Current IT field related information

18 Feb 10 Americans Trust Their Cola Advertisers

Soft-drink advertisements are more trustworthy than either pharmaceutical advertising company or financial service company, as told by 34 percent of Americans adults (18 or above) during a study conducted by Harris Interactive. The second preferred group of advertisers was fast food companies, and on the third place were pharmaceutical company. The least trustworthy group of advertisers, as seen by American consumers, is financial services companies.

Only 13% of the US 18 and above adults think that financial services companies are any trustworthy with their ad campaigns. 40% of the US adults between 35 and 44 trust soft-drink advertisements, but only 10% among them trust advertising shown by financial services companies.

Can we read this cue as breaking of “financial security” myth shown by financial institutions?

We must remember that this is the age-group that has to pay for their kids’ education. For complete report, see the image below.

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15 Oct 09 Survive Working Long Hours

Working long hours day in and day out is exhausting, that’s a fact.  How you cope with that workload can be the difference between success and failure, and your ability to keep your “sanity” at your job.  As stress effects everyone differently, being as adaptable as possible is key to avoiding undue stress.  And while stress is to be expected when working long days, and many hours, it doesn’t have to be a test in how much punishment you can receive.

Don’t fall into the bad eating pitfalls that can occur when working long hours at your job.  Many people turn to drugs like caffeine, or just bad eating habits in general, such as opting for fast food instead of something nutritious.  This is the first step to failing at your ability to perform well when working long days.  Caffeine leads to crashing, which is what you do not want after you’ve already been working a typically long day, and need to dig deep to keep going.  That’s the same effect eating fast food instead of nutritious food will have.

Eating healthy is key to surviving those shifts, so take the time to keep your fruit and vegetable intake high.  That will make all the difference, and drinking water instead of caffeine, coupled with good nutritional habits will provide for all the energy you would need.

If you happen to be working more to complete a big project, or to achieve a big bonus for your paycheck, keep both of these goals in mind.  When you’re feeling down, or just dragged around from the length of your shift, remember your reasons.  Think about your goals, the project you want done, or the money you want to make, and that should help you push on through.

Finally, find a good relaxation technique, and take some time for yourself for that activity.  Whether it be listening to some calming music for a few minutes, taking a break, etc.  Make time for that relaxation, as it will influence everything you do.  The more you can get rid of some stress when you’re feeling stressed, the better you’ll perform, and you’ll feel better too.

Tags: Bad Eating Habits, Bonus, Calming Music, Drinking Water, Drugs, , , Fruit And Vegetable, , Nutritional Habits, Nutritious Food, , , Relaxation Technique, Sanity, Stress Effects, , Undue Stress, Vegetable Intake,