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02 Oct 09 Deal With A Mean Manager

If you’ve ever had to cope with a boss or manager that is less than friendly, life at work can be extremely difficult.  Most people just don’t know how to get around this, and instead let their personal lives suffer because their professional life is hopelessly out of order.  Not to mention the fact that a problematic boss seems like an unsolvable issue that you just have to live with.  But not necessarily, as long as you know what to do about that troublesome superior.

Make peace with yourself before you try anything on your boss.  Cope with the fact that they aren’t rude or angry with you because of your job performance.  Rather it’s just a negative personality trait that your boss has.  Just like a bully, the bad behavior is a social issue that they have, not something you’ve done wrong.  So don’t let it bother you as much as it might, because their rude attitude has nothing to do with you.

Asses the problem, and after you’ve made peace with the fact that the anger isn’t about you, evaluate your options.  If your bad boss is a real problem, you may have to take the issue higher within the company.  Consider your options for reporting an issue like this within the company, and also your legal rights if you feel the treatment is completely unwarranted.  Otherwise this may be time to asses your career.

If you feel this problem can’t be solved within the company, you might just have to suck it up and look for a new job.  If you don’t like the way things are going at your current company, you just might have to pack up and go to a different one.  If you just can’t work with your boss, and don’t have any other avenue to correct the situation, it’s not a bad idea to start again somewhere else.

Tags: , , Bad Behavior, , , Bully, Current Company, , , , Personal Lives, ,

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