  Find one that you really enjoy, and that seems plausible, and roll with that idea.

From there you need to become an expert in your hobby, so that your opinion becomes really valuable.  If you like to cook, get some real experience, or better yet, go to school.  A culinary school is a fantastic way to sharpen your skills.  Plus the school will give you an invaluable education into how you could actually run a restaurant.  That could be a helpful skill in the long run, as it gives you different career options.  Go specific to your hobby, and look into educational options to make you an expert.

Before you give up your main source of income, try dipping your feet into the water of your hobby.  Again with cooking, try getting a job on a line at a restaurant, to really get a feel for the environment.  Plus this will provide you with the practice you need to excel.  When your skills are noticed at that level, you can really set yourself to succeed in your business venture.

From there you’ve got a good start, and a good idea of where to take your hobby driven career.  Use your education and your practice, and you’ve found a good starting ground to a job you’ll love.

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