ITList Information Technology Blog » Success And Failure Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Controlling Your Online Reputation Thu, 14 Jan 2010 22:30:21 +0000 SamElli Your online reputation can be the difference between success and failure when looking for a new job. You might not even be aware of what information is easily available to anyone performing a Google search on your name.  Almost every potential employer will perform a search on your name, to see what pops up.  Too much negativity and you could be crossed off immediately.  So how do you go about improving, or creating a positive online reputation?

Well, being as active as possible is a start.  Having no internet identity can be just as bad as having a negative one.  Employers want to see positive extra curricular activity, and work history.  These are cues to what sort of employee you are, so make sure an interviewer can easily find them.  Be active in professional forums, maintain a personal blog, and keep a professionally oriented social networking page.

Make sure that everything you put out there puts you into a positive light.  Anything you want an employer to see needs to be about creativity, positive, and showcasing commitment and hard work.  Don’t bash old employers and bosses, because that’s a big turn off to anybody interested in you.  In fact, don’t bash anybody, or have anything negative on a page that’s intended to be professional, because it will only show you in a bad light.

But don’t forget, what you put out there is only half the battle.  You need to search your name to see what other people are putting out in relation to your name.  Do a search, see if anything comes up from past employers, or if anything you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see pops up.  Takes steps to correct these, or have them removed from search engines if you’re uncomfortable with the material.  Most of the time places like Google are more than willing to work with you, so long as you’re polite and patient.

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The Real Way To Work From Home Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:06:46 +0000 SamElli Working from home is not easy, and contrary to what many people will say, is really hard work.  Another difficult part of the equation, is finding work that realistically allows you to work from home.  You have to know how to find what’s out there, which opportunities are real, and which job listings are scams that should be avoided.  Working from home is a world full of pitfalls, but if you’re intelligent, careful, and hard working, it’s a task that can be accomplished.

As with any business venture, networking is key.  Tapping into the world, meeting others looking to form careers in the same area is key.  This will give you an in to what jobs are available, and what jobs are worth applying for.  Work from home forums or websites can be good resources.  Use them, because networking oftentimes determines how successful you become.

Also, know how to spot a scam.  This is especially important when starting out.  Most scams involve asking for money in order for an opportunity to provide you with work or resources.  Never give them anything, because more often than not these are scams.  You’ll pay money, and get nothing, or no job opportunities in return.  A legitimate employer is never going to ask you to pay money in order to secure an opportunity.

In your search, remember that patience is key.  You may find difficulty finding an opportunity at first, and it may take some time to form legitimate ones.  But as long as you’re diligent, eventually you’ll find something.  Once you find one job, you’re usually good to find a few more, easier than last time.
Remember that you’re going to make mistakes, but don’t let that stop you from soldiering on.   The difference between success and failure is the amount of effort you are willing to extend.

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Survive Working Long Hours Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:37:50 +0000 SamElli Working long hours day in and day out is exhausting, that’s a fact.  How you cope with that workload can be the difference between success and failure, and your ability to keep your “sanity” at your job.  As stress effects everyone differently, being as adaptable as possible is key to avoiding undue stress.  And while stress is to be expected when working long days, and many hours, it doesn’t have to be a test in how much punishment you can receive.

Don’t fall into the bad eating pitfalls that can occur when working long hours at your job.  Many people turn to drugs like caffeine, or just bad eating habits in general, such as opting for fast food instead of something nutritious.  This is the first step to failing at your ability to perform well when working long days.  Caffeine leads to crashing, which is what you do not want after you’ve already been working a typically long day, and need to dig deep to keep going.  That’s the same effect eating fast food instead of nutritious food will have.

Eating healthy is key to surviving those shifts, so take the time to keep your fruit and vegetable intake high.  That will make all the difference, and drinking water instead of caffeine, coupled with good nutritional habits will provide for all the energy you would need.

If you happen to be working more to complete a big project, or to achieve a big bonus for your paycheck, keep both of these goals in mind.  When you’re feeling down, or just dragged around from the length of your shift, remember your reasons.  Think about your goals, the project you want done, or the money you want to make, and that should help you push on through.

Finally, find a good relaxation technique, and take some time for yourself for that activity.  Whether it be listening to some calming music for a few minutes, taking a break, etc.  Make time for that relaxation, as it will influence everything you do.  The more you can get rid of some stress when you’re feeling stressed, the better you’ll perform, and you’ll feel better too.

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Make A Lot Of Money Writing Thu, 24 Sep 2009 18:07:07 +0000 SamElli Being a writer is something that many people aspire to, but few actually make happen.  The most important factor between success and failure, is just having a passion and being willing to take risks for that passion.  Freelance writing is a job where your income is not guaranteed.  You have to be your own boss, which means you are the only one who can find work to pull in money.  You have no fall back, or other people to count on besides the person you see in the mirror.  If that sounds scary to you, freelancing probably isn’t the best prospect for you.

But if you want to be a writer, the first step is making sure you have the skills.  I’m not necessarily talking about the degrees you think you need, but rather the knowledge.  If you want to be a freelancer you absolutely need the Associated Press Stylebook.  It’s a listing of everything you need to know for journalism trends concerning grammar, spelling, and how you should write a journalistic article for any topic.  It’s your writing bible, so keep it with you while you write until you know the facts inside and out.

Start up a personal blog.  This will serve for a resume of sorts, where you can continually update your personal accomplishments and day to day musings.  Your blog will serve as a good introduction to employers, and could even earn you extra money in the process, from advertising.  Not to mention it’s a free and easy way to hone your writing techniques, something you desperately need to do at all times.

Keep a list of your goals around your work area, so that you can keep sight of your target.  That way whenever you’re feeling less than motivated to be a successful writer, you have constant motivation.  Never stop working toward those goals, and keep them close to your heart.  Anything is possible if you’re willing to work for what you want.

Finally, now that you’re set to really get started, look for work.  Submit your writing to websites, there are a plethora available for freelance writers.  In the beginning be prepared to work for low money to develop a good work history, or even free at times.  But once your history is more reputable, the better jobs will consider you.  The more of a name you can make for yourself, the more valuable and expensive your services will become.

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10 Everyday Sales Mistakes to Avoid (Part – I) Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:36:21 +0000 bikram Selling is an art, which some people have mastered, and others just hope to. The difference between the sales haves and have-nots are not the lack of understanding of some huge gigantic concepts and theories, rather, most of the time the difference between the sales success, and failure to register a sale is everyday soft skills and introspection. Your presentations (PPTs) do not make a sale, they are not capable of making one; it is you soft skills, your honest connection with yourself and demeanor that help you register one sale after another.

Let’s give you a personal account in brief to explain this more clearly. Couple of years back, I was employed in a space selling team of a national newspaper (for convenience sake let’s call it X-Paper). My stay there was not long, but I learned quite a few things there. While in X-Paper, I made a friend, who was very polished, professional, and stiff and had a quirky sense of humor. One fine day, he was not in his usual mood, not cracking his kind of jokes, which made me ask, how he was doing. In response to this he started verbally bashing our bosses (we had a handful of them). As he said, his issue was with the way our bosses lick the clients boot by being polite (overly) to make a sale (perhaps he was referring o their soft skills), and to meet their targets. He felt, it was not being professional. He went on saying he was against such things; one should do what he used to do, make a good PPT, put all the necessary information in it, and deliver the presentation, as best as one could. And that according to him was how sales should be made; no personal chit-chat, no small talks. What he was suggesting was this: do not be friendly (over, as he put it) with the people on the other side of the table, they are just business associates, so, instead of showing concern to their matters, we should focus on solving problems in their business. As he said, we should focus on what problem clients’ business had, and how our product was going to solve it.

After couple of months in the only corporate job, I quit and started a viral marketing and buzz generation agency (I come from MARCOM background), and hired this person for sales job. Six months into the position, he was still looking to make his first sale. I tried convincing him the other method, but he did not listen, and shifted the blame on our agency being a new thing. His point was well taken. Interestingly even when he was with X-Paper, a very well established niche newspaper, his sale was still not justifying the salary he drew. I was naïve then, and due to lots of other reasons my venture failed, but while taking its last breath it taught me the power of soft skills. The power of a simple smile, saying sorry, listening carefully, politely disagreeing when the difference in opinion arises, and admiring heartily when come across wonderful thing. All in all it taught me the wisdom that lies in being a good human.

Why my friend from X-paper despite those glittering MBA degree from a reputed college failed in doing what my bosses found it every day affair? Most of my bosses did not even have an MBA degree, they were plain vanilla graduates! I am not planning to kill you by the length of this post, so return tomorrow and get the answers. Till then, so long!

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