Have you worked on your résumé lately? Keep the answer to yourself, I will get back to that in a while, but before that let me tell you without using so many words that there are quite a few things you need to do to your résumé to make it attractive. Your 10 years old résumé will not do. Let’s begin seeing what all you need to do.
Think like this: In a hiring season, an employer or HR manager has to go through hundreds of CVs every day before he could call any one person for the Interview. And the worst part is almost all the résumés he reads are written using same set of dead metaphors and done-to-death phrases. It is boring. If you want to make your résumé stand out from the similar-looking crowd of résumés then avoid using any clichés. Use your own language and make it appealing.
Now is the time to answer the question posed in the opening sentence. Have you or haven’t you? If your answer is no then go ahead and start constructing your résumé yet again. Add freshness to your dust-biting résumé.
If you are 45 then chances are you have been part of workforce for close to 25 years, and it is but natural to have done many jobs in all those years. But do not put all of them in your résumé. No one is interested in reading 1000-page epic résumé, and no one cares about where you provide janitorial services during tough times. Only mention things relevant to the current job, and things that increase your chance of employability.
Even if heaven falls on earth, your résumé should not be longer than 2 pages. Not even and half pages.
Enough of reading for today, now it is time to start working on your résumé. Get going!
Tags: 10 Years, Crowd, Dead Metaphors, Earth, Employability, Freshness, Heaven, Hr Manager, Janitorial Services, Job Guide, Job Help, Job Search, Jobs, Opening Sentence, Phrases, Resume, Search People, Tough Times, Work Details, Workforce