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24 Jun 11 How to a Develop Effective Communication Skill?

Communication skill is a vital part of our life. If you don’t have a good communication skill and fail to send the intended message across effectively, your relationship, work everything may suffer. Be it personal or professional life, effective communication is very important. Poor communication skill can result into conflict, misunderstandings, disagreement, and confusion resulting into anger, doubt, allegations and growing distance in relationships. Learn from mistakes; develop an effective communication skill. These tips may help you.

Improve your diction

Important of all things is your pronunciation. Even right grammar, great vocabulary skill may fall flat because of poor diction. Try to make your accent globally understandable. Start with singing English songs, talking in front of the mirror, imitating some ideal speakers or journalists, watching news in channels like BBC, CNN. Refer to for pronunciation guidance. Some books, audio CDs may help you too. While you speak, ask others to judge you, correct you.

Reading helps

Many times, we do not consider reading being related to speaking, but yes, it is. Unless you enrich yourself with good books you cannot reflect good communication power. So start reading as much as you can. Read good novels, journals, national dailies. Start with easy language oriented books; gradually move on to serious books. Read what interests you.

Keep a dictionary handy

Always keep a dictionary in your pocket. Whatever books you read, underline the words you are unable to understand. Make a list of words, which are new to you. Write their meanings. Now try to incorporate them in your daily conversation.

Good listener

To master good communication skill, you need to listen to good things first. Be a patient and attentive listener. See how experts speak. Do not interrupt or get defensive. Listener to others speaking.

See others point of view

Try getting others point of view, and then you will know how others can interpret your words. We all want to be heard, understood, and accepted. Encourage others to speak, try to understand their points. They will be more likely to listen to you if they feel heard.

Take criticism positively

Many of us just don’t like to be criticized. It is easy to feel critics are wrong and turn defensive. However, do not forget, it’s for your help only. Listen to the criticism, find out what makes them say so and work on the same.

Follow these tips and develop an effective communication skill.

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14 Apr 10 Best-Kept Secret Twitter Tips for Job Search (Part 6)

This is the last post on networking aspect of twitter job search. Here I will tell you how you can get more out of your networking effort, and how you will be in the good books of highly networked individuals on twitter, so without wasting another moment let’s get started.

Engage yourself

Increase the frequency of your tweets to remain in the eyes of fellow tweeters — out of sight, out of mind phenomenon works more here. Tweet often and tweet regularly, but do not ever cross the thin red line crossing which raises the red flag.

Spread your net

Keep on finding people to tweet to. Do not just tweet to people in your follower’s, find people to add to your list, but, do not start mass following. By doing so, you will be call in spammers who do not listen on twitters. All they know is clutter the twitter time line.

Join the conversation

Tweeting your content is good, but joining the conversation is even better. Read what others are saying, join the conversation, comment on the discussion, be part of it, spread the word, send DM (direct message), and get known. This will help you form a lasting relationship with fellow tweeters. People like you most when you talk about the stuffs they care — in this case, the stuffs they share.

Spread the news

Talking about yourself on and on may make you sound braggart, and talking about what others have to say make you sound influential. See what others are talking about and be the first to tweet about it. This will bring you on the forefront of your industry, and the leaders cannot help but look at you, and recognize you.

Get personal with @

Use @ followed by twitter’s account name to share stuffs with people you want to network with on twitter. This will get their attention. Send out only meaningful tweets using @, and do it sparingly. Overdoing will raise the barrier.

As you can see, finding a job on twitter is not like finding a job on job-search portals. It is about engagement here. You have to engage people first and then ask for a job. This may look like too much work, but it is not. And on top of it, it is highly rewarding. By engaging your prospects in talk, you have crossed half the distance, as talking to them let them know about you. If they like what they see, they will hire you.

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