The hobbies section of your resume can be a tricky one. Because the main importance and the way you are being judged is resume wording and style, hobbies should be handled carefully. While most people will be scared off adding a hobby section to their resume, you really shouldn’t be. As long as you know what to write, the hobby section can be another way to sell yourself. Another great little window into why you’d be a better employee than the other applicants as it were.
You should absolutely use your hobbies to illustrate skills that you have that can come in handy on the job. So only use hobbies that apply to your career, so to speak. If you play videogames a lot, you’re going to have trouble making that one come through, so an employer gains more interest in you. So stay away from hobbies like that, and stick to outgoing proactive hobbies. Anything that gets you out, as a positive force, and that likely showcases your leadership or problem solving abilities.
Remember to keep your hobbies job related, otherwise you’re just wasting space and an employer’s time, with content that doesn’t matter to them. The idea of this section is to help them learn about you, and why you would be a fantastic employee. So limit your hobbies to 2-3, so that you have a short but informative section. This is just a little place to sell yourself, don’t drone on for too long.
That can’t be stressed enough, you absolutely don’t want a large hobby section. Otherwise the rest of your resume will look worse off because of your hobbies. Also, never let your hobbies section be the reason your resume spills over to a second page. You want to keep your resume at page length, and if you can’t do that with a hobbies section, it’s better to go without.
Tags: Career, Drone, Handy, Hobbies, Hobby Section, Informative Section, Job Related, Leadership, Reason, Resume, Showcases
It is often impossible for busy freelance writers to keep track of everything that they have to accomplish in order to successfully complete the work at hand. Often times, you end up missing one thing or another, and it is not before you have hit the button send that you realize the mistake you have committed. But by then it is already too late, and the process of sending an apology mail followed by the correct version of the piece that you sent starts. Generally, clients will not say anything, nevertheless, it reflects badly on your reputation and professionalism. Hence, you should work on doing the things right in the first time only, and in that checklists help a great deal.
Benefits of a checklist
A checklist offers many benefits, and unlike its how-to part, it does not require us to invest lots of time reading it. A checklist offers the following benefits:
- It helps us know what we require to accomplish in order to get the work done before we embark upon.
- It works as a guiding post, when we get stuck in the middle of the project and ask now what.
- A checklist helps us verify if we have missed something in the project.
- A checklist is easily scanable, and it should be kept handy when doing some work, as it will help us remember what needs to be done.
- A checklist can help us properly prepare the budget keeping each item in mind.
- It can prove to be a valuable asset when it comes to making a business decision.
One must keep a checklist handy whenever one embarks upon a new job. As said above, it will prove to be a very valuable tool right from the beginning.
Tags: Apology, Budget, Business Decision, Conclusion, Deal Benefits, Freelance Writers, Handy, Invest, Mail, Mistake, New Job, Professionalism, Reputation, Right From The Beginning, Valuable Tool