As an advertisement maker we are often tempted to make our print advertisement look stunning, award winningly creative and path breaking. But we forget if an advertisement doesn’t suffice client’s purpose, it has no reason to be made. Here are some mistakes we often do while making a print advertisement that you should avoid.
Too much or too less information
Too much or too less information, both are strict ‘no no’. Many of us wish our advertisements too look absolutely neat, with one creative idea and nothing in it. Many award winning simple advertisements inspire us to do that. But client just don’t like it. He wants you to show his product, talk about its benefits, and display his logo. So make sure you include all important points in your advertisement. On the other hand don’t overstuff your advertisement with too many communication elements making it ugly.
Too many colors
We often think too many bright colors easily grab attention. But too many colors also look repulsive. Don’t use more than two or three colors. Colors should complement each other.
Too stylish and illegible font
Don’t fall in love with fonts that you don’t even notice its drawbacks. Don’t use too stylish calligraphic fonts in your advertisement, they are mostly unreadable. People won’t give an extra effort to understand your advertisement. Keep your font simple, bold, classy yet readable. Don’t use too many types of fonts either. Use one or two types of fonts. Concentrate on font size too. Headline, subhead, body text everything should bear distinctly different font sizes.
Logo larger than life
Often we place brand logo in center of the advertisement, large and really loud. Don’t scream too loud. Often client may ask you to emphasize the most on his logo. But too much emphasized logo won’t not only make your advertisement look ugly but also remain avoided. So keep it visible but not in center of attention.
Next time, you make a print advertisement don’t make these regular mistakes. These tips will help you to overcome these commonly committed mistakes. All the best!
Tags: Advertisement, Advertisements, Brand Logo, Bright Colors, Calligraphic Fonts, Center Of Attention, Communication Elements, Concentrate, Creative Idea, Font Sizes, Larger Than Life, Love, Pri, Scream, Three Colors, Ugly
A Curriculum Vitae is an ‘advert’ to sell yourself to the employer. It’s also known as ‘Resume’. A CV is sent to the employer while applying for the given job; or while enquiring if jobs are available with the employer. A CV should reflect you at the best possible way, as it’s your written representation and first chance to impress. An employer may receive thousands of CVs, but choose only the good ones. So give your best shot while crafting your CV. Follow the given tips.
General guidelines
- A CV has to be typed in word-processor, well formatted on a piece of A4 good quality paper. Print should be clear. Do not use too many variants of font sizes and styles. Make the headings bold/underlined. Don’t hesitate to leave plenty of white space around. It should look neat and professional. Use bullets wherever subsections are required.
- Use spell-check command after completion of writing. Accurate spelling and grammar are essential.
- A CV should not be more than 2 pages long. Be concise yet informative; as CV is appetizer not the main course of food. Just put relevant and important things on paper. Each page should be printed on a separate sheet of paper.
- Don’t write ‘Curriculum Vitae’ on top, that’s quite obvious.
- While applying for a specific job, bring your relevant skills on paper. Don’t unnecessarily add irrelevant skills in your CV.
- Be honest and truthful. Don’t omit information (which you don’t want employer to know) and neither communicate inaccurate and misleading information. Addition and deletion of information may actually drag you into problems.
Things to be included in CV
Personal Details
- This would include name, address, phone number, email id, website.
Educational Qualification
- Mention names of institutes, names of courses, marks achieved and year of passing. Most recent one comes first.
Work Experience
- The recent work experience first. Name of the employer, designation, duration and year of working, job responsibilities, clients worked with – are to be included here. Even part-time jobs or summer trainings can be included.
Awards and Achievements
- If you have achieved any title in your career or academic span, feel free to flaunt it here in detail (title, year, cause, provider’s detail). Even small achievements, titles and awards earned can be mentioned.
- Languages known, computer-knowledge, driving skill can be included.
- It’s recommended to put names of two references – one academic (teacher or project supervisor) and one person from your employer (your ex-colleague/supervisor/manager). Make sure you take permission of the given people before including their names. With due permission give their names, contact information, work information briefly.
Tags: Accurate Spelling, Address Phone Number, Advert, Appetizer, Cvs, Educational Qualification, Enquiring, First Chance, Font Sizes, Important Things, Quality Paper, Relevant Skills, Resume Cv, Spell Check, Variants, White Space, Word Processor, Work Experience, Write Curriculum Vitae, Write Cv
What makes one copy good and other not-so-good? Why some website converts like crazy and others fail to register even a single sale — yes, not even mom’s of website owner purchase anything from there. Why is it so?
Well, the answer is that not all the copy writers are cut to be equal. Some of them are far, far better than the crazy wannabe-copy-writer jerks out there, and rest of the aspirants are just that — aspirants.
Like copywriters, not all the website copies are equal. Quite a many websites — more than anyone can overlook — have badly written copy. They openly seem to violate the basic rule of copy writing, and most of the elements of a good website copy seems missing from there.
What are the elements of good website copy?
A website copy has to have the following elements ingrained into it. Mess with one of them and you will ruin your chances of getting conversion.
- Snappy, catchy headline to attract viewers’ attention.
- High quality relevant image to give fodder to people who think visually, and content for image-search.
- Explanatory body copy to build on the promise made by the headline. The body copy with the help of relevant images will build desire.
- Powerful call to action button and words at appropriate places.
- Keyword rich headings and sub heading.
- Attributes and benefits listed at bullet points.
- Different font styling — different font sizes, color, attributes (like bold, italic, and underline, etc.).
- Trust seal, and other trust factors.
You should judiciously use each one of the element in the website copy that you write. You should also add testimonials in boxes on the home page and other relevant pages. Testimonials work wonder because it is third-party endorsement of the services you are promising to offer. Another thing that you should keep in mind while writing website copy is that you are writing it for human being not for search engines, so do not stuff the pages with keywords.
Tags: Action Button, Bold Italic, Bullet Points, Catchy Headline, Color Attributes, Converts, Copy Writer, Copy Writers, Copy Writing, Copywriters, Elements Of A Good Website, Fodder, Font Sizes, Image Search, Jerks, Relevant Image, Relevant Images, Search Engines, Wannabe, Website Copies