Current IT field related information

23 Sep 09 Writing A Resume In A Recession

Part of surviving in an economic downturn, is knowing how to adjust your job hunting tactics.  Part of that is adjusting your resume.  As your resume is your introduction, or pre-interview to a job, you have to know the right direction to take in an economic recession.  If any company does happen to be hiring, they’re going to be more discriminatory than before to applicants that don’t meet their qualifications.  Meaning you’ve got a much larger wall to climb, in order to get your foot in the door.

The number one step in this plan is to keep your resume as current as possible.  By frequently updating your resume with your most recent accomplishments, or work history, you ensure it’s current and very reflective of you.  Beyond that you want to customize your objective to tailor to the company to which you are applying.  Your objective should not be a bland description of what you want out of a job, but rather what you want to put into a job.  Specifically focused on the company to which you are applying.

Highlight your stability from previous jobs.  By emphasizing that you are a worker that is reliable, and also with a fair amount of loyalty, you make yourself an asset to an organization.  Companies are looking to people that they can count on if they’re actually hiring during a recession.  Highlight the fact that you are dependable, and that a company would do well to hire you for that fact.

Finally, make sure that you personalize the resume for each company.  You need to have a job specific resume each time, so that you are presenting yourself as an interested party.  By making the resume count for them, you look interested and ready to commit to the position.  The work you put in before you actually get a job will pay off on your road to getting hired.

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02 Aug 09 10 Everyday Tips to Increase your freelance Earnings

Do not get mislead by the title, I am not going to share any magic tips or rather there is no magic tips, tricks or shortcuts. Nothing can substitute hard work, but if the work is done in a proper way, and in the right direction then the magnitude of the return will make the effort look less strenuous.

In this article, I will share some tips that will help freelance writer in increasing his or her earning potential.

Tip 1

Introduce yourself: No one will know who you are until you will tell them who you are, and the best way to do that for a freelance writer is to write a compelling introductory paragraph that can be sent to prospects.

Tip 2

Article marketing: If you are a freelance writer, chances are you must have written many articles for your clients, which you or the client posted on various article directories to promote his business. Why can’t you do it, and why don’t you do it to market your writing services?

Tips 3

Burbling: Do not get confused. I want you to write powerful blurbs for every service that you offer.

Tips 4

Contact your past clients: Prepare a list of clients with whom you have worked in the past, but haven’t contacted for last six months or since the work got over, and send them a personal e-mail. This will remind them of you and your services, and they may get back to you with some work. Always remember, out of sight is out of mind.

Tips 5

A client a day contact program: Contact one existing, past or prospective client every day.

Tips 6

Hire a guru (mentor): Freelance writing is one profession in which to succeed you need a continuous flow of new and exciting ideas. Befriend with a person who keeps himself up-to-date with the latest happening. Leverage his expertise to build your writing career.

Tips 7

Start multiple Blogs: Categorize your writing services, and start one blog each for each category of services. For example, you can put blogging and article writing into one category, and article marketing and social media submission in another. Make a list of writing services you provide and categorize them.

Tips 8

Chart the uncharted water: Read the magazines, books and periodical that you have never read before. This will infuse new ideas and bring variety to your writing.

Tips 9

Write an e-book: Prepare your own information product. Start today and prepare an outline of two e-books that you should write.

Tips 10

Stay Positive: I know, you are thinking whatever, but this is as important as any other tips written above.

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