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29 Oct 09 What is Writing Prompt and How to Use It

Often times, we find ourselves staring on a blank sheet, or on a blank word processor hoping to get some idea, but as the luck would have it, nothing comes to my mind. After waiting for hours, when nothing happens, we feel the frustration. If you have been into writing then you must be aware of the monster called writer’s block. How many times have you faced this monster? This monster comes to haunt all of us, and even the award winning writers are not safe from this.

It is where when we need writing prompts to help us get out of this rut. Writing prompt can be anything that can make us write. It could be a picture, a word, a phrase, a quotation, an illustration, a person, a place, or anything. Anything that prompts us to write can be called writing prompt.

You will need writing prompts a lot in your writing career, hence I will ask you to maintain a list of writing prompts that can pull you out of the writer’s block. If you think, you are not going to face writer’s block in your career then either writing is not something in which you are going to make your career, or you are not planning to write much, at least not regularly.

How to use writing prompt

  1. Make a list of writing prompts that will help you get out of the writer’s block. Always remember, writing prompt for a fiction writer cannot be same as writing prompt for a non-fiction writer. Writing prompt used by a self-help writer cannot be same as writing prompt used by writer writing on health-related issues. Hence, see what works for you and make a list of it.
  2. Like anything else, writing using prompts also depends upon practice. The more you practice the more quickly you can get out of the block.
  3. When faced with the writer’s block. Start with choosing any random prompt from the list, and then write on it continuously for 10-15 minutes.

In the next blog post, I will tell you how to build your own list of writing prompts. Till then practice what you have learned.

Tags: , Blank Sheet, , , Fiction Writing, , Health Issues, Health Related Issues, , , , , , , , Word Processor, Writer Health, Writer S Block, , Writing Fiction, Writing Help, Writing Prompts

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