Through the evolution of the Internet mankind has tapped into a wealth of knowledge that would otherwise take centuries if not years to acquire reading books and awaiting for them to be published. The Internet is a fast and efficient way of getting real time facts to quench our need for accurate information. The method is quite simple, a computer, a high speed Internet connection and money to pay the monthly bills and you are on your way to embark on a journey that takes you around the world just sitting in your favorite chair. Type it and with a bit of patience you will find it.Through instant messaging and e-mails a gap has been bridged between families, companies seeking skilled workers and list goes on and on.
There are however other sides to the Internet that many at times turn a blind eye. While information opens our horizons to think and to reason at a more advanced level than our ancestors, such information if not censured can dreadfully carve certain behavioural patterns that leave an indelible mark in our lives. The busy rush hours and constant deadlines to meet, have caused parents to unintentionally forget their parental duties towards their children.The result is a generation that grows craving for attention, affection and at times finding it through the wrong outlets. Parents should therefore take the time out to censure the information that their children are being exposed to.
Windows Vista comes equipped with certain gadgets that help curtail the exposure to risky information and people that children may encounter and also limits the possibility of them downloading files to the computer that may contain viruses,Trojans etc. The gadgets allow you to control the sites the children visit, the time they spend on these sites, which video games they can play etc. To turn on Parental Controls using Windows Vista go to Start, then Control Panel then User Accounts and finally Set Up Parental Controls from there you establish the controls you wants to set for your child.
For traditional users of Windows XP this comes through the web service Windows Live Family Safety at and from there you follow the given instructions. The Internet should be seen as a cyber library but care at all times must be taken to control the information that we take in and give out from our favorite chair.