Current IT field related information

15 Oct 09 Get A Raise During A Recession

Getting a raise in a recession is not easy, but can be accomplished.  Even if your company is cutting jobs, and looking for new ways to save money, you can still find a way to get a raise.  Or even a promotion, if the situation warrants such a thing.  The road is especially difficult, but nothing is impossible if you play your cards right.  Just be careful in how you approach the situation, or else you could find yourself on the money saving chopping block.

First off, ensure that you know the situation.  If your company is basically on fire and jobs are falling left and right, and not even your boss seems to be safe, probably not the best place for a raise.  But if things seem fairly comfortable, with a few worries here and there, you could have a good shot.  Just make sure you don’t paint a target on your back by asking for more than the company will think you deserve.

Asses your worth to the company before asking for a raise.  If you find people have been laid off or fired in your department, but you have survived the scrutiny, there has to be a reason for that.  Asses your accomplishments and your skill set, so that you can see why the company values you.  This will give you good groundwork to make use of in an argument for why you deserve a raise.

Finally, using your track record as a resource, go in and ask for a raise with your previous accomplishments as your foundation.  Be prepared to get rejected, after all it’s recession, and this is more of a long shot than anything else.  But be courteous and stay positive, and illustrate this isn’t a deal breaker for you, as to whether or not you’ll stay with the company.  You’d just like a raise or a promotion for your continuing efforts in helping the team strive for success.  Make that point evident, and you’ll be fine.

Tags: Asking For A Raise, , , , Chopping Block, , Groundwork, , New Ways, Paint, , , , Situation Warrants, , Ways To Save Money, Worries

08 Aug 09 Earn Yourself A Raise

Everyone would like to make more money at their job, because there really is no such thing as making enough money, or having extra cash.  The more money you have, the better your overall quality of life can be, or at least that’s what most of us have come to believe in a consumer driven economy.  So logically, finding a way to increase your earnings is paramount to your overall fulfillment right?  Probably not, but here are a few tips to earn more money at your job regardless.

First off, establish a good work record.  Don’t take too many sick days, in fact stay away from taking any unless absolutely necessary, for at least a three to four month period at your job.  This establishes you as a dependable worker, committed to the company.  Also you appear willing to get the job done for the reasons that you enjoy what you do.  If you’re not always trying to leave the workplace, you look more likely to care what you are doing.  After you’ve gone a good long while without taking any days off, you can make your case for getting a raise with your commitment as a very good reflection on why you deserve more pay.

Also, take advantage of as many overtime opportunities as possible, including days that your boss may ask you to work that don’t fall into your normal agreement.  This shows you to be a dependable worker, and beyond what you can get in the long run, will put some quick cash in your pocket as well.  Plus after you’ve established your loyalty you can make a good case for yourself to get that raise.

Make sure you keep accurate records of agreements made with your supervisors, so that you can show that you always achieve your goals, and that as often as possible you push past their expectations to deliver the best work possible.  Nothing makes a case for why you should be paid more, than doing the job the best that you can, and being able to back that fact up with data.

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