ITList Information Technology Blog » Part Time Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Freelance Writing: How Many clients You Should Keep? Sat, 27 Feb 2010 03:23:12 +0000 bikram A better title would have been: “Freelance writing: how many clients you should keep at one time?”, but I didn’t want to make the title run for miles.

Whatever! The answer is all the same, which is: as many as you can handle. Do not chew more than you can digest. It will give you an upset stomach.

What’s the benchmark?

There is no external benchmark; the benchmark is the quality of work you produce. The moment your quality starts deteriorating you should put a stop sign outside your home office. You would not like to risk producing second-rate content, articles, or whatever it is that you write for your clients.


How many should I keep?

I cannot say for sure how many you should keep, but I can tell you about how many I keep and how you can decide how many you should keep. Generally, I keep 2-3 fulltime clients—depending upon the volume of work given— and work 1-2 one-off projects that do not have too tight deadline.

How you can decide how many?

How much you want: Say what you may, but you are doing freelance writing to pay your bills, be it your fulltime venture or part-time juggle. Therefore, you need to keep in mind your monetary target for a month.

How many hours can you devote: You also need to find out how many hours in week you can put aside for your freelance writing job.

How many articles can you produce in an hour: I understand this sound like absurd, but bear with me because I know people who can produce two articles of 500 words in one hour. Initially, you will not be able to write more than 40-50% of an article in an hour, but soon you will improve.

Do the math

Use the number you got from the above and calculate to find how many articles you need to write in a month to meet your monthly monetary target. The number you will thus get is the amount of work you need per month. If one client can fulfill this requirement then you do not need a second client—which is unlikely.

So, how many clients do you need at a time to fulfill your goal? Post the number you get after doing the math. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you.

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What Lie Are You Telling Yourself to Avoid Freelance Writing? Sat, 12 Dec 2009 23:01:31 +0000 bikram Many people cherish this desire to take freelancing as profession, but not all of them end up taking this as a career. Not because they did not have writing ability, but because they are sold to self-beguiling lies.

Lie Number 1: Do not have time

This is the most common lie people tell themselves. I often hear people say that after a work it is hard to take time out for writing. This lie is preceded and supported by the fact that they cannot leave their job because the family needs food on the table. Indeed, your family needs your support, so you should not quit your day job, but it has nothing to do with the lie of “not having enough time” that you fool yourself in believing.

Dare to ask people and you will be amazed to find how many people are taking 2 hours each day from their life for part-time freelance writing. This is worth the effort. If you cannot do it daily or on alternate days than stick to weekend-only routine, but do it. Start now and soon you will see the difference.

Lie Number 2: Words, empty words

Well words are important for we freelancers, but words not backed by action ends up being empty words. And empty words do no good to anyone. I know many people who speak volume, but when it comes to taking action, they are just not there. Start writing, do not just speak about starting to write.

Lie Number 3: Excuses, colorful excuses

From not having time, to not having money to not having enough space at home to make it a workstation, there are many lies that people tell themselves. These lies are colorful, and at times have vivid details, nevertheless, it’s a lie.

The time to start freelance writing is now. There will not be any other good time, nor will you ever have more money than you have today to start freelancing, nor will you have enough space to do that. For those who sell themselves lie, there will not be any opportunity.

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Make More Money Online Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:37:33 +0000 blogaholic The global financial crisis continues to deepen with the most progressive nation in the world, the United States, having major companies declaring bankruptcy and massive layoffs that have already reached a stunning 3.7 million by January 2009. This financial crisis now spreads worldwide and many fear the loss of their livelihood or their employment. While many desperately try to regain other means of employment, there are those ingenious enough to find alternative ways of making money. And no other industry has enjoyed tremendous growth than the worldwide web.

At present, ecommerce expands steadily as more consumers discover the convenience and perks of shopping online. Consumers can attest to obtaining more savings through discounts and coupons versus the traditional purchases in stores and shopping malls. More than the convenience and the savings, there are ultimately more products available at the click of your mouse. This growth goes hand-in-hand with more opportunities to make money through advertising and marketing. Following are ways that people can take advantage of online opportunities:

Affiliate Marketing – Success stories of those endowed with marketing prowess proliferate in the web by serving as affiliates of major websites offering products and services online. Some set up their own website, blogs (online journals), or online magazines and advertise products and services. Income can either be a monthly fee or commission-based, or a combination of both.
Blog Advertising – Those who have the gift of writing set-up online journals and get paid for articles that advertise products or services. Payment is made per article with fees that vary depending on the popularity of the blog. The more viewers and readers that your blog has, the higher you can charge for each article. Famous blogs charge as high as $500 per article and are known to earn thousands per month on advertising.

Job Opportunities – There are websites that bring together part-time or fulltime job seekers and contractors who need jobs to be done. Payment can either be fixed or on per hour basis for computer programmers, web designers, graphic artists, writers, and many more.

Other than collateral business that ecommerce brings, some also make money online via foreign exchange trading or stock and options trading. Of course, these are high risk opportunities and suited for those who have experience in the finance industry. More than opportunities, they can also be classified as high risk investments. Just as many have flourished, many have likewise perished.

However, let us provide a word of caution to those who will dare to venture the internet in the hopes of increasing their earnings. Similar to any growing industry, it is also a place where thieves and scammers operate to steal the hard-earned money of honest consumers. Whether you are investing or taking on a job, do your homework and learn as much as you can about the risks involved. Get feedback from those who have entered the same venture or ensure that the reputation of those you do business with is flawless. Learn about internet security and identity theft. Discover the scams that have already been made. With the limitless information the internet offers, data and even advice from the wise will not be difficult to find.

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