ITList Information Technology Blog » Salary Package Current IT field related information Mon, 03 Oct 2011 03:14:33 +0000 en hourly 1 3 Things You Shouldn’t Ask First at the Interview Desk Mon, 03 Oct 2011 02:34:37 +0000 bikram Job interviews are crucial points of an individual’s life, where one either succeeds with sheer pride and evolves as a winner or crumbles into pieces of frustration and lack of confidence for whole life. Well here are some tips for the interview desk, explaining there are some typical questions that you shouldn’t ask first in any circumstances. Let the interviewer give you some hint, then only shoot your questions. Here they are.

Do not ask about salary first

This is a major mistake often seen among the youngsters and fresh candidates at the interview desk. Many youngsters join jobs, especially easy to get through kind of jobs just because of salary attraction. What they fail to see is that the company is hiring them for some good reasons of its profit, not to do charity. All that interest them is salary package. Often such candidates turn really impatient and just cannot wait till the interviewer asks him or her about expected salary package. Such candidate looks for an opportunity and whenever the interviewer is found little quiet, soon shoots questions like ‘How much are you planning to pay for this job?’ or ‘What will be my salary package if I am chosen for it?’ Well, such questions may not only irritate the interviewer, you may also lose chance to impress him forever. Ask about salary package only when the interviewer gives you come hint or asks you directly about your expected salary figure. Too much proactive effort from your side will invariably send wrong messages across.

Do not ask about the company’s background first

Do not forget, it is you who is being interviewed; not the person sitting across the table. Maintain interview decorum. Too much of interest and questions may make you appear too bossy, picky and irritating. It is good if you have queries in store for the interviewer, it is always appreciated. But shooting such questions at the wrong time may spoil your entire effort. Shoot all questions you have regarding the company background or places of operation or anything specific about the job profile – only when you are asked. The interviewer may specifically ask you ‘Do you have any questions to ask?’ and that time you can shoot your questions. If you are not asked, towards end of the interview process you may proactively ask some questions. But keep it short. Make sure questions are sensible, smart, logical and not personal.

Do not ask personal questions

Often the interviewer makes the candidate feel relaxed, at ease and comfortable. Interviewer may crack some jokes, share light moments to see how you are exactly behind the shield of formal attire. But such atmosphere doesn’t permit you to forget all interview decorum and get personal. Even if the situation is light hearted do not suddenly get personal and shoot questions like ‘Sir, what does your name mean?’ or ‘Madam how many years you have been working in this company?’ Such abrupt questions may instantly make the interviewer feel uncomfortable

Follow these tips and do not make a mistake being proactive at the interview desk.

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Tips for Salary Negotiation at Interview Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:24:12 +0000 bikram Salary negotiation is an important part of any final job interview, from both the interviewer and interviewee’s point of view. Salary has to be negotiated in such a way, that both the parties remain benefited. But often poor negotiation skill of the interviewee can spoil the entire process and result into unsatisfactory output. Don’t let your poor negotiation spoil your future. Here are some tips for you.

Don’t rush towards the negotiation process

Undoubtedly salary is one of the main pulling factors behind job switching. Being tempted by better salary we often change jobs. And that’s a common interest for both you and the interviewer; since the interviewer has to pay you. That’s an obvious question which may crop up at any part of the interview process. But don’t rush towards the salary discussion. When asked you may quote your expected salary or say it can be worked out later.

Know your value first

To ask for a reasonable salary, first you need to find your own market value. Judge your value in terms of logical perception of your knowledge, experience, skills and expertise, achievements, training, brand association and educational qualification.

Organization’s pay structure

Some organizations may have their own pay structure as per the candidates’ educational levels. Defined salary structures are at times made flexible, depending on candidate’s exclusive skills or extra-ordinary caliber.  Know these pay structures before negotiating salary.

Exclusive position

In case your job position is quite unique and exclusive or you are the only one who could get through the interview process you can call for a premium amount of salary. As for example, if the concerned company keeps only one brand manager and you have been selected as the one, you can ask for a good salary package.

Industry rate
Know the industry rate first. Know how much other companies in the same industry are paying to its employees, at similar level like you. Knowing the industry rate will help you in the negotiation process to put forth a logical demand of salary.

Put your greed aside

Don’t get too greedy about money. A good company can’t be missed out for a few extra bucks. If everything is fine and you decide to join, don’t let the greed come in between. If you are getting a decent package, join it. Later on with time as you build good rapport and prove your skills salary hike won’t be a problem for you. Consider the entire package, not just winning negotiation. Too tall demand of yours may make the interviewer find you unreasonable or money minded. So be fair, gentle and not too pushy.

Let a good negotiation bring you good luck and the dream job.
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Criteria for Selection of an Ideal Job Sun, 22 Aug 2010 17:40:00 +0000 bikram Just a job offer is not enough at times. Even if we manage to crack many job interviews we choose the best one. Unfortunately we often make a hasty decision and end up judging a job just on the basis of good salary package. That’s definitely one very important criteria of job selection, but not the only factor. There are many factors to be considered before making any decision. They are discussed below.

Location of the office

Location of your work place is one very important criteria of job selection. If one doesn’t have own conveyance and depends solely on public transports; one has to consider the distance from the workplace, means of communication and the cost it incurs. Public transport again helps in saving money spent on gas and time wasted in traffic. Location in a poor area may threaten the female employees.


Alluring perks always attract employees. Perks like gym within the office campus, day care centers for babies, swimming pool, company provided car naturally attract all. Perks also come with position and experience. Interact with the Human Resource team to know about the perks offered.

Growth and Increment

Even a fat salary package seems inadequate over a couple of years of time. At the age of 20 the salary package which seems irresistible, appear convincingly inadequate at the age of 30. That’s the irony of salary package. A job which doesn’t offer much scope of growth and annual increments isn’t attractive to its employees. It’s like a mundane job, which no one wishes to stick to for long. Not only in terms of money; but one needs to scrutinize the opportunity for growth, hierarchy within the organization and delegation of duties and responsibilities to its employees.

Work environment

One should also scrutinize the work environment. Is it a very loud place or quiet? Is the environment casual or formal and strict? Are people cooperative and friendly or very judgmental and formal? Is the work culture very nice or quite ordinary and cheap? Does the company consider about employees’ comfort and space required or is it very suffocating? Is it a safe place for women? Such factors definitely affect productivity and mental peace.

Job security

Job security is a big concern for the employees. Younger employees may not need to worry about it, but family men definitely need to check it. Is the job safe and what does its past track record says? Do your research. Check the company’s market share, reputations, strength, frequency of vacancies advertised etc. Employees should ask questions related to the job security during interview session.

Do what keeps you happy

Get into a job which delivers maximum job satisfaction and is close to your heart. Even if the job is not very money making, your love for it could keep you happy for life. If you are passionate artist you can’t be happy for life in a banking job. Do what keeps you happy and satisfied. That’s a key to success.

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