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09 Jan 11 How to Grab a Dream Job – Part 2

In continuation to the last article about how to grab a dream job, this article includes many more tips regarding how to grab a dream job. Cultivate these habits.


Don’t forget quality can never be compromised in the long run. So to grab your dream job, you have to be competent enough to get it. How good are you for the dream job? Are you capable enough to do the job effectively? If you are applying for a graphic designer’s position, you should be skilled enough in graphic designing. You may be asked for a design portfolio besides creating an instant nice design on computer within the given time. Don’t forget, excellence can’t be ignored by anyone. So become competent enough to grab the dream job.

Do your research

It’s always advisable to do your research about the company before going for the interview. Go to its website, consult people. Know its mission, vision, clients, achievements, history, future plans etc. Your thorough knowledge about the company will impress the interviewer. It shows your interest and knowledge. Do your research about the industry and other competitors in the market too.

Stay honest

Integrity is very important. Maintain transparency. Don’t lie to the interviewer. Whether it’s regarding your age, educational qualification, job experience or reason for new job hunt – maintain transparency everywhere. Even if truth is not glorious at times, a good interviewer will definitely appreciate and value your honesty.

Don’t overcharge

Never quote a salary which is much ahead of standard fee. Definitely ask what you deserve, but not much ahead of standard salary. Don’t under price but don’t overprice either. Before quoting price know comparative prices in the industry. Even if you don’t get salary as per your own wishes, join. People will soon recognize your worth and provide what you deserve.

These few simple tips are highly effective. Targeting dream job is easy, but for acquiring the dream job one has to cultivate these good habits and evolve as a better professional. Start preparing yourself today; soon you will be ahead of others.

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26 Sep 10 Sharpen your Management Skill

Being an effective manager, a leader, a motivator isn’t an easy task. In day to day pressing deadlines and work pressure keeping up the managerial effectiveness gets difficult. But a good manager can’t afford to bend down. He has to get the work done by his teams, create a good work environment, inspire all, and keep up the work flow.

Here are some tips to keep up the great managerial skill.

Set goals, draw routes to achieve them

As a manager you should be aware of company’s mission, vision, values and goals. To achieve them set small job oriented goals, which are realistic, achievable, and measurable. Now develop a comprehensive plan, illustrating steps to be taken to achieve those goals. Allocate work to the concerned people, coordinate all. Keep track of the projects, progress status and problems faced. Prioritize projects too, marking them as per immediacy. Call for frequent staff meetings, keep the deadlines before them, provide them with the required information, make objectives clear, and clarify doubts. Be a constant support system to them.

Analyze employees, increase their productivity

Judge your employees. Analyze their skills, interests, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Once you can analyze employees, assign relevant assignments to them; which match with their competence. Your concern towards them will keep them interested, involved and feel valued. Allocation of appropriate work will also maximize their productivity, enhance quality of performance, and make the entire work enjoyable. When employees find you care for them, they also work harder and are motivated to excel.

Provide necessary resources and support the employees

Provide your employees with all kind of support, in terms of information and tools required, resources required, environment for work, appraisal on completion with success, encouragement and moral support. You have to look after everything from stationary items to project submission. Improve work culture of the company. Make the work enjoyable, not burden.

Make the work place unbiased, adhering to equity and fairness

A good honest employee can never excel in a work place which is full of conflicts, biased towards few, doesn’t recognize talent and hard work, and encourages office politics. Treat all in equal way. Make sure all have equal access to information, tools, and resources. Interact with all in same manner, with due respect and care. Be consistent with your actions. Lend your ear to all.

Don’t forget to appreciate before all

Don’t forget to appreciate the ones who excel. A heartfelt appraisal will not only boost confidence, but also make the employees feel valued, recognized, and motivated. Cheer for him, praise him before all. It will also set an example for others to follow.

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