ITList Information Technology Blog » Writing Tips Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 PPC Ad Writing Tips Tue, 09 Nov 2010 18:23:00 +0000 bikram You do not get enough space to write 500+ word long sales letter when asked to write a PPC ad for your client, or even for your business. The space is limited, and to make profound impact using that space, you will need to be clever with the words. Just arranging any words, I know you call it a sentence, will not cut it for a PPC market in 2010 and beyond. It has become fiercer. You need to be creative, and have to think out of the box; rather, deny the existence of the box itself.

The tips I am going to share below will help you in that.

PPC ads writing tips

  1. Do not be verbose. Sometimes saying less actually creates more impact. What could be more effective than Nike’s Just Do It, and Apple’s Think Different?
  2. Add powerful call to action in the body of a PPC ad.
  3. Do not use your PPC ad as a sales engine. It will prove to be very ineffective sales engine. I would recommend you to use it as a hook to pull visitors to your website. The single goal of your ad should be to make visitors click the ad. Leave rest on your website’s copy.
  4. If you are a B2B wholesaler, use the order size so that people looking for one piece do not click and waste your money. You can say something like, minimum lot: 1000 pieces, or no retail inquiry, etc. Including lot size is a nice strategy to keep B2C customers from clicking your ads.
  5. Write multiple versions of a PPC ad, and send all live, do the testing, and keep the ones that converts well.
  6. Use action words and active voice. Do not use passive voice in your PPC ads. It will not get you desired result.
  7. Flaunt awards and recognitions, if they matter to end users.

These are some key rules of writing PPC ads. Do not tamper with any of the above. You will soon see the result.

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PPC Headline Writing Tips Sat, 06 Nov 2010 16:50:00 +0000 bikram Companies are waking up to the potential of pay per click (PPC) marketing, which has given rise to number of bids that a keyword receives. Because of which the average cost of a PPC campaign has gone up. So generating qualified clicks only become more critical for the success of a campaign. This calls for a heroic copywriting skill.

More than ever, the PPC ad writers now has to concentrate on making the ad tighter and crispier. He or she has to use 25 or so words given by search engines in such a way that a PPC ad makes only desirable searchers click the link. This is a challenge which can be surpassed, and this as well as the next article will help you do that.

How to write killing PPC Headline

Length of a headline

A headline is the most important part of an advertisement, as this is the part of a PPC ad that attracts viewers’ attention. For a Pay per Click advertisement, a rule of thumb should be to use a headline that is not more than 5 words.

My personal recommendation on this matter is 4 words.

Call to action

The goal of a headline is to attract attention, so let’s stick to that. Do not include call to action line or hot button in your headline. It will make you sound too needy. Keep this for the body where it will work better.

Keyword insertion

If you have 2 or more-words keyword phrase then you can alter the length of your headline to make it 5 words, but when doing so, always remember to keep the non-keyword words shorter. If you are going to use dynamic keyword insertion then make sure your headline reads well with the keyword options you are bidding for. It should not sound weird with any of the keywords.

Try to keep the keyword at the beginning of the headline.

Word selection

The non-keyword words that you will insert in the headline should be emotionally charged, as all the decisions are emotional. No one is ration out there.

Following these tips when writing a PPC ad could be challenging at first, but soon you will get hold of it. After which, writing a PPC headline will be all downhill.

This brings us to the end of this article on PPC headline writing tips, in the next article I will talk about the body part.

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Tips for Web Content Writing Sun, 18 Jul 2010 03:23:53 +0000 bikram Writing may apparently look alike everywhere, but in reality it differs widely from one medium to another. Writing altogether becomes even more different when it’s written solely for the web purpose. Such difference has given birth to the web content writing professionals. You just can’t mess with your website or blog. Can you? It’s your identity before the entire world. So handle it with care.

These web content writing tips could help you in coming up with a better website.

Unique content

First of all, produce good quality, original and correct content. Poor quality writing and grammatical errors get easily noticed. They destroy credibility of the site owner. Content should be 100% original. Don’t get tempted to copy from other attractive web contents. Copied content easily gets tracked by Google and other search engines. The content should be correct, valid and credible. You just can’t afford to fill up the space with wrong, misleading content. It should add some value to the reader’s mind.

Insert keywords

Insert keywords in your web content with great care. Keywords shouldn’t look misfit or irrelevant. Choose your keywords as per your target reader.

Clear, legible text

The text matter shouldn’t look blurred, distorted, cluttered. Font should be formal, easy to read and clear. Don’t fall for the super stylish calligraphic fonts. Use bullets, bold headings and sub points. They break the monotony.

Internal linking

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the latest craze. Post highest amount of links online which will direct traffic to your website. It will naturally increase your search engine ranking.

Simple vocabulary and short sentences

Short and crisp sentences keep the reader involved and interested. Keep the vocabulary simple yet rich, matching your target audience. People fail to read long sentences on the web and comprehend the meaning. They also lose attention. So keep sentences simple and short.

Following these few simple tips could actually make your web content appear great.

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4 Preparation Tips that Will Help You Write Better Sat, 15 May 2010 03:49:05 +0000 bikram Proper preparation is as important for writing an article as is the writing itself. The more you prepare for it the better will be the final output. In this article, I am going to share four preparation tips that will make your blog post more interesting, and it will fetch more retweets and diggs.

4 Writing preparation tips

One idea per post

Do not cram too many things in one blog post. It will confuse the readers, which will push them to move away from your blog. The more ideas you will insert in the post, the more users will move away from the blog. Find a core theme and stick to it. Do not wander off, or else you will never be able to finish your blog post.

Find the purpose of your blog post

Knowing the purpose of a blog post will help you draft your article better. Why are you writing the article? Do you want your readers to purchase something, or you want them to know more about the subject, or you want them to subscribe to your newsletter after reading it? Once the purpose is defined, writing becomes easier, as you choose mode, tone, and words on that basis only.

Who is your target audience

This is another important consideration. You need to define an ideal reader of your blog post. Find out what he does, how much experienced he is, and what is his qualification? You also need to find their interest level and intension. Is your ideal customer in the market to buy the thing you are writing about? Is he just researching, or reading casually? Knowledge of the intention will help you customize your language.

Write a draft headline

Write a temporary headline. It will give you a target around which you will organize your ideas. This, in no way, is the final headline that will go with your post. This headline is just the first draft. Revisit the headline, once you are through with the article.

You are much better equipped to write a headline after you are done with the article, as you are much more knowledgeable about the subject matter.

Follow the tips shared above, and you will produce better articles.

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Website Copy Writing Tips – How to Improve Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:41:00 +0000 bikram Let us start with putting things straight. The Internet is the ecosystem created by different kinds of websites, which in themselves are media vehicles, and content is the fuel on which the medium and its various types of vehicles run. The efficiency of the media in general and vehicles in particular depends upon the kind of fuel it usage. Therefore, one should pay much attention when writing copy for your website, and for that you need to know how to write better website copy. This article will help you learn that, just follow through the end.

Better Website Copy Writing Tips

  • Your copy should not be visually heavy. Make the copy easy to scan. You can do that by dividing copy using sub-headings, and bullet points.
  • Keep one eye on the target audience and another on the matter you want to convey. It is necessary to strike a balance between the two.
  • Always remember, in writing style is so important that at times style, in itself, becomes substance.
  • Add relevant “call to action” at important junctures in your web pages. This will help you increase conversion.
  • Do not talk about attributes, talk about benefits.
  • Build the story until it reaches to climax in the last line where you should add the ultimate call to action.
  • Do not make pages multi-focused.
  • Define model target audience of the website before writing copy for them.
  • Use short sentences and short and simple paragraphs.
  • Keep the content jargon free.
  • List the benefit.
  • Make the benefit as clear as possible.

Copy is what determines the future of the website. The more time you will invest in creating the copy, better will be the future of your website.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-XII Sat, 03 Oct 2009 15:55:59 +0000 bikram We have come a long way, and now the writing tips journey is approaching the finish line. This is the second last article of the 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing series, and in this part we will talk about how to write to improve your writing.

Work on Headlines

A headline of any write-up is as important as the write-up itself. Always remember, 70-80 percent of your readers will go away without even reading a single line, if your headline is not attractive. This is even more important for the copy or content that you write for web. I will suggest you to keep a notebook of headlines. Maintain a repertoire of effective headlines.

Comment on your favorite blog

Commenting on your favorite blog will keep you in touch with the blogger whom you like, and it will also make you write on new topics. Make a habit of commenting on 2-3 blogs daily.

Write even when you do not feel like

At times, writing seems like a drag, you just cannot squeeze a word our two out of your damn head. You just want to go away. Do not do that, rather keep on writing. The best way to keep such feelings in check is to write only. Keep squeezing words even when you do not feel like writing.

Make a note to revisit later

A brilliant idea just flashed in your mind but you cannot use it now in your writing, what should you do? Well, do not move on without writing it down. Make a note of the idea before you move on.

Write for publications

Writing for publications is different than writing for web, but I suggest you to try your luck in publication. Pick a magazine and send your writing idea along with a sample of your style of writing to the editor, and see if the editor approves it. Repeat this process until you get an assignment. At this point, do not concern yourself too much about the size of the publication, and circulation of the magazine.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-X Thu, 01 Oct 2009 21:51:39 +0000 bikram Every time I think of ending this series, new questions come snarling at me, and I am forced to keep the series going, and thus the series has reached to this tenth installment. In this part, I will be talking about when to write, and in this sentence “when” meant what occasion. So, let’s get going.

Make a Schedule

This is not only the best writing tips, but it is also the best time management tips you will get. Before you embark upon any project, make sure that you have a proper schedule dealing not only when to start and when to finish, but it should also have the details like what time of day are you planning to take this on. This is necessary unless you have nothing else to do.

Write when you are in the zone

The time I choose to write may not be right for you, and the time that suits you may not suit Cathy, or the time that Susan has chosen for her to write is may be the lunch time for you; therefore you should find the right time for you when you are in the zone. When you are in the zone, you tend to be more productive.

Write like a detective

Well, you do not need a focusing lens and cigar, I didn’t mean that when I said write like a detective. All I meant was this: go to the scene and write there. I know this will not be possible every time, but do it when possible. If you have to write about how youth interact in the real world then go to Starbucks and see what they do there, and overhear what they talk about.

Location, location, location

No. I have not attended any retail marketing classes, nor have I gone to any seminar, lately. The reason why I emphasized so maniacally about location is to bring your attention to understanding your surroundings. Go to a shopping mall, cinema hall, restaurant, train, bookshop, school, sports center, coffee house, etc., and take a seat from where you can see things in detail. Observe the surrounding and write about it using as much detail as you can. This will give you an understanding of creating a background for your fiction.

Write in the presence of a distraction

Create an environment that is distracting and stressful for you, and try writing in that environment. This is an exercise to check your tenacity. The more tenacious you will become the better it will be for you.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-III Sun, 20 Sep 2009 15:50:24 +0000 bikram Writing is fun, if you are in “the zone,” but it is the most torturous activity, if you are not in the zone. Today’s writing improvement tips will help you remain in the zone for long. I will tell you how to make your mind come into “the zone” just when it hears the word go.

Test your limit

The best way to train your mind to enter “the zone” is to force it to do what it never anticipated to do like asking your mind to concentrate on writing when crowd around you in the coffee house is having a gala. Make yourself write for 24 hours straight, or try writing in a toilet or while on a plane. The point is to test your limit.

Write and write more

This is the best advice anyone can give you to improve your writing. Write something, and then write something more about it, until you are exhausted, and then rewrite the whole stuff. If you want you can write it from different perspective altogether.

Have you taken a trip lately?

Take a road trip, or a train trip. If you want, you can even hitchhike on a truck to experience the world around you. The more experience you will have the better flow your writing will get. You cannot learn to write or be in “the zone” while sitting in the comfort of your air conditioned home.

Read, think and write

Do not be on the spree to complete yet another book. Go slow. Read the passage and meditate over it. Think why it has been written the way it has been written, and how you can make it better. Think over the story line, the development of characters, etc. Think and then read again.

Watch movies

A movie is nothing but a story told in a visual form. The more movies you watch, the better grasp you will have on the development of plots, characters, and story. Watch good quality films. Do not indulge in mediocre stuff.

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Do you also Need Tips on Writing for Web? Mon, 24 Aug 2009 03:23:14 +0000 bikram How many times have you heard that writing for web is different from writing for print? I am sure, initially, you did not believe it. After all, writing is writing; how does it matter if it’s for print or for the Internet? Well, as a writer, I happen to agree with you, but as a reader, I strongly disagree with you. “Man, I do not have that much of time when I am on the Internet, so better give me something that I can read fast. I want an article that I can read while my Facebook page loads itself. I have to check my mail as well. Boss said the work he delegated in the morning should be finished in an hour. So, please give something that I can scan quickly,” shouts the busy professional inside me, despite my continual effort to shut the F#@@$#r.

Below, I am giving a handful of writing tips that will help people like me read more on the Internet, by the way, most of the people on the Internet are like me only.

  1. Use Headlines, headings and subheading that make sense. Keep clever lines safe for print.
  2. Use simple words. No one like using a dictionary when scanning through the Internet.
  3. Use short sentences to convey the idea.
  4. Use short paragraphs. Paragraphs that run into 10s of sentences are strict no-no for the web.
  5. Write a proper paragraph; one idea per paragraph.
  6. Break the articles into small chunks by using headings and subheads.
  7. Make your text more scannable by making important keywords bold, italic or by underlining it.
  8. Use lists like this one, wherever it is possible. It is easy to go through a list than a 10-sentence paragraph.
  9. Use objective language. Do not make your article sound like a promotion material.
  10. Link old articles or blog-posts on your domain to retain visitors for long.
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