ITList Information Technology Blog » Paycheck Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 How a Small Business Can Fight a Big Business? Sun, 14 Mar 2010 03:57:32 +0000 bikram In the era of corporatization of everything, the mom and pop stores has reached to the brink of extinction. It is no longer seems to be viable to start a small business because in the public imagination, a small business cannot stand against the Goliaths of the business world.

Or is it so?

I don’t care what you are told, but as far as I am concerned, this is not going to happen. It is always the small business that has an upper hand while dealing with customers or fulfilling their need, or even when fighting with big giants.



  • It is the David who always wins the battle.
  • It is the David who clicks with the masses.
  • It is the David who knows to connect.
  • It is the David who does not underestimate the competitor, and prepare the strategy accordingly.
  • It is the David who does not become myopic.
  • It is the David who tries harder.
  • It is the David whose life is at stake.

Goliaths (big corporations) are managed by managers, they are not owned by them. And the distance f ownership from those who runs it plays a big role in deciding how much power one exerts.

The small business owners understand that if he loses his livelihood will go for a toss, so he fights. Contrary to this, a manager thinks: how does it matter if his corporation wins or loses now or in the long term. Neither losing nor winning is going to affect the paycheck he is drawing every month. The manager feels satisfied as long as the target set for him by his superior is met.

It is about the target, not about the customers or their satisfaction.

This is not so with small business owners. Go to a neighborhood shop, and he will cordially greet you and will ask for your well-being. You will not receive the same warmth from big giants. Indeed, they will greet you, but you also know how superficial and greed-dipped it is.

Small business do have a chance to stand against big business, but for them they have to stop pretending that they are big, and start behaving what they are. They will have to connect with the audience, and give personal touch to all the interaction with every customer.

Follow this and you will defeat the goliath (giant company) sooner than you ever expected.

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A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – II Fri, 29 Jan 2010 03:25:41 +0000 bikram As we discussed in the first part of the series, getting a job after 45 is slightly difficult. But, with a slight preparation, you can remove the negativity attached with your age and get a well-paying job. The goal of this article is to tell you about that.

Be positive

Believe it or not, it reflects. Your positivity oozes out of everything you do and so does negativity. What people will think about you depends upon what you give away (positive or negative vibes). Most of the people get frustrated after couple of failures to land in a job. They become hopeless, but you need to understand hopelessness is not the solution, nor is the frustration. One has to tread forward until it becomes easy to walk and then run in full throttle.

Do not wait for a perfect job

Perfection is an illusion, and that too a bad one. Nothing is perfect, neither you, nor me, nor this article, and nor the job you are seeking. You must realize that you are no longer young, and you have a family to support, so you do not have the luxury to leave jobs coming your way. You need to be realistic of the situation, and be ready to compromise on the quality of job, and slightly on the paycheck you are offered, at least till you get what you want.

Update yourself

The biggest reason behind unemployment of people over 40s is their inability to keep themselves abreast of changes in technology. You need to update yourself with the changes in technology. By becoming up-to-date, you place yourself on equal footing with the youth, which will blunt the edge of negativity concerning your age. A 40+ person with good knowledge of recent technology is an asset for any company.

Think over it, and make a list of things that you think you do not know but are hot favorite among young people. See if those things are raising their employability, if it does then consider learning them.

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Saving For Retirement Early Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:54:21 +0000 SamElli You’re never too young to save for your retirement.  That’s something that not everyone realizes.  But how you plan for you retirement in your 20s and 30s can help determine the quality of your life after retirement.  The more planning the better, especially if you want to retire early and ensure that you have the money available to lead the life you want, after work.

Saving is the best way to start.  Determine an acceptable percentage of each paycheck that you want to set aside in a savings account.  If you have direct deposit at your job, practically every bank offers you the ability to denote a percentage of each check automatically to your savings.  That way you’re saving money without really even consciously trying.  Remember, start small.  You don’t have to go crazy to save a lot of money.  This is a long term strategy, so a little now will add up over the long run.

When you’ve started building up a decent amount of money in your savings account, think about making that money work for you.  If you’re money is sitting in savings, it isn’t really doing anything.  Consider putting some of that into long term stock or bond investments.  Something practically guaranteed to make your money grow.  There’s always some risk involved, so don’t over invest, but definitely take a few steps to build on what you have.

Finally, try not to frivolously spend your money.  That doesn’t mean being frugal your whole life so you can finally spend in your 50s.  But rather, don’t make purchases you can’t afford, and don’t use credit to live beyond your means.  Both catch up with you faster than you’d think, and will hurt your retirement in the long run.  Be intelligent with your money.  If you have to wait a few weeks for something you want to fit in the budget, be patient.  You’ll be better off in the long run.

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Easy Ways For Students To Make Money Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:34:10 +0000 SamElli If you find yourself strapped for cash, the internet is a great place to make a few extra dollars.  Creating a passive income can be very helpful in a bind, especially if you’re a college student.  Being a student, your workload is obscene and you just don’t have the time for a regular high paying job, if you want to maintain school success.  By exploring your options online, you can find some great ways to make money right from your computer, no matter where you are.

Think about writing articles for example.  There are quite a few websites that offer payment for submission of articles, as long as they meet website standards.  Places like Bukisa, and eHow are great places to publish a few articles, and depending upon popularity, rack up a decent paycheck.  Plus these articles stay up for a very long time, and you are paid a percentage of the page’s earnings.  So these turn into decent passive income makers, which you can use to make money without you having to put in extra work hours.

More ways to earn quick cash is to take advantage of work from home opportunities.  They don’t always pay a lot starting out, but the work is usually pretty easy.  Take for example, companies like to hire telecommuters for online Customer Service Representative positions.  All you have to do is take the initiative to find the work.  Search online CSR jobs, but stick to the more major companies, to make sure you don’t get scammed, or have your personal information stolen.

Finally, try writing blog posts for money.  There are a wealth of opportunities for finding blog work, where you could be paid as much as $5 for every blog post you submit.  Sites like Blogitive,, and work resources like Elance and oDesk also have great paid blog offers.  Blogging is easy, and who wouldn’t welcome the extra cash?

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Making The Most Of A Second Interview Thu, 12 Nov 2009 21:50:25 +0000 SamElli Job interviews are like chess matches.  Both of you are trying to get a feel for each other, and you’re trying to make enough of a good impression to win the battle.  Getting a second interview is your first victory.  Having a second interview means they’re interested.  That also means you’ll really have the chance to sell yourself, and guarantee you’ll get the job.

The second interview is less about checking your qualifications, and more about seeing if you’re the right fit for the job.  You’ve already been confirmed as a good candidate by making it this far.  In the second interview you’ll face tougher, and more involved questions.  The best way to handle these is to stay true to yourself.  Be the same person you were in the first interview.

The worst strategy you could have is to try and handle the interview differently.  You’ve gotten a second interview because the interviewer saw something in you.  Don’t cover that up by being a different person, or else you won’t make the best impression.  Instead be the polite, confident, and assured person that showed up the first time around.

Whatever research you’ve done about the company before, go over it again.  Know your stuff as well as possible, because the questions are going to be tougher.  Only by having the information can you respond to the best of your ability.  Quick concise responses are key here, showing your comfort and ability just by talking.

Make sure to show how you can contribute to the company, and compliment them on aspects you appreciate.  There’s reason you want this job, besides the paycheck.  Find that and play off of those reasons.  Make your skill set work for what you want from the company.  That makes you into an ideal employee, and helps you shine in your second interview.

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Survive Working Long Hours Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:37:50 +0000 SamElli Working long hours day in and day out is exhausting, that’s a fact.  How you cope with that workload can be the difference between success and failure, and your ability to keep your “sanity” at your job.  As stress effects everyone differently, being as adaptable as possible is key to avoiding undue stress.  And while stress is to be expected when working long days, and many hours, it doesn’t have to be a test in how much punishment you can receive.

Don’t fall into the bad eating pitfalls that can occur when working long hours at your job.  Many people turn to drugs like caffeine, or just bad eating habits in general, such as opting for fast food instead of something nutritious.  This is the first step to failing at your ability to perform well when working long days.  Caffeine leads to crashing, which is what you do not want after you’ve already been working a typically long day, and need to dig deep to keep going.  That’s the same effect eating fast food instead of nutritious food will have.

Eating healthy is key to surviving those shifts, so take the time to keep your fruit and vegetable intake high.  That will make all the difference, and drinking water instead of caffeine, coupled with good nutritional habits will provide for all the energy you would need.

If you happen to be working more to complete a big project, or to achieve a big bonus for your paycheck, keep both of these goals in mind.  When you’re feeling down, or just dragged around from the length of your shift, remember your reasons.  Think about your goals, the project you want done, or the money you want to make, and that should help you push on through.

Finally, find a good relaxation technique, and take some time for yourself for that activity.  Whether it be listening to some calming music for a few minutes, taking a break, etc.  Make time for that relaxation, as it will influence everything you do.  The more you can get rid of some stress when you’re feeling stressed, the better you’ll perform, and you’ll feel better too.

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Make Yourself Into A Leader Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:40:31 +0000 SamElli Becoming a leader is different than becoming a manager at your place of work.  Not everyone in management knows how to lead, and the problem that sort of manager, is that they don’t last very long.  To truly become a manager worth your mettle and paycheck, able to lead a team to success, you have to develop your leadership skills.  Developing those skills is hard work, and can take a very long time.  But in the end becoming a true leader is worth your time, because leaders always distinguish themselves.  Because the leadership quality is fairly rare, employers are always willing to stick with a good one.

Think of what you would expect from a leader, and what you hope to gain out of becoming one.  If it helps make a list of each, preferably side by side, to figure out your motivation.  These factors will give you a guide to follow.  By writing out what you want, and what you expect, you have a good idea of whether or not being a leader works for you.  In most cases being a leader means taking a back seat for the better good of the team sometimes.  If you aren’t prepared to do that, you’ll have a hard time developing your leadership skills.

To be a leader you have to be prepared to take charge.  Being a leader is just what the title implies, you are expected to lead your followers, or your team.  The best way to do that is to lead by example.  You have to be the best performer, so that the rest of the team can feed off your leadership.  Nobody wants to follow a coworker that can’t achieve goals as well as they can.  This doesn’t mean you have to be the best at doing the job, but rather the best at meeting goals and following directions.  This way you inspire through example, making yourself a natural leader before you ever have the title.

Finally, you have to be the anchor of the team.  When the cards look like they’re stacked against everyone, you have to be the person to bring the motivation to get the job done.  A leader motivates the team by any means available.  So if you want to be a leader, you have to be able to stay positive to help your team get the job done, no matter the situation.

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Work Expenses You Can Deduct Tue, 22 Sep 2009 20:19:37 +0000 SamElli If you have a job where you’ve been forced to spend money out of pocket to provide for your needs, chances are there are a few purchases that are tax deductible.  The government allows you to deduct purchases made for business purposes, from the tax you would have to pay.  Which is only fair considering they are purchases you have no choice but to make.  So you should be very aware that some things you’ve bought over the years for your job, may actually have been tax deductible.  Knowing that for the future means you can get that money back, the next time you need to make a purchase.

If there is a certain uniform that you are required to wear at your job, that you have to pay for, you can deduct from your taxes.  Anything that you only wear for your job, but that couldn’t be considered street wear, is deductible.

Any travel expenses you incur as the result of your job, are also tax deductible.  This does not include money that you spend in your daily commute, on gas, etc.  Rather, this applies to a business trip.  Any gas that you have to pay for out of pocket is tax deductible.  That also goes for meals and accommodations.  So even if your job doesn’t reimburse you, essential the government will.

Any tools or special items you need for your job that you have to pay for, are also tax deductible.  So any supplies or materials that you need to have for your job, that your company doesn’t reimburse you for, you can deduct.  So don’t worry about finding money for tools that you need.

If there is a union where you work, and you’re almost forced to take part, any fees associated with that union are tax deductible.  Any of the money that they withhold from your paycheck can be deducted on your tax return.  As well as money spent on any professional membership that is required where you work.

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Get Organized, Get Disciplined Thu, 23 Jul 2009 20:41:42 +0000 bikram There are two kinds of freelancers, one who started freelancing because he believed he can make more money and get a better life by working for themselves, and another is the one who jumped on to the bandwagon because he saw the possibility to work with a beer can in his hand. The latter group has joined freelancing because the group felt agitated and sometimes angry by the presence of rules, regulations, discipline, and a BOSS in the work that they are doing.

Well, if your boss is the one who with his nagging behavior pushed in here then you should thank him, but if you have come here with a dream of finding procrastinator’s paradise then I will suggest you to look elsewhere because someone has given you the wrong address. But, as you have come here, though erroneously, I must tell you that to become successful as a freelance professional, you not only need to have some kind of expertise that can be offered as a service to the buyer sitting in different city, state or country, but you also need to have a rigorous  self-control. Time management, scheduling, organization, and a well thought to-do lists are important tools that will help you in preparing for the big task.

Indeed, you will be free of nagging boss, upon choosing freelancing as a career, but there is no escape from rules, regulations, and discipline; rather these things – you may call it evil monsters, if you prefer it that way – will hit hard with all of their combined force.

Freelancing is not for those who need external pushing to meet deadline because there is no one outside you to push you. No one is there to threaten you to stop your promotion or paycheck, or to fire you outright. You have to act on your own. You have to take charge. You need to be disciplined enough to do everything that is required of you, and that too on time, every time. Along with giving you the entire bucket of rewards for the work you do, freelancing also puts a burden of a sack-full of responsibility on you.

Freelancers falling in the first group never have any problem with these. It is the freelancers falling into the second group who find it hard to come to terms with the demands posed by the freelance profession. For them it is a paradise lost.

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Get Rid Of That Workplace Stress! Tue, 21 Jul 2009 19:37:49 +0000 SamElli Most of us feel stress from the pressure of our jobs.  Whether it’s the pressure of a finishing a big project, or of trying to shine enough to earn that next decent raise, practically everyone feels that way from time to time.  Of course some feel it much more than others.  But the techniques to reduce that stress, and increase your quality of life, without risking the quality of your work performance, are essentially the same.

And the first thing you should be doing, is just being a healthy person in general.  Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and maintaining positive social relationships are all key to being a healthy human being.  The better you feel from a health perspective, the better you’re going to feel in all the other parts of your life.  So personal maintenance is key to professional maintenance.

Make sure you keep yourself well organized at work, that way if you’re asked for a report at an unexpected time, you can find the necessary materials quickly.  That way you remove the pressure of having to slap something together at the last minute, by always being well prepared with a well organized desk environment.

Keep spaces open in your organizer so that you have time to do things for yourself.  It may sound a little silly, scheduling time for you to read, but this way you make sure to have the time available.  Making sure your personal time never gets ignored in favor of work ensures you stay more relaxed, and staying as relaxed as possible under pressure is the name of the game.  You’ll perform better, and you’ll find yourself to be a happier person.

Choose a career where you’re motivated by your own will to succeed, opposed to being driven by a paycheck.  You’ll find yourself much more stressed if you end up in a job you hate, and are only working long hours to make ends meet.  Sometimes this can be fairly unrealistic depending upon your personal situation, but try to gravitate towards jobs that you actually want to carry out.

Learn how to know when it’s time to call it quits.  Killing yourself for an extra four hours everyday isn’t going to get that much more work done, and is only going to cut into your life, and make you feel more stressed.  You always pay for the stressful years of your life later on, from health problems, to social problems.  Know when it’s time to tell your boss or company a polite “no” when it comes to compromising yourself for your job.  Get your work done, and do it well, but no job is worth compromising who you are.

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Signs You Should Look For A New Job Wed, 08 Jul 2009 19:50:10 +0000 SamElli One part of working for a company that many people seem to forget about when questions of loyalty come into the mix, is when you should call it quits, and decide to leave the company that’s been fruitful for you in the past.  Sometimes you hit a plateau, and find that you just can’t grow any more at your job, or sometimes you complete a large product and find yourself struggling to look for other tasks you can complete to justify your paycheck.  But there are a few warning signs you should be aware of that will let you know you may want to begin getting that resume ready, whether you believe you’re going to be let go, or if you’re just looking to further your career elsewhere.

One sign that’s fairly easy to spot is if your company is in trouble.  Every company is in a relative amount of trouble, given the global recession that’s been battering the world for quite a while now, but if your company is in dire risk of bankruptcy, it’s a good time to think about abandoning ship.

If your company has just recently been turned over to a new CEO, or if you see new leaders at a lower level begin to be negotiated into the company, it’s a good time to think about leaving.  The problem with new faces, is that they bring in more new faces that they’ve been familiar working with in the past.  Chances are you don’t factor in to their plans, as they don’t know you, and most managers would prefer not to spend time learning how to work with new people, when they can let you go and hire a past employee at the new company.

You hit the plateau at any given company for your skill set.  If you’ve gone as high up the ladder as your education/skill set will provide for, it’s time to get looking for a new job.  Chances are, even if it’s the same level position with another corporation, you may be able to get a larger salary.  The chance to renegotiate pay with a well proven set of skills is always an opportunity you should take, and the new corporation will offer you new challenges and the ability to add a new credit to your resume.

Your boss or corporation fails to fulfill a promise that they had made to you during an interview, or early on in your hiring process.  These mean promises not put into writing as an actual contract, but something verbally promised to you.  Whether that means a certain amount of money you should be making over a set length of time, or a promotion you should receive within a set amount of time.  Whenever these promises are not met, they’re leading you on, and it’s time to find the exit as soon as possible to put your energy towards pursuing a more meaningful opportunity with a company that doesn’t lie to you.

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Stand Out At Your Job Sat, 04 Jul 2009 16:39:12 +0000 SamElli One of the best ways to ensure that you become “unfireable” at your job, is to make yourself stand out from the rest of the endless rabble of employees.  If you work at a big corporation, you’ll find that most of the people around you are fairly dead eyed at work, just doing enough to get by and keep their paycheck coming, and with that sort of ‘competition’ it’s really not as hard as you might think to make yourself look all the better.  The first step is just keeping yourself motivated.  You have to be able to decide, and commit to working hard all the time, and always doing what you can to further your position with the company.  This may mean more of a workload on your part, but the time you put in today will pay off dividends tomorrow.

Keep yourself motivated, and keep on top of your assignments.  Finish your projects as quickly as possible without compromising the quality of the work you’re putting out.  A fast turnaround time, especially faster than the boss expects, is a great way for the higher ups to start noticing your name on these projects.  Being faster than your coworkers to turn in a project, and especially if you can keep up the same quality your boss would expect, ensures your boss will start remembering your name before anyone else‘s.

Take advantage of opportunities to do work that you may not even be required to complete.  If your boss offers something that isn’t necessarily in your job description/department, do it anyway, and give it your best.  This shows initiative, and commitment to the company, both of which make you a standout performer the next time your boss is considering who may need to be leaving the team because of cutbacks.  The last thing your boss will ever want to hear is “that’s not in my job description”, remember that, because that response will make you look terrible.

Finally, lead as much as possible without stepping on your bosses toes.  Become a standout performer by taking initiative and helping your coworkers as much as possible.  The more that you help others around you, the more your skills will be noticed, and the better they will appear.

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You Can Earn $250 Per Day Online! Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:09:12 +0000 passionflower34 Well, we’ve all heard the stories and gotten those emails, haven’t we? In case you’ve never clicked on that website, let me warn you now: DON’T!!! What happens is you are re-directed to a website where they try to sell you an Ebook or some type of LIST with the names of companies who hire “at-home” workers.

The only people making any money off this scam are the ones selling you their LIST. The other thing that happens when you get to their web site is that they collect your information and pretty soon you’ll get millions of advertisement emails from people wanting to:

  • Give you a credit card (Read the fine print! There are usually exorbitant fees associated with these credit card offers!)
  • Sell you insurance
  • Sign you up for FREE stuff
  • Get you to enter their contest

Again, what happens when you click on any of these so-called “Offers” is that somebody somewhere will try to collect your name, email address and phone # and any other information they can come by.

The other thing that happens though, and this is worse, is that they can covertly install spyware, Adware and other types of malicious software on your computer. Now you’ve got a whole new set of problems. You’ve got to purchase one of those anti-spyware programs to get all that junk off your computer.

But there are legitimate ways to earn a living online. More and more people and companies are realizing how easy it is to hire a “virtual assistant” or data entry person who can accomplish their tasks from anywhere in the world simply using their computer and the internet.

This may well be the future of mankind’s workforce. Who knows? It’s certainly catching on. But you must do your own research into these companies. And you must be wary of all the fakes that are out there. There will always be scammers and people looking to earn a quick, easy buck.

As with all of life, you get what you put into any project. Even online work is going to require hours and effort on your part in order to get that paycheck.

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