Current IT field related information

05 Dec 09 Necessities For A Freelance Writer Resume

If you’re a freelance writer, you’re going to end up rewriting your resume an awful lot.  That means having a good amount of knowledge as to what a freelance writing employer will be looking for.  Writing a freelance resume is different from a standard resume, because employers are looking for different cues.  Here’s a quick guide of what you need to make the most out of your freelance writer resume, so you can be an instant competitor for the top jobs.

Always have a complete list of every client and contribution you’ve made in your career.  These come in handy so that you can have a comprehensive guide to tailor a resume to any given position.  If it’s a job writing about entertainment, you want to have your entertainment examples handy, and so on and so forth.  Always have a complete list for your reference, but limit what you put on the resume to the best examples of your work, as they relate to that job.

Practically everyone is going to ask for a brief summary of your writing experience, and usually about yourself personally.  This serves as a guide to your experience, as well as the sort of writer you are.  Usually you’ll end up writing a few paragraphs to satisfy both, and these will serve to give them a taste of your writing style.  So make sure they are concise, easily read, and reflective of the style in which you write.

Try to make the information about you as interesting as possible.  Think of an interesting professional story that you can tell, that defines your character and ability.  Then tell the story in a riveting way.  Something that keeps your target engaged in what you written.  You want them to be dying to talk to you more about the job, and certain that you’ll be a great fit.

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25 Aug 09 Any Taker for HTML5?

January 2008 is history now, and so is HTML5. Confused? HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). If it is the latest version then why am I calling it history?  You have a point, and let’s check the validity of the claim.

The version of HTML we are currently using is 4.01 (the fourth version) that allow us to use tags, embed images and videos by using other scripts or plug-ins, and use other languages within HTML tags. HTML5 is going to improve this, and it is also going to add native support for video and audio files (

The first working draft on HTML5 specification was released in January 2008, and the latest draft with HTML5 specification has been published today, August 25, 2009 (you can read this specification draft by clicking on the link). Now, before we talk any further, let’s take a look at what major changes HTML5 does bring about.

List of some major changes in HTML version 5:

  • Keeping in mind, the latest trend in web development, HTML5 has included some new tags like
  • has replaced the complex DOCTYPE used by HTML up to current version.
  • Elements like , , and have also been removed from HTML5.
  • Less used elements like , , , and have also been removed.

Click on the following link to know how HTML5 is different from HTML4.

The web development we know is going to change with HTML5, and it will happen as soon as major browsers develop support for it. If you are a developer then I will strongly recommend updating yourself with new HTML5 tags. If you start now, you will have the first mover’s advantage. You can test your test pages on either Firefox 3.1 +, or Safari 3.1+.

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14 Jun 09 How to Take Time Out to Write

Writing is indeed fun, and many among us have the skill required to write, but a handful only end up writing anything. If you ask the non-starter about it then they will supply you with different versions of the same answer: they did not get time. Do not think that every non-writer who had potential to write is lazy. This is, indeed, not the case. They just do not know how to take time out to write! Most of them are too busy doing works and earning living for them and their families to even think of picking a pen or stroking the keys. This article will tell you how to take time out from the busy life.

Record what you do and eliminate unnecessary things

In order to take time out from your daily schedule, you need to figure out how you spend your day. Start with recording everything that you do in your daily life. Once you have a complete list of things that you do in any day of the week, start striking out the thing you can do without. You will be amazed to see how much time you wasted in idle talks, and television watching. These things are important, but when done in excess, they can kill your productivity.

Cut on rests

One needs to work hard, if one wants to achieve something. You need to cut on sleeping, and lunchtime rests to take time out to write. You can use this time to write down the thoughts that come to you, or even use this time to develop your story.

Write while you travel

Well, this is not always possible to write when you are going from one place to another, but you can always use this time to write down the key points, which you can further develop at your leisure.

Talk to your family and ask for support

Take your family in confidence and speak your mind, tonight on the dinner table. Tell them what you are planning to do. Ask your partner, or parents to look after your kids at least once a week, so that you can have some free time to write. If you have grownup kids then ask them to do the house works once a week to help you in taking time out to write.

Tags: , , Dinner Table, , , Lunchtime, , Partner, , Taking Time, , Travel