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22 Oct 10 How to Enhance Memory?

Who doesn’t want to own a sharp memory? But very few of us have a good memory. Some are born, blessed with it; whereas the rest cultivate it. Whatever be the process, we all cherish if we carry a good memory. Here are some tips, which can boost memory power.

Divide and remember

At times it’s very difficult to remember names and numbers if they are too long like 9910288479 or Padmaramaswamigovardhan. What you can do is divide these numbers and words into parts and remember them effectively. Like, 99-102-88-479 or Padma-rama-swami-govar-dhan. All you have to do is divide the words or numbers into smaller parts and remembering them in bits and pieces. Breaking them and grouping few together always works. Try it.


Rhyming helps especially when it comes to memorizing names, words or phrases. It not only helps in memorizing, but also makes one creative and increases power of vocabulary. There can also be words which sound similar but carry different meanings like Rome/Roam, Scene/Seen.

Pen down whatever you wish to remember

It’s often said writing makes things memorable and perfect. It’s true. If you tend to forget things, try to jot them down. You will not only remember things, but also your spelling gets better. Try to write many times. It will help you to remember. Carry the writing with you or make sure it’s on the wall before you so that you see it many times. Seeing will make you believe in it and remember it.

Recall and recite it before going to bed

Before you go to sleep at night, recall whatever you were supposed to remember. Recite things and also plan what you have to do next day. In sleep, our mind arranges things, synchronizes into a meaningful and systematic way; making things easier to remember.


Don’t panic if you tend to forget things. Don’t try too hard to recall. Take it easy. Rather relax and don’t try. When you are relaxing, things will automatically come to your mind and pop up in memory. If you are anxious, stressed or too worried to recall, you tend to forget even more.

Mediate and exercise

Meditation early in the morning, followed by some light exercises not only keeps one fit, but also soothes nerves, mind, body and soul. A relaxed mind stays calm and remembers more.

Practice these and see the difference.

Tags: Bits And Pieces, How To Enhance Memory, Jot, Memory Power, , Numbers And Words, Padma, , Pop, Rama Swami, Relax, Rome, , , Spelling, ,

12 Sep 10 Effect of Recession on Family Structure in the US

Has the recession aftected the way family unit is organized in the Untited States? Is it the recession that forced 1 in every 10 kids live with his or her grandparent (s)? An analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau data done by Pew Research Center suggest that it is so.

the U.S. Census Bureau data indicats that there has been a sharp rise in number of kids staying with their grandparent or grandparents between 2007 and 2008. In 2000, total number of American children living with their grandparnets was 2.5 million, wich rose to 2.9 million in 2008. ThIere has been a sharp rise of 6% in this figure between 2007 and 2008.

It has been found that 41% of children (4 out of every 10) who live with their grandparents are also raised by the grandparents only. In the analyzed period (between 2000 and 2008), the number of grandparents functioning as a prinary caregiver to the American kids has also increased to 2.8 million in 2008 from 2.4 million in 2004, which is an 8% increase. 5% of which has increased between 2007 and 2008. It seems recession definetly has affected the way family unit organize itself in the US.


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