Since the dawn of the human civilization, we have been using stories to convey the meaning and the message to our peers. Story helps you connect with the listener or reader on an equal level. It is this trait of the story that has kept it alive even in this technological advanced society.
A PowerPoint presentation with objective data, three-dimensional colorful graphs, round-cornered table with drop-shadow effect, and picture of an attractive female provides useful information, which if understood well can fetch the desired outcome. This “if understood” have a big “If” which never get resolved because data, graphs, tables, bullet points, and unrelated pictures fail to make a connect with the audience, and these things can be blamed for the failure of countless meetings and numerous PowerPoint presentations.
Various studies in neuroscience, psychology and human cognition has proved many time that human mind is not a machine fuelled by logic and rationality. On the contrary, it is an organic entity overfilled with the emotionally charged synapses and is flooded with various chemicals that get charged up by the things happening in our surrounding. A good story increases the flow of these chemicals by drawing cues from the immediate environment of the audience, and thus getting the response the storyteller seeks.
A good story helps you cut through the clutter and reach your intended audience with the message you want to deliver, whereas, a PowerPoint presentation, with graphs, tables, bullet points, etc. just adds on to the clutter. A well-crafted story helps you connect, and it will elicit the response that even hundreds of PowerPoint presentations, and reams and reams of objective data working together will not get.
Tags: Attractive Female, Bullet Points, Clutter, Colorful Graphs, Countless Meetings, Cues, Desired Outcome, Drop Shadow Effect, Even Hundreds, Human Civilization, Human Cognition, Listener, Objective Data, Peers, Powerpoint Presentation, Powerpoint Presentations, Rationality, Reams, Storyteller, Synapses