ITList Information Technology Blog » parents Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Do You Care About Having a Writing Schedule? Thu, 05 Aug 2010 05:37:00 +0000 bikram Do you care about having a writing schedule for you, whatever that mean? Better still, should you worry about having a writing schedule? I can feel some of you nodding, and even frown on some of the faces. This has to happen. People have different opinion about having a writing schedule. Not everyone feels that one should have one.

But this is what I have to say on this. A writing schedule is must for you if you are not highly motivated writer, and who cannot start writing on the word go. And guess what most of us do not fit in this description. We all need, therefore, a writing schedule to help us perform the work we have taken ourselves.

Yes, each one of us has taken writing work on our own, no one ever have forced us to do so. I know of no parents who want their sons and daughters to become writers. It is the calling we got from inside and now as you are sunk deep into it you have started to feel lethargic. This is where a writing schedule steps in and pushes us forward, and we trod until we gain momentum.

Why to have a writing schedule?

  1. It helps us remain on course.
  2. It makes us finish our job on time.
  3. Following a writing schedule gives us freedom to do anything productive with rest of the day, which will not be the case if there is no schedule.
  4. In the absence of a schedule we end of thinking about finishing our writing assignment throughout the day, which is such a waste of time.

This is all I can think as of now. I need your help to list down all the benefits of having a writing schedule. How else do you think following a writing schedule is going to help someone? Use the comment box and send your suggestions. I am waiting impatiently to hear your ideas.

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How To Network Professionally Fri, 30 Oct 2009 20:06:46 +0000 SamElli I’ve written many times stating the importance of networking yourself in your professional industry.  But how should you go about networking yourself?  We all know that networking is important if you want to succeed and take your career as far as possible.  But how do you get your name out there?  Where are you supposed to turn when you’re just starting out?

Well first off, make sure you know why you should be networking.  Most jobs that are available on the market aren’t even advertised.  In fact, some of the best jobs out there are never even advertised before they are filled.  By making a name for yourself, and connecting to as many people as possible, you create more chances to find out about these opportunities.  Whether through connecting with someone whose company is hiring, or finding out through a friend that’s applying with the same company.

To network effectively, it’s as simple as making the effort to find professional relationships.  Career related seminars or conferences are a great way to get yourself out there.  The same goes for websites that feature social networking for professionals.  Resources like LinkedIn should be taken advantage of, as they are decent resources for making fast friends.

Beyond that it’s easy to make the little connections.  If you have children, try to talk with the other parents around you at school related events, or extra curricular activities.  You may find someone on the same career path, and that friendship could pay off in the long run.

Just remember to return all the favors you receive.  Networking is a two way street, it’s not about meeting people to benefit yourself, and then forgetting about them.  To make strong professional bonds you have to help, as well as take the help they are willing to give.  Tip them in to opportunities at your company, or openings you know of around you.  That’s the only way to network effectively, and keep yourself in a positive light with those around you.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Sat, 19 Sep 2009 03:15:16 +0000 bikram In the last article titled, 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing, I shared five valuable tips that will help you improve your writing. Continuing our discussion from the point where we left, I am going to share five more tips on the same topic.

Draw and Outline and follow along

An outline is very important for writing. This is a time saving device that also helps in organizing your thoughts. Make an outline of the article or academic paper that you area about to write, and use bullet points to map what all you are going to cover under what heading. Writing will be much easier after this.

Edit, Write, Edit, Edit, Edit, Write

Does this remind you of the way you do the actual writing? Well, if it does then congratulations, and if it doesn’t then you need to work on it because no one is perfect and everyone tends to make errors while writing. Hence; you should be editing your work once you are done writing. Never consider the first draft a final work. Editing will help you remove unnecessary fat from your article.

Is it passion that you are missing?

C’mon what the heck passion has to do with writing?

I have often heard this line of reason. Tell me something, have you written a love letter to your girl friend? I know it is a pretty old concept, so, if you haven’t go and ask your parents or someone older than you who loved in the time and age when the Internet, cell phone or pager was not around.

In those good old times, people wrote letters, and they will tell you how many hours they invested in crafting one letter, sometime even days. They did it because they were passionate about the person who will receive the letter. Do this with your writing. Write on the subject you are passionate about and see the difference in the quality.

Are you here?

Live in present and observe your surroundings. This will give you more stories and inspiration then even the greatest book can. Ask questions, if you do not understand, and listen intently.

Take a break

You should take some time off before you begin editing your written work. Take some time off, and go for a walk or listen to music, that is to say, do whatever you think is good to keep you from thinking about the work that you have just finished. Come back after 20-30 minutes and edit your work.

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How to Take Time Out to Write Sun, 14 Jun 2009 08:07:22 +0000 bikram Writing is indeed fun, and many among us have the skill required to write, but a handful only end up writing anything. If you ask the non-starter about it then they will supply you with different versions of the same answer: they did not get time. Do not think that every non-writer who had potential to write is lazy. This is, indeed, not the case. They just do not know how to take time out to write! Most of them are too busy doing works and earning living for them and their families to even think of picking a pen or stroking the keys. This article will tell you how to take time out from the busy life.

Record what you do and eliminate unnecessary things

In order to take time out from your daily schedule, you need to figure out how you spend your day. Start with recording everything that you do in your daily life. Once you have a complete list of things that you do in any day of the week, start striking out the thing you can do without. You will be amazed to see how much time you wasted in idle talks, and television watching. These things are important, but when done in excess, they can kill your productivity.

Cut on rests

One needs to work hard, if one wants to achieve something. You need to cut on sleeping, and lunchtime rests to take time out to write. You can use this time to write down the thoughts that come to you, or even use this time to develop your story.

Write while you travel

Well, this is not always possible to write when you are going from one place to another, but you can always use this time to write down the key points, which you can further develop at your leisure.

Talk to your family and ask for support

Take your family in confidence and speak your mind, tonight on the dinner table. Tell them what you are planning to do. Ask your partner, or parents to look after your kids at least once a week, so that you can have some free time to write. If you have grownup kids then ask them to do the house works once a week to help you in taking time out to write.

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