ITList Information Technology Blog » Lifeblood Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 3 Deadly Sales Mistakes to Avoid Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:39:58 +0000 bikram The sales department is the lifeblood of any company. It is the only department that brings money for the company, rest of them incurs cost. Therefore, it becomes very important for you to keep performing well. After all you and your department earns bread for your company. I am going to talk here about 3 mistakes everyone in your sales team should avoid.

Mistake number 1: Data, data, and data

Yes, no one is interested in your long boring bar graphs, or your endless number of slides. No one cares about them, not even your clients. You should not excessively indulge in churning numbers and discharging them on slides to show your clients. They are bored of all these things. If you want sales to happen, avoid doing that. And start connecting with your clients.

Mistake number 2: Words, words, and words

Do not rattle off the speech you memorized yesterday. Do not even try to make it sound like an extempore. No one cares what you have to say, especially not your clients. Your words don’t mean anything to him. What matters to him are his own words and his alone. Listen to him intently and try to figure his needs from his own words. Be mum, if need be. Your goal is not to talk, but to sell.

Mistake number 3: Sell, sell, and oversell

I have seen many sales person who will start selling the moment they enters the room, and keep on selling until they are either metaphorically kicked out, or their battery get discharged. Do not do so. You should not oversell yourself. Draw a line and never cross it. Do not speak even a single word related to the product, until asked to, once your client agrees to your point. Overselling backfires!

Keep these mistakes away from your organization, and you will see a difference in the inflow of orders as well as in customer satisfaction.

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Why Story Matters? Thu, 08 Oct 2009 22:07:20 +0000 bikram The power of a story lies in its appeal to the human emotions. If the story is good then it makes us empathize with the characters. We feel the pain and pleasure of the hero. Can you connect with a PowerPoint presentation at the same level? Can you empathize with the data cells of an Excel sheet?

This is not hard to do. It is impossible to do, until and unless you are the paranoid Marvin, a crazy robot from Douglas Adams’ famous book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, who often wondered about the meaning of life

Story matters because this is what we understand. Our mind can only process and make sense of things or topics that have some relation with the knowledge we already posses, and a story is a channel that helps in forming this relation. Our mind is not a computer or any data processing device designed to process unrelated information or to churn up numbers.

This is the reason why marketing communications aim to build a story –not an Excel sheet— around the product it attempts to sell. Story is what gives lifeblood to ad campaigns, charity drives, fund raising, and sports event. No one watches any sports event for the numbers, and in the real sense no one cares about the numbers. People go crazy about sports because they witness a story getting unfolded in front of them, of which their favorite sports player is a hero.

In the yester years, there was no PowerPoint presentations or Excel s sheets (I know it is kind of hard to believe now, but it is true), but people still manages to communicate values, rituals, goals, ambitions, and sense of duty to the coming generation, almost without any lost of data during the transfer. This is what provided the base for every written book that we have. Story matters because it is just because of the story that we are what we are.

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Brush Up Those Customer Care Skills Wed, 09 Sep 2009 22:30:49 +0000 SamElli Customer service skills are important to have at a variety of jobs, as almost every business is a for profit industry.  Part of working for profit is getting people to pay you for a service, and likely at some point you’ll have to directly deal with those people.  Your customers are important, they are the lifeblood of your company and your job.  So knowing how to handle them in the proper way is invaluable.  Even if you don’t typically deal with customers at your job now, it’s good to have the knowledge on hand.  You never know when you’ll end up with a job where you just might have to.

First off it’s important to know how to maintain an appropriate work demeanor.  Remember that your customers are the basis of your business, and treat them as such.  Without their money you don’t have a job, so part of your task is to ensure that they are happy with what their money is doing for them.  Keep everything professional but be courteous, and always take someone’s mood into account.  At times you have to relay information that can anger a customer, and work through it with the customer.  Don’t give up or let their bad mood control yours.

Don’t bring your stress to the customers.  If you’ve had a bad day, or feel that something just didn’t go your way, don’t take it out on your customers.  Keep your personal feelings personal.  This way you can maintain a professional atmosphere that people will want to participate within.  Always keep professional and courteous, that’s pretty much the name of the game.

You basically need to have the patience of a saint sometimes.  So just remember, you’re being paid to do a job, and part of that job is waiting for customers to work through their own frustrations.  Whether it’s you having to explain the same points over and over again, or if they just seem to have an angry disposition, work through it.  Don’t let their mood or inability to quickly understand you affect your mood.  You’re there to help, and are being paid to do so, so jut take everything in your stride and have the patience to deal with customers effectively.  So just don’t take anything personally, and get the job done remaining professional and courteous.

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Using Google’s Adsense As Effectively As Possible Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:06:20 +0000 SamElli Google’s Adsense program is a ridiculously good way to make money online through advertising, without having to go through the daunting task of trying to solicit advertisers yourself.  The problem is, most people don’t use Adsense properly, and so don’t see as much of a return from the program as they should.  If you figure, it’s a good idea for everybody to have a personal blog in the first place, whether for professional reasons, or just for the sake of putting your ideas out there for other people to read.  But if you’re going to go to that trouble, why not make a few dollars from your efforts, all you need is a few pointers on how to make the most of Adsense.

First and foremost, target your audience.  Go through Google’s Adsense options and choose categories that have something in common with your blog.  So obviously if you’re here reading this, you’re either an IT professional or in the field, so you want computer/internet products and services first and foremost.   After which, make sure you pay close attention to which sorts of ads are receiving the most attention, as you can use that to your advantage by replacing any banners that nobody pays attention to, instead adding ads that are more likely to get clicked.

There’s no point in wasting ad space on something that’s not doing anything positive for you.

Be careful in picking your Adsense banner colors also, as there’s a huge mistake that most people make when formatting Adsense content for their blogs.  And that huge mistake is, you do not want your ad banner to match your blog’s background color scheme.  It’s a proven fact that a contrasting vibrant color will attract more attention to the advertisement, increasing the likelihood that Dave Websurfer will click on the banner, netting you some money for your trouble.

But the main attraction, as I always say it, is writing relevant intriguing content.  That’s your blog or website’s lifeblood.  The longer that Billy Interweb-Browser stays on your site, reading whatever it is you choose to write about, the more likely he is to notice an advertisement.  And that’s the whole purpose of using your blog to generate any sort of cash flow.

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