Making a video tutorial and posting them on various video archive websites and social media networks is quite common these days. However, very few can create exceptionally good video tutorials meeting actual purpose of learning. Few basic tips can help you procure great video tutorials. Here are some simple tips for you.
What is very important for a video tutorial is its picture quality. Make sure picture resolution is high, with maximum clarity. Good finishing at the editing table is important too.
A video tutorial is never complete unless it has texts in forms of subtitles, texts in between scenes, thoughts bubbles, supers (text on screen) supporting the audio-visual input. People may think even a voice over (VO) can do the job, but it’s more effective and memorable when people read the same on screen. These supporting texts can do wonders.
Don’t make just another video tutorial of no much substance in it. Make a video tutorial if you have enough knowledge of the subject, know it in-depth and have done enough research on the same before making the video tutorial. If you do not add something new to your video, no one will be interested in it.
No video tutorial comes out well, unless it has been developed on rock solid script. Don’t start a video tutorial without any script in front of you. It is the first step towards video making. Just special effects can’t do a magic to your video tutorial with no strong script in it.
Don’t forget a video tutorial remains incomplete unless it has a checklist at the end, summarizing the content communicated in the video. Checklist helps the audience to complie the entire content, to recall and memorize the main points and feel enriched.
Always remember video tutorials are not films, or daily soaps. They don’t need acting skill or screen presence. Don’t develop a dramatic script, with twisted dialogues and pretentious moves. Keep it simple, straight on face, clear and substantial. At the same time, it shouldn’t be boring. Maintain the pace, neither fast nor too slow. Keep it conversational, interesting. Remember, it’s not entertainment, it’s information transmitted through interesting video with aids like live examples, demonstrations. Don’t forget its objective behind.
So what are you waiting for? Start with your video tutorial. Just follow these simple tips while making your video tutorial.
Tags: Archive Websites, Audience, Bubbles, Daily Soaps, Films, High Quality, Job, Magic Video, Maximum Clarity, Media Networks, Screen Presence, Special Effects, Texts, Video Archive, Video Checklist, Video Effects, Video Tutorial, Video Tutorials, Visual Input
A lot has changed between 2009 and 2010. Some of the changes are good and some of are not, which have made the life of B2B marketers slightly more difficult. In a study conducted by MarketingSherpa to unearth the challenges B2B marketers face in 2010, it found that despite all technological developments marketing has become tougher for a B2B marketer.
In 2009, only 69% of B2B marketers said that generating high quality lead was the toughest challenge for them, but in 2010 78% marketers said so. Similarly, generating high volume of leads was big challenge for 35% of marketers in 2009, and it threatens 44% marketers in 2010.
In the study it was found that 2010 has been more challenging year for B2B marketers on every front, with an exception. In 2009, 37% marketers said that generating perceived value in “cutting edge” product benefits is a challenge. It remained unchanged in 2010 as well. Rest posed more threat. See image for example.
Tags: B2b Marketers, B2b Marketing, Challenges, Comparative Study, Cutting Edge, Edge Product, Face, High Quality, High Volume, Leads, Lot, Marketer, Marketing Study, Marketingsherpa, Technological Developments
The core of marketing is same, regardless of the medium it usage, but the principle and tools changes with the medium. And with every new medium, rules and face of marketing also change, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. This happened when newspaper came into being, it happened when the Radio was invented, same phenomenon repeated when television came along, and so did when the Internet hit the scene.
The rules and tools of Internet Marketing have not been same even on the Internet. It has changed a lot over the year. But three things remained at the core of it, and will always remain so. These are the things we will discuss in the following paragraphs.
Content is the driving force behind media. Media is nothing if not content serving engine — I know it is marketing vehicle as well, but that is the hidden part of it, which we all feel convenient in ignoring. So to make our media vehicle (read websites, blogs, or forums, etc.) successful, we need to have high-quality content that keeps the visitors reading and asking for more. This eventually will make them join our mailing list.
And do I need to tell you what a stupendously big e-mail list can do to your online business!
What is the goal of website content? What is the reason behind its being? Have you asked these questions? If not then now is the time to ask so because I am going to tell you the answer to this question.
The ultimate, mega, final goal of content is to persuade, nudge, or coax our customers to buy from us, or to subscribe to our mailing list. In other words, the ultimate goal of content is to push people to take desirable action. So again, it went out to content.
Who said content is not important…huh!
This is the final C. This is what we want to build around our product. This is what Harley Davidson got, and other bike brands do not.
A community is so powerful that it can save a company from inevitable bankruptcy. It saved Harley Davidson in early part of 20th century, and it even forced Coca Cola from changing its formula in 1980’s.
Building such a loyal fan base is not going to happen in a day, and for more than 99% of businesses it never happens. But this should be the ultimate goal of a business, for this is very rewarding. You should build, foster, and nurture a community around your product.
Is there anything that can pull all your customers together? Find out what it is and start working upward, until you have a community that grows itself.
Who said organic community…?
The 3Cs we discussed above can easily make or break your business. You should, therefore, take measured steps and not let any of the three go out of control.
Tags: Bankruptcy, Big E, Bike Brands, Blogs, Driving Force, E Mail, Face, Harley Davidson, High Quality, Internet Marketing, Mail List, Online Business, Online Conversion, Online Marketing, Paragraphs, Phenomenon, Principle, Quality Content, Radio, Tools