Current IT field related information

15 Aug 09 Is Your Job In Trouble?

The economy is on the up finally, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still quite a few jobs being cut at companies that are desperate to make financial ends meet.  So you should always be aware of the warning signs that your job may be in trouble.  Here are a few that could clue you in about when it might be the right time to start getting that resume together.

1. Bad Performance Reviews

Okay, so it’s your monthly performance review and normally you excel at your job, this month has been no different, so you’re expecting a quick and easy positive performance review right?  Well what if you get a bad one out of the blue?  This could be a clue in that your company is setting you up to be fired.  It’s always favorable for Human Resources and the legal departments if someone has a few bad performance reviews on file before they are terminated, to show that the company had adequate reason.

2. Your Inclusion In Projects Is Limited.

If you’re starting to feel left out of your bosses tactics, and are feeling fairly underappreciated, you may not be imagining things, it may just be that you’re slowly being phased out of that workplace.  Anytime your boss is avoiding you more, leaving you out, or your own colleagues are leaving you out of private meetings, it wouldn’t hurt for you to start browsing some opportunities elsewhere.  At least that way your job loss won’t come as an earth shattering shock.

3. You Get A New Boss.

Managers like to work with employees that they are familiar with.  With workers that they know well, a boss knows what to expect, how far they can push, and which goals that they will be able to accomplish.  The problem with that strategy is for your new boss to make room for new people, he/she has to get rid of you.  A new boss is always a good time for you to brush up that resume and be prepared to be job hunting.

4. Coworkers Begin Getting Fired.

Even if you’re a star performer at your job, if the company starts making cuts on account of an economic crisis nobody is safe.  So if you see a lot of heads rolling at your company, get your interview skills practiced once more, because you could be following suite before too long.

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14 Aug 09 Make Your Boss Work For You

Have a boss that you hate?  Welcome to a huge percentage of the American workforce’s lives.  Want the key to molding your boss into someone that doesn’t make you so frustrated you can’t see straight?  Well, believe it or not, there actually are a few tactics you can try to make your boss work for you.  I’m not talking about shifting the balance of power, as that’s always a bad idea to attempt.  Sometimes it can be successful, but most of the time it just ends up with a more tense work environment, followed by your eventual firing.

Rather, try to work with your boss, understand them, figure out what they’re going for at their job.  In a way understanding what makes them tick, so you can work through the problematic times and ensure that they are fewer and farther in between by playing to what your boss is looking for.  Part of the strategy is making yourself into a great employee, as your boss in most cases is less likely to give you unnecessary hassle if you are a star performer.

The key to becoming a star performer is the way that you carry out your work.  The most commonly found workers are just the workhorses, who do what is asked, no less no more.  The problem with these people is that the management needs to constantly be giving them new projects and goals because they don’t take the effort to think for themselves.  By ensuring you are not one of these people, and instead of just doing what is asked, anticipate your bosses needs.  Go the extra mile, instead of completing a report and waiting for your boss to show up or ask for it, deliver it personally so that they don’t have to take time out of their schedule to complete such a simple task.  Little things like that can make an unbelievable difference.

By anticipating your bosses needs, and delivering your work through those means, you can look forward to starting a better relationship with your boss.  With that renewed work relationship you’ll understand each other better, likely leading to less stress and fewer confrontations when the deadlines are against you.

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