There was a time when freelancing was not as easy as it is now, and the amount of work available for freelancers were also not much in comparison to the amount of works available today. The Internet played the role of a catalyst, and everything (read most of the tings) that could be digitalized are digitalized now. These two things played very important roles in the information and crowd sourcing revolution.
The army for freelance professionals or freelance entrepreneurs is growing, and with it is emerging the issues related to freelancing. One very important issue is of having a fixed time and place to work in. Most of the people started freelancing in order to use their talent or skills to get out of 9-5 rat race, and indeed they have succeeded in doing so. They have broken the time-shackle and with it they have broken the space-shackle as well. Now, they do not have a fix place to work in. Is it good? Not necessarily!
Not having a fix time and place to work means, you can work anywhere and anytime, but in reality it turns out to mean not working at anyplace and anytime. In the absence of one designated place to work in, we end up working nowhere. That is not our fault that is how we are wired to behave.
In order to be more efficient or to work properly, we need to have a proper place to sit and work. If you have a designated place and time to sit and work then long before you take your first step towards that designated place, your unconscious mind starts preparing your body for the task. This priming doesn’t happen in the absence of a designated place and time to work in.
As you have left your day job, you must not have any office to go to. In this situation, you need to make a small home office in any corner of your house where you can go to work. Your office is not supposed to host a big cabin like the one your boss had in your office, you just need a small space where you can put everything that you need to do your work.
What do you think, is a small home office is a must for every freelancer? Use the comment box to share your view on this.
Tags: Absence Of One, Army, Big Cabin, Boss, Catalyst, Crowd, Day Job, Freelance Professionals, Place And Time, Priming, Rat Race, Shackle, Sit, Small Home Office, Time And Place, Tings, Unconscious Mind
Freelancing is not an easy job, not because you cannot write, but because there are too many writers vying for too few openings. This is a classical case of buyer’s market; hence, as the textbook says buyers will set the rule and will expect you to follow them. Everything said and done, you still have the power to decide and influence the buyers’ decisions provided you can highlight your talent, and tell your prospective employers how you can help them. Seeing the nature of this market, it is easier said than done.
In the real world, you will find it extremely difficult to make your voice heard midst all the chaos, but the good news is you can do it, and do it by doing what you know best. I mean, by writing.
Freelance writers have one big benefit over freelancers of other fields, and the benefit is his or her ability to write. Unlike other freelance professionals, who struggle to write promotional materials for themselves, freelance writers are cut out to do exactly that. If you are a freelancer, I feel it is needless to say that your ability to write is the sole reason for your existence then why not use this ability to seize clients’ attention?
The matter written in the body of your e-mail is the first point of contact between you and your prospective client, so make it as better as you can. The quality of this initial contact will increase the possibility of your getting hired, yet most of the freelance writers never take this seriously.
As a freelance writer, you need to understand that every word that you write is in itself an advertisement for you. Hence, choose your words with much caution when you are writing mails to your existing client or prospects. Before going through your samples that you have attached with your application, your prospective clients will read the cover letter or the mail that you have written, and the prospect will only decide to click the attachment link, if he or she is impressed with what and how you have written your e-mail.
If you are a freelance writer or aspire to be one, always remember to take every communication with your client seriously, and use every opportunity you get and show how well you can write. Unlike other freelance professionals, for you, promoting yourself is easy. You are cut out to do that!
Tags: Caution, Classical Case, Cover Letter, E Mail, Easy Job, Freelance Professionals, Freelance Writer, Freelance Writers, freelancer, Freelancers, Freelancing, Midst, Point Of Contact, Promotional Materials, Prospective Client, Prospective Clients, Prospective Employers, Prospects, S Market, Sole Reason