These days everybody is on social networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter. And so are the brands. Every brand wants fans, followers and millions of online prospects. So these days, brands rope in digital marketers to popularize the brand further on internet, and make the most of social networking benefits. But at times marketers themselves try hand on the same and commit few common mistakes, as discussed below.
Too many pages for a single brand
At times marketers wish to draw more and more followers and create multiple pages, to reflect omnipresence. Imagine Mc. Donald’s having 10 Facebook pages, how many of them will you follow? One or two at the most and that too if it is localized, suppose it says Mc. Donald’s (Japan) or something like that. But soon you may start getting too many updates from both and eventually stop following one of them. Thus to stay on the safer side, create only one page for your brand, people are not on social networking sites solely for you. You will have more number of followers in such case.
Too often updates
At times being a beginner and too excited about the whole thing of social networking brands end up doing too frequent status updates, like changing status message every couple of hours. Don’t forget such things are always annoying for the followers who find their home page cluttered with your messages, and if they end up liking or commenting for any of them, then they may get endless number of notifications from the same. Do not do this. No one wants a cluttered page and full of brand messages. Remember, that person added you since likes you, not to get annoyed with you. So instead of torturing with brand messages, keep updates not more than twice in a day.
Do not talk just for the sake of talking
It is often seen marketers fail to think what to talk on a particular day and eventually end up talking senseless things and write updates just for the sake of writing like ‘Hello, Good morning. How are you all’. How many people will be interested in such a message coming from a brand? A handful may be, since they may have nothing else to do in life. So instead of writing rubbish things, write something which adds value, draws interest and attracts the followers. You may write a status message talking about special discount or latest achievement or the new advertisement you are coming up with or the new outlet you are about to open. You can also conduct polls and contests. Ask for suggestion on some products which always draw lot of attention. If there is a good incentive people are all the more interested in such activities.
These are some major mistakes brands often commit. Stay away from these.
Tags: Brand Messages, Endless Number, Fans, Followers, Imagine, Japan, Marketers, Mc Donald, Media Marketing, Notifications, People, Prospects, Rope, Safer Side, Sake, Senseless Things, Social Marketing, Social Networking Sites, Status Message, Status Updates
Newsletter is an effective tool for brand promotion, which people effectively use to reach out the regular and prospective customers. But at times, such newsletters are not warmly welcomed, rather are thrown to the trash by marking as ‘Spam’. Have you ever thought what makes a newsletter destined for the spam box? Here are some reasons.
Too often intrusion
A newsletter which keeps coming to the subscribers’ inbox frequently is a sheer disturbance for them. No one wants sales messages every day. Do not send newsletters so often. Keep a nominal gap between two consecutive newsletters.
Forced newsletters
At times desperate marketers send out the sales newsletters randomly and intrude into privacy. At times, if a person visits a website for some purchase or registers for membership, the website holder counts the person as interested in newsletter and keep sending newsletter even without due permission. Such acts are highly annoying and the recipients do not hesitate to mark such newsletter as ‘spam’ and throw to the trash bin.
Nothing so special
At times marketers assume a newsletter is good enough to induce sales and does not need any added attraction. If you are planning releasing monthly newsletter for your brand to the target group of customers, make sure your every newsletter induces prospects to buy. It can be certain amount of discount or free gifts or offers like ‘Buy 2, Get 2 Free’ etc. Or you may send out newsletters in case of a new launch or some occasion or festival related offer. If there is no such festival approaching, you may simply connect with the season and make the best of it. People open newsletters to find a new offer, not to find ‘Buy from us’ kind of messages. Thus a good newsletter is always thematic, based on some central theme or idea.
Too chaotic
A good design is very important for a newsletter. Even if you need to inform the prospect or educate about something, you can’t afford to bore him or frustrate with a long newsletter, with too much information and cramped breathing space. Keep words minimum, crispy yet attractive. Use good combination of color as per the theme. Layout should be neat with enough white space for the eye to move around easily.
These are the few common mistakes that newsletters carry at times and therefore are destined to be in spam box. Don’t let these silly shortcomings spoil destiny of your newsletter.
Tags: Acts, Added Attraction, Brand Promotion, Due Permission, Free Gifts, Gap, Intrusion, Launch, Marketers, Newsletter, People Find, Prospective Customers, Prospects, Registers, Sales Messages, Spam, Subscribers, Target Group, Trash Bin, Wit
Door to door sales generally appear highly irritating and interfering to the person visited; but from salesman’s point of view it’s one of the prospective chances to hit the bull’s eye. If one knows and masters few tricks of effective door-to-door sales, it’s no big deal. Here are few effective tips for you.
Do not be too pushy
People hate salespersons that are too pushy and keep on nagging to sell. They are sure turn offs. Never consider your prospects as a disposal box of your product. If you find your prospect is not interested in your product, leave it there. If you become too pushy, you may end up losing the prospect forever and incur bad perception of your brand.
Don’t lose hope
With a failed trial or series of trials do not lose hope, it will show on your face and you may appear boring, sad and cold to a good prospect too. If you are not enthusiastic about your product or service, you can’t expect your prospect to find interest in it too. Staying motivated from street to door, under every circumstance, every atmosphere is important as it’s you who are ‘face’ of the brand. So appear enthusiastic, pleasant, motivated, and persuasive. Remember, your prospect is literally a ‘prospect’ for you, not your customer, so don’t expect him or her to be too receptive. They are the people who are not actively looking for your product and your visit is unexpected, interfering. Conversion rate in this type of sale is low, so accept the fact. In a failed attempt, just think it was a bad one and move on to the next with a winning attitude. Celebrate each successful sale, and stay motivated.
Little planning can be helpful
Rather than being random and ringing all doorbells on your way, with piled up rates of failure why don’t you start planning a bit and secure more chances of success? Good planning and research may help you. Know who is your target audience, where they are located, what promise they expect from you, what is their trust level, when are they available and receptive to your presentation, what motivates them etc. Choose locations accordingly. So before starting with your sales call do a thorough research on the demography and psychograph of the desired target group. Also, do not reach them in inappropriate time. Strike a balance between quantity and quality of calls.
And you are there. Go and shoot, win and celebrate.
Tags: Atmosphere, Attitude, Circumstance, Conversion Rate, Door To Door, Doorbells, Failure, Masters, Perception, Point Of View, Prospects, Pushy People, Sad, Salespersons, Target Audience, Turn Offs
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