ITList Information Technology Blog » Many People Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Tips for Anger Management Fri, 01 Oct 2010 18:23:00 +0000 bikram The biggest enemy of every human is undoubtedly anger or wrath. When one loses control on self and succumbs to rage, it can result into anything like murder, accidents, suicide, rape, verbal abuse, physical torture, splitting relations, loss of job. Anger is a definite part of human psychology, and it’s normal but we can’t allow it to be our master and take a toll on our lives. We should know the techniques to curb anger before it damages our lives lethally.

Take help of anger management programs

Such programs look into anger related problems, find out the reasons behind anger, help people to get a control over their anger and become a calm person. The moderator or facilitator is always an experienced person, who will take you through the course and help in finding a newer ‘you’. Such programs are many in number and highly customized. You will be recommended the program which suits you the best.

Group discussion

Since some people display extreme severity of anger they require additional support like group therapy. Many people find it comfortable as they get to share their problems in front of many who are suffering the same. This process is very healthy and shows immediate result, as people can openly measure their problems, accept them, comprehend them and also realize various ways of dealing with them. Discussion is the key for such therapy. People liking this process are generally extroverts, outspoken and social.

Personal counseling

Contrary to the people mentioned above, there are many people who do not like to open up in public and prefer a one-to-one personal counseling. If you are one of them make sure you are guided by a veteran and renowned counselor who will help you to channelize your anger in the right way. Set yourself loose in front of the counselor.


Nothing can be better than self help. When you are angry, go to a corner, be alone and ask yourself why you are angry, why you are reacting with anger and if it is worth. Such self-analysis always helps, eases the tension and helps you to control yourself.

Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is all about understanding and dealing with emotions. A person with high EQ effectively manages stress, conflict, and difficult moments. They can evaluate an emotion and also change them into positive ways.

Relax, meditate

Anger is often seen as an outcome of stress, frustration, disgust and sleeplessness. Such causes can be easily handled with meditation, relaxation, enough of sleep and practice of hobby. Find some time for yourself, get into sports, practice your hobby. Start your day with meditation. Breathe deep.

Deal with your anger today and sustain a good life.

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How to Boost your Self-Esteem? Sat, 25 Sep 2010 13:29:17 +0000 bikram It’s not uncommon that many people constantly suffer from low self-esteem. At times people feel inferior and suffer from sheer depression because they don’t have much wealth, good clothes, sense of fashion or etiquette, good pronunciation etc. But they don’t realize the worth of being a good human. A good self-esteem, an ideal self is actually within you, may be dormant. You need to awaken it, stir it, and make life worth living.

Here are some tips.

Talk to yourself in front of the mirror

Self help is the best help. Try to talk to yourself. In our subconscious mind we do analyze ourselves, converse with self. Talk to yourself in front of the mirror. Treat yourself respectfully. Realize self worth, self weaknesses. Praise yourself, ridicule yourself. Preach yourself, scare yourself. Treat yourself as your best friend. Talk good things in front of the mirror. Say it loud enough to believe in it.

Analyze your strengths and use them

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Try to realize them and admit too. Admitting own weaknesses makes it easier to improve them. What’s more important is finding out own strengths and making them so strong that weaknesses appear negligible and small. Make the sunshine look so radiant, that people ignore the darkness following.

Follow others whom you admire

There’s no harm in following footsteps of the people, you admire. It’s those qualities which make him appreciated, admired. So why not follow them? Jot down the qualities you admire. Next, set your goal and action path. Set small goals, which can be measured. As you start working towards them and reaching small goals, your self confidence will boost up automatically.

Don’t compare yourself with others

Don’t compare yourself with others. Every human is different. There may be people who are better looking, better skilled or better paid. But don’t compare, it’s self defeating act. You may have many talents which others won’t possess. Be yourself, love yourself.

Recall your success

When you really feel low just recall your success, the moments when all flattered you to the core. Store those precious moments in your heart and cherish. It will hike your self esteem. If your share of failures has been more than success, just know that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Do the good deed, success will follow.

Make sure you are surrounded by optimists

Avoid people who spread negativity. If you are surrounded by such people their pessimism, cynical attitude will also get absorbed into you. Choose positive, helpful, fun-loving people. Positive energy will find space within you too.

Now, feel the change in your self esteem.

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Why So Many Freelance Writers Fail? Sun, 04 Apr 2010 17:52:00 +0000 bikram Many people start their freelance writing career with all gusto, but soon more than 97 percent of them are out of business. Why? What some of them succeed and rest does not? In this blog post, I will attempt to answer that.

Freelance writing is not easy

It indeed is not tough, but it is not easy. To succeed in this, you will have to put in hours and hours of labor every single day, without failing. Then only you will see any result. This is not a field in which you will enter, rake in moola, and leave. This is not a get-rich-quick industry. You have to struggle here, burn midnight oil, and learn continuously. People who fail in this industry, come here with a make-money-quick scheme, and get frustrated when faced with the reality. Writing is not easy, but it will become easier, eventually.

Lack of perseverance

You have to invest so many hours before you get hang of things around here. When you are new, the well may look dark, and the road may look narrower, but there is a wide clearing on the other side that awaits only those who persist. Persistence is the key. Keep fighting. Say this to yourself:

If any one person can do this then be that ME!

Lack of determination is the thing that pushes people away from this writing.

No devotion to learning

If you thought learning stopped the day you got the job, or the day you got the gig then you are in the wrong field. Rather, there is no such field out there in which you will not require to read. Learning is not an event, it is a process which never stops. People who fail are those who do not want to invest time for learning.

I do not believe it is the lack of talent which creates hindrance in the road to the high hills of success. It is the attitude that stops us from that.

If you want to have faith in one thing, have faith on your selection. This will solve half of the problems.

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3 Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview Even When You Are Desperate Sun, 21 Mar 2010 04:38:13 +0000 bikram Many people sit on the interview table with a set notion that it is the job of person (s) on the other side of the table to pose question, and their job is limited to providing right answers to questions asked to them. Nothing could be more wrong than this. An interview is not your viva that happened in your school and/or college. It is an opportunity for both the parties to know each other and see if both of you are compatible or not. To this end, both parties need to ask questions. Till now, I have talked a lot about how to properly answer your interviewer. In this article, I will talk about 3 important questions you must ask your interviewer even when you are desperate to get the job.

Question 1: Role and responsibility

This seems obvious, but it is not. The exact role of a sales engineer in one company can be slightly or completely different from the roles and responsibilities of the person on similar job in other company. This applies for all kinds of jobs. Therefore, it is imperative to ask about the role you are expected to play and responsibilities you have to take should you get the job. This will remove the blind spot and help you decide.

Question 2: Whom you will report to

Another seemingly obvious question that cease to sound obvious the moment you step through the giant door of your office on the first day. Save the horror of confusion and sounding horribly stupid by asking this question during your interview. This knowledge will also save you from workplace bullies who like to corner every unprepared newcomer.

Question 3: Work hours

Ask your interviewer what is a typical work hour for a person in your position in the company. Ask for a realistic answer. Do not believe when they say is 9 to 5 or 9 to 6 because it is never so. Work may starts from 9 or 10 or whatever, but never gets over at 5 or 6 or whatever is told to you. The world out there is very competitive, so to keep pace people work for long hours. Hence, you need to ask about work hours in real sense.

Could there be any question more important than these? Let me know your view on this subject.


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Is It Good Idea to Ask People to Pay for the Online Newspaper? Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:44:37 +0000 bikram Well, if someone asks me my answer would be no because as evident from the research done by Adweek Media/Harris Poll in December 2009, not many people are reading the newspaper either online or in physical format. And in situation like this, I would not like to discourage the readers who consume the newspaper by making them pay for the content.

This move will not be in the favor of the industry. In the same research, people were asked if they will pay to read the newspaper on the Internet and 77% of them answered no. And among those who agreed to pay money to read the online newspaper, 19% said that they will pay between $1 and $10 in a month, while, 5% said they will pay more than $10 per month for that. It is evident from this research that the industry needs to redefine itself if it wants to survive, or else, it will die in oblivion.

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The Real Way To Work From Home Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:06:46 +0000 SamElli Working from home is not easy, and contrary to what many people will say, is really hard work.  Another difficult part of the equation, is finding work that realistically allows you to work from home.  You have to know how to find what’s out there, which opportunities are real, and which job listings are scams that should be avoided.  Working from home is a world full of pitfalls, but if you’re intelligent, careful, and hard working, it’s a task that can be accomplished.

As with any business venture, networking is key.  Tapping into the world, meeting others looking to form careers in the same area is key.  This will give you an in to what jobs are available, and what jobs are worth applying for.  Work from home forums or websites can be good resources.  Use them, because networking oftentimes determines how successful you become.

Also, know how to spot a scam.  This is especially important when starting out.  Most scams involve asking for money in order for an opportunity to provide you with work or resources.  Never give them anything, because more often than not these are scams.  You’ll pay money, and get nothing, or no job opportunities in return.  A legitimate employer is never going to ask you to pay money in order to secure an opportunity.

In your search, remember that patience is key.  You may find difficulty finding an opportunity at first, and it may take some time to form legitimate ones.  But as long as you’re diligent, eventually you’ll find something.  Once you find one job, you’re usually good to find a few more, easier than last time.
Remember that you’re going to make mistakes, but don’t let that stop you from soldiering on.   The difference between success and failure is the amount of effort you are willing to extend.

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How to Use Twitter to Get Clients Mon, 04 Jan 2010 03:02:12 +0000 bikram Twitter is an amazing tool. It can be put to any number of uses. People use it to make friends, to know about the topics they care, to get job alerts, to stay on top of any topic, to get recommendation, to read funny jokes, and to get influenced by memorable quotations, etc. This 140-character wonder can even be used to get clients for your business, regardless of your size, be it for your one-person startup, or for a 1000-people big company.

In this article, we will see what you need to do to get clients from twitter.

Step 1: Use real name

Will you like to do business with sexykitten, or hotrode? I am sure you won’t, regardless of how smart hotrode or sexykitten is. This is the power of name. A good name creates a positive image, whereas, a bad name ruins the party. Use your real name or business name for the twitter profile. If your name or business name is already taken then use something close to that, but spare yourself the horror of bad names.

Step 2: Use real picture

Like a real name, a real picture helps create a positive image in the mind of onlookers. Do not go for cool looking cartoons, or any other thing. Let your prospect know that you are a real person behind the twitter profile by giving a real picture.

Step 3: Brand your background

If you do not know this then let me break the good news that you can brand your twitter profile the way you want. I will suggest you customize the background of your twitter profile with your corporate brand identity.

Step 4: Use compelling bio

Your one-line twitter bio says a lot about you. People get influenced reading that, so it better be good. Make your twitter bio forceful and SEO-friendly.

Step 5: Add URL

Many people leave URL field empty. Do not commit this mistake. Use a proper working URL in your profile. This will work as a door to your website.

Step 6: Create a list

Create a list of the tweets from your industry and make it publicly available. This will give your prospect an idea about how closely you follow the changes in your industry. He may regard you as a leader of the pack, which will mean more business for you.

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Supplement Your Writing Income Fri, 20 Nov 2009 23:58:25 +0000 SamElli Increasing your writing income is something that most writers are looking to do.  Actually, probably all writers are looking to increase their income.  Not many people would complain about being more comfortable financially.  But as a writer that can be tough, especially if you’re having trouble finding work.  The key is managing your opportunities to earn a residual income, in addition to your main writing projects.

A residual income keeps a steady sum of money flowing into your account.  This you can save for a rainy day, or spend as you need to, to keep the career going.  Residual income’s usually don’t earn as much as your mainstay, but they are a good supplement.

Think about the opportunities before you.  If you haven’t created a personal blog, you really should consider doing so.  It’s a good way to speak your mind, get noticed, and sell some ad space to make a little extra money.  Every writer should have a personal blog, and even if you don’t have the full time to invest, at least a simple one would suffice.  Combined with Google’s Adsense program, you can make yourself a nice little cash cow.

Try some seasonal opportunities.  There’s always someone out there looking for writers to write copy for season specific events, or advertisements.  Those are decent jobs that are fairly easy to complete, and they pay pretty well most of the time.  It’s a nice easy job that won’t detract from your main projects, but that keeps you writing, as well as earning.

If you have the sort of degree necessary, you could consider teaching other writers.  Many universities offer opportunities for independent teachers.  As long as you have the credentials, you can get paid for your time.  Plus you get exposed to new styles, and have a chance to communicate with other writers.  Now you’re not only earning some side money, but also helping your own writing to grow.

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How To Network Professionally Fri, 30 Oct 2009 20:06:46 +0000 SamElli I’ve written many times stating the importance of networking yourself in your professional industry.  But how should you go about networking yourself?  We all know that networking is important if you want to succeed and take your career as far as possible.  But how do you get your name out there?  Where are you supposed to turn when you’re just starting out?

Well first off, make sure you know why you should be networking.  Most jobs that are available on the market aren’t even advertised.  In fact, some of the best jobs out there are never even advertised before they are filled.  By making a name for yourself, and connecting to as many people as possible, you create more chances to find out about these opportunities.  Whether through connecting with someone whose company is hiring, or finding out through a friend that’s applying with the same company.

To network effectively, it’s as simple as making the effort to find professional relationships.  Career related seminars or conferences are a great way to get yourself out there.  The same goes for websites that feature social networking for professionals.  Resources like LinkedIn should be taken advantage of, as they are decent resources for making fast friends.

Beyond that it’s easy to make the little connections.  If you have children, try to talk with the other parents around you at school related events, or extra curricular activities.  You may find someone on the same career path, and that friendship could pay off in the long run.

Just remember to return all the favors you receive.  Networking is a two way street, it’s not about meeting people to benefit yourself, and then forgetting about them.  To make strong professional bonds you have to help, as well as take the help they are willing to give.  Tip them in to opportunities at your company, or openings you know of around you.  That’s the only way to network effectively, and keep yourself in a positive light with those around you.

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Overcoming The Fear Of Writing Rejection Thu, 22 Oct 2009 01:43:43 +0000 SamElli Overcoming the fear is essential to any writer.  You just can’t work hard and be successful if you have the fear, because nothing you do will measure up to your anxieties.  OF course the fear I’m referring to is how your work will be received.  Many people are afraid to have other people read their writing because they can’t face rejection.  But if you choose to be a writer, that is an anxiety that you really can’t afford to have.  Otherwise you’d have a hard time making a living out of writing projects created only for yourself.

You have to realize that in most cases the fear, or anxiety that you feel could just be a fear of the unknown.  You haven’t put yourself out there and been rejected, so you don’t know how it feels.  Having that unknown component can make rejection seem worse than it actually becomes.

Try to combat this by writing within your strengths at first.  You’ll be more likely to produce content that you actually like by writing on subjects you know about first hand, or are in general very knowledgeable about.  Plus you’ll be able to write more effectively concerning information you’re already comfortable with.  Don’t push yourself outside your comfort zone in the beginning.

Get all the creative criticism that you can find, and take all of it into account.  This is a good step to help you really put yourself out there.  Try starting small, with friends or family.  Or even if that seems to embarrassing at first, try a writer’s website, where you can retain your anonymity, but still receive feedback.  This way nobody knows the writing is yours, or even who you are, and you can get the feedback you need to take into account, to grow as a writer.

From there, when you feel you’ve fine tuned enough, it’s time to take a deep breath and submit that first piece.  Whether it’s a story, or an article, etc.  The only way that you can get past your fear, is to jump headfirst into submitting your content.  Remember that you’re going to get rejected, it’s a fact.  Even the greats have gotten a huge portion of their work rejected in the past.  You’ll be no different.  Rejection is a huge part of the job, just learn to deal with being rejected, and move on.

Most importantly, don’t let rejection stop you.  Being a successful writer is more about how you deal with rejection than anything else.  So don’t let your fear stop you, because it’s hard to become a writer if you never put your ideas out there.

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Post Interview Conduct Thu, 22 Oct 2009 01:41:22 +0000 SamElli Sometimes, concerning a job interview, you spend so much time getting ready for the actual interview, you forget about the important things afterward.  Namely the thank you letter you should always send to a hiring manager, after you’ve been given an interview.  Many people don’t realize how important these really are.  Because so many applicants have forgotten the tact of a thank you letter, it’s just another way you can stand out and look committed to receiving the job you want.

Remember that the purpose of this letter is to thank the interviewer for their time, not to try and sell yourself once more.  That part of the interview is long gone, and this is your chance to show your professionalism and appreciation.  Etiquette dictates that after an interview a thank you email should be sent within 24 hours, and a regular mailed letter should be sent within the first 2 days afterward.

In the actual formation of your letter you should make sure that it is business standard.  Type it up, make sure to use the interviewer’s name and company address, so as to refer to them professionally.  Then write a few paragraphs of thanks.  Don’t be afraid to re-outline your interest in working for that company.  But don’t get bogged down in mentioning your qualifications once again.  They have your resume, and you’ve given them an interview, they got a feel for you.  This letter is simply about thanking them for the opportunity given.  Don’t forget that, or push it aside to give them another personal sales pitch.

Taking the time to write a thank you letter could even be more effective than you might think.  So make sure you do, many people overlook the thank you letters and emails that they should be sending.  By ensuring you do this every time, you show your attention to detail, and commitment to getting the job.  Both are fantastic characteristics, and ones that you should use to your advantage.

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Are You Planning to Quit Freelancing? Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:21:23 +0000 bikram There are many people who have joined the freelancing bandwagon, but didn’t feel like belonging here, thus they quit freelancing and take some other work. It sounds simple and common place, but what if I say that not all quitters are alike, and not all quitters are losers? Some of them are winners too.

We can classify quitters in two categories. The first categories consist of those who lost the freelancing battle and failed to make any mark, hence he is leaving the field all in blood and tears. There is a second group that consists of people who are quitting their freelance jobs because they have stepped up to provide consultancy services or to manage group of freelancer.

The people falling in latter group have done the right thing, but there is something seriously wrong with the freelancers who belong to the former group. These are the people whom I will call quitters because they are leaving or have left freelancing because they could not make this work.

Freelancing is not easy, and whoever told you that this is the easy way to make money then the person was DEAD WRONG! Freelancing is difficult because unlike your 9-5 job, you are your own manager, own worker, and own support person. This is not a corporate job where you are supposed to do just one thing. Here, you have to see forest when your client shows you tree.


Do not lose hope. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. In this case, the light will be the tips I am sharing here, which if applied properly, may convert some of the quitters into winners.

How to avoid being a quitter

  • Find out the reason why you are not getting enough clients. For this you need to ask the following questions:
    • Are you not competent enough?
    • Is your skill set not saleable?
    • Do you have problem in managing time and work?
    • Are you in the wrong field?
    • Is your rate too high?
    • Don’t you have good samples to show?
    • Does not your sample speaks of your ability and justify your rate?
    • Does your proposal letter include a strong call to action?
    • Is your profile worth reading?
  • Now the next step is to pin-point the exact reason, and to do that, you will have to adopt methodologies used market research agencies.
    • First, Identify all the problem areas
    • Now, take one problem element at a time, and work on it. Keep rest of the problem elements constant.
    • Measure the result.
    • If the result is close to what you had expected then change another variable (problem element), and keep rest of them constant, otherwise, rework on the first variable.
    • Measure the result
    • Repeat the process and fix all the problem elements.
  • Upgrade your skills
  • Learn time management
  • Be patient

Always remember, freelancing is not like a regular job where you have someone to tell you what is wrong and what is right. It is also not a fix-time job, which also means that you can take leave whenever you want. Be patient with this career, rewards at the end are worth the wait.

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Never Pad Your Resume Mon, 31 Aug 2009 21:17:06 +0000 SamElli When writing your resume, it’s fairly normal to feel disappointed with the way that your work history, or academic accomplishments appear.  No matter how many of either you  have to add, the anxiety of searching for a new job can make you feel as though your resume just doesn’t measure up.  So many people choose to ‘pad’ their resumes, to make a more respectable document, more likely to garner the attention of potential employers.  But more often than not, that’s a very bad idea.

In case you didn’t know the term, padding your resume refers to adding accolades that aren’t true about yourself.  Whether it be false work history items, or false educational accomplishments, or even dishonest community contributions.  All are considered padding, and are wrong in the sense that you are being dishonest to companies that you are trying to attract.  Nothing really sets you on the wrong foot with a new company more than them discovering you lied in order to get the job.

Which is why if you are unhappy about how something appears on your resume, you should take advantage of explaining yourself in your cover letter.  If you don’t like a particular gap in your employment history, you have ample opportunity to put a positive spin on things through your cover letter.  The same with anything else you feel uncomfortable about, whether it be education, etc.

But mainly, padding is bad because it sets a bad precedent for your new job.  Even if you get the job, you’re not presenting yourself correctly.  That puts you and your company in an awkward position, as tasks you don’t have the skill to accomplish may be expected of you, and your new company is getting an employee that doesn’t have the skill set expected of them.  If it’s found out you lied on your resume, most places won’t hesitate to terminate you immediately, so that little bit of padding can really come back to bite you.

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Top 8 Resume Mistakes Sat, 29 Aug 2009 22:32:51 +0000 SamElli When applying for a job, or writing a resume, there are a ton of opportunities for error.  Any error can prove costly as well, as your resume is your first introduction to a job.  Essentially a pre-interview, interview, your resume says a lot about you, which is why you’ll want to be careful not to accidentally make a mistake.  You’d actually be surprised at the amount of people that make mistakes when writing their resumes, most of them simple changes that could have been avoided, had they been aware of the fact.  So here are eight of the most common mistakes, so that you can avoid them:

1. Not following submission directions.  This is a huge negative before you’ve even got your foot in the door.  Not following directions makes you look unable to follow directions, and not many people are interested in hiring a difficult employee to deal with.

2. The dreaded typo.  Spellchecker is your friend, but isn’t 100% accurate, so always, always proofread.  Read everything at least twice, and once backwards so that you can ensure all mistakes are completely eradicated.

3. Listing non-job related information.  The hiring manager that’s handling your resume doesn’t care about the info that doesn’t apply to that job, so don’t waste their time by adding unnecessary fluff.

4. Improper format.  All resumes basically follow the same exact format, and most corporations use this format to quickly scan through their masses of resumes.  If they find one that doesn’t follow the guidelines, usually they lose interest, as being different in the corporate world is never a good thing.

5. Don’t refer to yourself.  Whatever you do stay away from words like “I” or “me”, as referring to yourself on a resume is unprofessional, and makes you look bad.  It’s your resume, they already know that it’s about you.

6. Don’t make yourself look well-rounded.  Most people think that if they seem to have a broad skill set, there will be more availability for you at a particular corporation.  This isn’t true at all.  You want to describe a very specific skill set, as that’s what the job you’re applying to is looking for.

7. Writing too much.  Most people make their resumes much too long, loading the page with senseless facts, or worse, droning on for more than one page.  Your resume is supposed to be a short document to introduce a potential employer to your work experience, emphasis on the short.  A hiring manager’s time is valuable, they don’t want to read through pages of content, they want to get a feel for you as quickly as possible.

8. Inappropriate email address in your contact information.  There are a plethora of sources which offer you an email address for free, take advantage.  If you have something controversial, or possible offensive in your email address, don’t use it when you’re applying for a job.  You’re expected to be professional, an inappropriate email isn’t exactly that.

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