Getting a job, even in a down market, is not difficult provided you know the trick of the trade. You know what to display in front of an interviewer. And you can only do that if you know what is that an interview wants from you.
This is where this blog post figures in. The 3Cs (creative, commitment, and confidence) that we are going to discuss in this article will help you convey the message an interviewer wants to hear from an interviewee.
You should be creative in your approach. Do not just give a rotten answer to each of the question asked. It sounds boring, it looks mechanical, and no one wants a non-creative, mechanical person because they already have more powerful machines to do the job.
Do not deliver a premeditated answer. Take a chance, offer something innovative. This will impress your interviewer.
The second C of job interview is commitment. Convey your interviewer your desire to stay with his company as long as things does not fall apart. Tell him that you are not the “job hopper” kind and believe in staying with a company and delivering result. Your interviewer needs to know whether you will go out of your way to solve a customer’s problem or not. Tell them you will do it. This will put the interviewer at ease, and he will lower his guard, which will provide you entry into his organization.
You do not have anything, if you do not have confidence to move ahead, despite all the odds. No product is perfect. Your interviewer, who is also your prospective employer, knows this, and you should also know this. And if you have the guts to sell the product, despite its several short coming then are in the team.
Show your employer your level of confidence and belief in what you do. Do not shy away from this.
This brings us to the end of 3Cs of a job interview. In the next article will see what the 3 Es of a job interview are, and how each one of them will help you crack a job interview.
Tags: 3cs, Ahead, Belief, Confidence, Crack, Creative, Desire, Dream Job, Getting A Job, Guts, Hopper, Interviewee, Interviewer, Job Interview, Job Market, Nail Down, Odds, Prospective Employer, Rotten, Trick Of The Trade
Have you ever wondered what makes you counted in Tom, Dick and Harry and why ‘he’ steals every show? Well, don’t soothe yourself by calling him just ‘lucky’. Have you ever thought how he manages to spread his magnetic charisma all around, whether in professional or personal life? I am sure, you were floored too. You secretly admire him and wish to be in his shoes. Don’t you? Well, let’s face the truth. It’s his personality that charms all around, that woes his girlfriend, his colleagues, his clients, his friends and all.
Well personality can be in terms of charm of talking, sense of humor, grace of manner, intelligence, depth of knowledge, warm attitude. No one can have it all. So why not bring out the best in you and sharpen the blunt side. Even if you are not born with it, you can surely groom yourself and develop a good persona.
First of all, develop a positive attitude towards life, in every meaning. Be optimistic, hopeful and energetic. If you are affected by pessimists it’s time to change your company. Develop a goal, an idol in your mind. Decide what you wish to be like. And start working towards it with dedication and sincerity. Try to face strangers and people whom you always wanted to avoid. The more adversities you face, the stronger you turn into. See, if your words could charm them. See if you could make them your well wisher. It will help you in both professional and personal life.
Develop the attitude to lead, rather than following always. You may have all qualities – good knowledge, good command on the language, right attitude but just the lack of guts to come forward or take proactive step could actually make you stand behind your competitor who is less deserving. Develop confidence, believe in yourself and take the initiative. Boost your leadership skill. Be punctual, disciplined, take initiatives, manage people, meet the deadlines. Soon your boss will count you in every serious decision. To prove yourself extend your hand. Responsibilities and duties will make you a stronger player.
Don’t worry upon the consequence before working towards it. Even if you are novice, don’t restrict yourself. Rather plunge into it, show your interest in the work at hand, learn, and follow others. Learning is a continuous process. Don’t limit yourself. It will overcome your personal shortcomings, boost your confidence and definitely sharpen your skills. And soon you will be master of the task. It’s applied everywhere in life – personal and professional sphere.
Don’t throw stones in the dark. A good personality reflects confidence and confidence stems from knowledge. Sharpen your knowledge. Knowledge automatically chisels body language, communication and mannerism. Knowledge of language, knowledge of human psychology, good communication can actually make you appear confident and well groomed.
Follow the leaders you idolize. Watch their actions, words, thoughts, deeds. Interpret them. Perhaps it could fetch some great ideas in your mind too. Inspiration is important for one to move on.
What are you waiting for? Start it right away!
Tags: Adversities, Charisma, Charms, Colleagues, Competitor, Dedication, Face The Truth, Girlfriend, Guts, Impressive Personality, Leadership Skill, Personal Life, Pessimists, Positive Attitude, Sense Of Humor, Serious Decision, Sincerity, Tom Dick And Harry, Well Wisher, Woes