ITList Information Technology Blog » Good Understanding Current IT field related information Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:35:43 +0000 en hourly 1 How to Become a Strong Woman? Mon, 27 Sep 2010 17:09:10 +0000 bikram World has always remained male dominated and male driven. Where power comes naturally to men, women have to acquire it, fight for it, and become really strong to find a space for herself in this world. A strong woman is the one who believes in herself, stays independent, respects herself, and takes decisions herself. She lives life, doesn’t survive merely. Many of us wish to be like that, but don’t know how. Here are some guidelines to get you into the shoes of a strong woman.

Know yourself

Take out time for yourself. Sit alone and analyze yourself. Try to know your ‘true’ self, who you are in real inside a human body. Try to explore your spiritual being. It will not only make your vision clear but will also lend you a good understanding of life. Spiritual understanding will help you to understand the deepest truths, explore true knowledge, and fetch ultimate wisdom. This will make you wiser, immaterialist, and omnipotent. Meditate, read books on spirituality, visit relevant sites on Internet. You should know what you want in life. Fix your goal and work towards it.

Love and depend on yourself

Love yourself, as it’s you who will be with your shadow forever. People may give you shoulder to lean upon, but no one is eternal. At the end of the day, it’s you, all alone. Be self-reliant. That’s emotional maturity. The day you stop depending on others, expecting from others you are a strong individual. Take care of yourself. Do everything yourself and fulfill emotional needs too. Meditate and pray often.

Be financially independent

Independence starts with financial freedom. Earn for yourself. Pay your bills, rent, food, household finances, shopping. Maintain own bank account. It not only makes one independent, but also increases self-confidence and courage. Financial dependence on others makes us weak, indebted and parasite. A strong woman is the one who’s capable of looking after herself. Find job or do something which you are good at and capable of doing. If money earning asks for some specific education or skill, go and learn that. There’s no end to learning.

Be honest to yourself

You may lie to the whole world. But don’t lie to yourself. Admit your weaknesses. Accept yourself the way you are. You may admire someone and get motivated, but don’t try to be a copied version. It will make you frustrated. You may have potential which no one else has. Realize that.

Follow your heart

A strong woman takes independent decisions, follows her own heart. Do what makes you happy. Entire world may reject your choice, but if you believe in it follow it. Don’t forget, it’s your life, you should live it the way you wish to. You are supposed to be happy. It’s not being selfish.

Go, the world is all yours. Walk with your chin up.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-VIII Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:12:51 +0000 bikram The actual process of writing is indeed a lonely undertaking, but many things happen before you sit and start writing, and these many things shape your writing, therefore going out is as important as is sitting alone to write. In this part of the 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing series, I will talk about the benefits of socializing.

Writing group

Join a writing group in your neighborhood. Make sure it is not very far because distance works as a deterrent for many new writers. If you could not find a writing group in your neighborhood, form one.

Book reading club

Become a member of a book reading club. This will help you refine your existing ideas, and it will also help you get new ideas. Reading is the best advice that can be given to a writer. A writer who does not read cannot produce a good quality work for long. If there is not any book reading club in your neighborhood then form one.

Socialize with writers

Talking to fellow writers will help you unearth many hidden issues, and it will also help you find answers of many unasked questions as well. A practicing writer can become a better guide in telling you how to write, how to use different writing tools, and how to keep your writing simple yet powerful.

Meet someone who is not like you

Meeting a person who is not like you, and who has different point of view, desires, values, etc., will give you a good understanding in human nature. Meet a person of such standing and reflect on the experience you have by meeting him, and the experiences he or she shared with you.

Leave your couch

This is important. Your couch has become your comfort zone, or is it your chair that has become your comfort zone? Challenge yourself and break free. I am asking you to leave your comfort zone, and try meeting new people, and experiencing new things. The more experience you will bag, the better accomplished writer you will become.

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Make Your Elevator Speech Count Tue, 15 Sep 2009 19:48:07 +0000 SamElli Have to make a quick “elevator speech” but you want to really make an impact? Well, typically it’s almost an art form to really establish a connection in that short amount of time.  Really it’s a master art to take a 60 second presentation and make an impact.  But here’s a good list of do’s and don’ts for that quick presentation that should at least help you make that desired impact.  Just make sure you practice, practice, practice before delivering any presentation.

-Make sure your speech shows your confidence.  Flow as if it’s only conversation, but show your command of the presentation that you are making.  By making this feel like conversation but showing your command, you gain more positive attention.

-Don’t make a speech where your audience is left asking, but why do I care?  You only have a short amount of time, but make sure you instill a good understanding of your points.  Make sure why your presentation matters to them, comes across.

-Familiarize yourself with your speech so that you know your facts in and out.  The worst thing you could possibly do in that short amount of time, is rambling.  Don’t fumble for words, or your speech will suffer as a result.

-This is more of an informal presentation, so do be friendly.  The elevator speech is more of an informal  presentation, but don’t lose your professionalism in the process.

-Try to stick to more listener friendly language, explaining things simply and completely.  Rather than going for big vivid descriptions, as you just don’t have the time for a speech like that.

-Finally, try to project your  passion and belief for what you are presenting.  If you don’t have any, find some or your speech will fail.  A good aura stemming from a belief in which you’re talking about will radiate on your audience.  So make sure you believe in what you are saying.

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The Importance of being Observant Sat, 13 Jun 2009 03:40:44 +0000 bikram Beauty lies in details, and to adorn your writing with details you need to pay a close attention to the things happening around you. Observation and asking questions are two key skills required to understand the knitting of the social fabric.

A close observation of your surrounding will bring required depth in your writing by giving you access to the underlying pattern of the society. Observation will make you understand how certain thing and certain types of person work in certain situation. It will help you gauge a person’s response to a certain kind of problem in any specific situation, or in different situations. This understanding will add colors to the picture you want to paint of your protagonist, or of any minor character in your story. You need to have a good observation skill, even if, you want to write fantasy fiction because the understanding you will develop by being observant will help you write a story that will have a connect with the readers.

Asking relevant questions and listening to the answers offered will give you a good understanding of the psychological make-up of any society. While asking questions, do not just follow words spoken, but look for the meaning left hidden beneath the unspoken ones. For this, you need to be a very careful listener and a keen observer.

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