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21 Mar 10 3 Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview Even When You Are Desperate

Many people sit on the interview table with a set notion that it is the job of person (s) on the other side of the table to pose question, and their job is limited to providing right answers to questions asked to them. Nothing could be more wrong than this. An interview is not your viva that happened in your school and/or college. It is an opportunity for both the parties to know each other and see if both of you are compatible or not. To this end, both parties need to ask questions. Till now, I have talked a lot about how to properly answer your interviewer. In this article, I will talk about 3 important questions you must ask your interviewer even when you are desperate to get the job.

Question 1: Role and responsibility

This seems obvious, but it is not. The exact role of a sales engineer in one company can be slightly or completely different from the roles and responsibilities of the person on similar job in other company. This applies for all kinds of jobs. Therefore, it is imperative to ask about the role you are expected to play and responsibilities you have to take should you get the job. This will remove the blind spot and help you decide.

Question 2: Whom you will report to

Another seemingly obvious question that cease to sound obvious the moment you step through the giant door of your office on the first day. Save the horror of confusion and sounding horribly stupid by asking this question during your interview. This knowledge will also save you from workplace bullies who like to corner every unprepared newcomer.

Question 3: Work hours

Ask your interviewer what is a typical work hour for a person in your position in the company. Ask for a realistic answer. Do not believe when they say is 9 to 5 or 9 to 6 because it is never so. Work may starts from 9 or 10 or whatever, but never gets over at 5 or 6 or whatever is told to you. The world out there is very competitive, so to keep pace people work for long hours. Hence, you need to ask about work hours in real sense.

Could there be any question more important than these? Let me know your view on this subject.


Tags: Answers To Questions, , Blind Spot, Cease, , , , , , , , , Newcomer, Notion, , Realistic Answer, , Sales Engineer, Typical Work,

03 Jan 10 How to Use Twitter to Get Clients

Twitter is an amazing tool. It can be put to any number of uses. People use it to make friends, to know about the topics they care, to get job alerts, to stay on top of any topic, to get recommendation, to read funny jokes, and to get influenced by memorable quotations, etc. This 140-character wonder can even be used to get clients for your business, regardless of your size, be it for your one-person startup, or for a 1000-people big company.

In this article, we will see what you need to do to get clients from twitter.

Step 1: Use real name

Will you like to do business with sexykitten, or hotrode? I am sure you won’t, regardless of how smart hotrode or sexykitten is. This is the power of name. A good name creates a positive image, whereas, a bad name ruins the party. Use your real name or business name for the twitter profile. If your name or business name is already taken then use something close to that, but spare yourself the horror of bad names.

Step 2: Use real picture

Like a real name, a real picture helps create a positive image in the mind of onlookers. Do not go for cool looking cartoons, or any other thing. Let your prospect know that you are a real person behind the twitter profile by giving a real picture.

Step 3: Brand your background

If you do not know this then let me break the good news that you can brand your twitter profile the way you want. I will suggest you customize the background of your twitter profile with your corporate brand identity.

Step 4: Use compelling bio

Your one-line twitter bio says a lot about you. People get influenced reading that, so it better be good. Make your twitter bio forceful and SEO-friendly.

Step 5: Add URL

Many people leave URL field empty. Do not commit this mistake. Use a proper working URL in your profile. This will work as a door to your website.

Step 6: Create a list

Create a list of the tweets from your industry and make it publicly available. This will give your prospect an idea about how closely you follow the changes in your industry. He may regard you as a leader of the pack, which will mean more business for you.

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