ITList Information Technology Blog » Different Things Current IT field related information Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:40:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Is the Worry About Loneliness Stopping Your From Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer? Wed, 27 Jan 2010 03:33:29 +0000 bikram Writing is a lonesome journey, freelance writing is doubly so. You need to know this before you embark on the freelance writing train. The feeling of being alone is not very welcomed by many people, and this is one of the reasons that not everyone opt for this profession. Even those who are comfortable with sitting alone staring at the glaring screen feel the compunction of choosing this career, at times. Such is the effect of loneliness.

But, there is a way out. You do not need to keep on staring on your computer screen, incessantly, for every waking hours; I understand that it cannot be avoided at times, but you can try. In the following paragraph you will see how you can add human interaction in the equation.

Talk to your client on phone

Occasionally, calling up your client is the first thing you need to do in order to break the loneliness. Your client may not entertain frequent calls, but occasional calls will get due respect. He will be happy to answer your questions on phone. Discussing issues on phone will help you understand client’s need more precisely, but never overdo it; no one goes to work just to be on call with service providers. Call only if you must, or at max twice a week, and for rest of the time, stick to emails.

Build an online network

You must have heard this umpteenth number of time, and you must have got frustrated listening to this networking s@#t, but let me emphasize it one more time because it is very, very important. Forming a network of freelance writers will not only help you secure more gigs, but it will also help you break the monotony of freelance writing life. You can use this network to talk and share ideas and discuss issues. This can be akin to chat near virtual water cooler.

Go to café to write

For long, coffee house has been used by writers to craft their literary work. Why do not you try this alternative? You will be midst people doing different things. Who knows, you may get an idea for your novel! Nevertheless, it will help break the loneliness.

What else do you think can be done to break the monotony of freelance writing? Let’s see what all comes on the table.

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Using Google Adwords To Drive Traffic Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:42:19 +0000 SamElli Using Google Adwords to drive traffic to your website is a great idea.  But there are also a lot of pitfalls that can harm your campaign, and cause all of your efforts to fail.  Using Adwords is somewhat a fine tuned science.  Google Adwords allows you to pay a nominal fee via Google’s service, for every time a webpage reader clicks on your advertisement.  Your ads will go on corresponding pages that relate to your content, based upon which keywords you choose.  The main thing to understand about Adwords is that you want to carefully target your campaign, otherwise you run the risk of paying for clicks that aren’t worth the money.

-Using too many keywords is one of the number one mistakes that many Adwords users make.  You want to stay away from generic keywords, and stick only to keywords that directly pertain to your ad.  Otherwise you’ll have a lot of clicks from readers that were misled, that don’t amount to anything.

-Remember to use your relevant keywords in your ad title and description.  A big mistake is forgetting to do this, and then you have an ad that doesn’t seem to pertain to what a reader is currently surfing.  The whole point of Adwords is to hitch onto keywords on other sites for your ads.  Leaving those keywords out means that your ad is less likely to be noticed.

-Walk that fine line between clarity and keyword density.  Your keyword should be prevalent so that any searchers have no trouble running into your ad, but don’t overload your statements so that the keyword is senselessly repeated too many times.

-Always track your results, if one keyword set up isn’t working switch to a different one.  There’s no sense in continuing a campaign that hasn’t been fruitful.  That’s just beating a dead horse.  Instead, try different things if you’re not seeing the results you want.

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Finding Ideas To Write About Fri, 06 Nov 2009 03:30:47 +0000 SamElli One of the huge problems being a writer, is finding your ideas.  You have to be able to create an influx of ideas, even when you feel stuck.  Part of having the longevity to have a writing career is knowing how to work past the tough days.  As a writer, not having an idea of what to write about just isn’t an option, so here are a few tips to make sure you always have fresh ones aplenty.

Something that people are usually able to write about at any time, is an issue that bothers them.  Whether a story in the news, or in your personal life, write about something you dislike.  This can be a useful exercise, as it’s easy to let yourself rant.  Once the words start flowing about something, they’ll start flowing about everything.

If you have a personal blog, which all writers should have, try writing about something different.  If you mostly focus on your current daily life, try writing about your past.  Think about the way things were before you are now.  Confront some hardships, or an aspect of your life that you miss.  Anything that moves you, to get those creative parts of your brain moving and working.

Try to challenge yourself.  Write outside of your comfort zone.  Anything that forces you to think outside of your normal box.  That’s a useful activity to help you constantly see scenarios in different ways, so that you’ll always have new ideas.

The more you can force yourself to write about different things, the  more you’ll be able to write.  Part of writing is letting yourself write content that you aren’t confident about.  You don’t always have to submit that work for someone else’s approval, but progress is progress.  At least getting something out will make you feel better, and less stressed for the next time.

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5 More Ways to Improve Your Writing Part-XIII Sun, 04 Oct 2009 15:58:50 +0000 bikram This is the final post in 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing series. In this post, I will talk about how to get new ideas for writing. The ideas I am going to discuss here will not only give you matters to write upon, but it will also bring depth in your writing.

Spice up your life

Try different things. Indulge in different activities. Bring newness to your life. The more experience you will gain the better and deeper your writing will become. If you want to make career in writing then be prepared to experience as many things as you can. Do not foster any inhibition.

Read literature from different culture

If you do not know any other language other than English then read the translated version, but read as many books from as many cultures as you can. This will deepen your insight into human life, values, rites and rituals, customs, traditions, and lifestyle, etc. This knowledge will help you bring depth and variety to your characters.

Deconstruct books

Have you ever thought what made a certain book so successful, and why some fictions are held as masterpiece? What is that one thing that is making one book reach to your heart? You can know this by analyzing and reflecting on the books that you like. Deconstruct books, stories and articles to see how it was created.

Learn the story wireframe

To be a better story writer, you need to know about the principal, construction, and architecture of a story. Once you know the framework on which a story is set, chances of your writing a good story will increase manifolds.

Learn Metaphors and read stories

Human thinks and communicate in metaphors and the richer your metaphor’s repertoire is the better your expression will be. Communicating everything in crude way is not the sensibility a writer is known for. To be a good writer, you need to be subtle. You need the art to say things even without saying anything else. Read famous lines, quotations, stories, and sayings. You will find each one of them filled with rich metaphors. Learn the art and practice it in your writing.

Links to all the articles in the series:

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