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21 Apr 10 Writing for Article Directories

Writing is writing is writing is writing. How the hell one article is different from other?



All types of writing are not cut to be equal. The style, mood, tone, use of words, arrangement of paragraphs, objective, target audience, and even length of different types of articles are different. The article that may work for one medium may not work on another. For example: the article that you post on your website will not be same as the article you posted last night on

Talking of let me explain how you should write for article directories.

Writing for article directories

Make it visual

No one likes reading text-heavy articles, not at least in article directories. Make your article visually scannable through the end by adding bullet points, and making the important keywords bold. The things that you have highlighted should give away the central meaning of the article.

Do not make it too long

An article between 250 and 800 words work like a charm in article directories, anything shorter or longer than that gets overlooked by the reader. I will recommend using 350-400 words articles.

Practice brevity

None of the paragraphs should be longer than 3 to 4 lines, and no sentence should be too long. Short sentences and simple words are easy to understand, which help you increase the readership of the article. Do not write complex sentences.

Proper grammar

I am not among those who are strict about the grammar usage, yet I recommend reviewing the article for obvious grammatical and punctuation mistakes. You must review it before submitting to the directory.

Follow the guidelines

Do not take guidelines set by article directories lightly. By doing so, you risk rejection. Read the guidelines carefully and follow them.

Follow these principles and you will get desired results from the articles.

Tags: , , Complex Sentences, , Grammar Usage, Hell One, , , Punctuation Mistakes, , Reading Text, Risk Rejection,

20 Nov 09 Article Marketing Guidelines

Article marketing is a potent source for getting backlinks and traffic. This is the reason why so many article directories have come into existence. Writing for each one of these directories (I am talking about good ones) is different from writing for other good directories, and there are some guidelines that we need to follow to increase our acceptance rate. Every article directory has different guidelines, but there are some points in the guidelines that are common to all. I am listing is below:

  • Quality Content: In context of article marketing, quality content means non-duplicate, error-free, exclusive content. Do not submit a PLR, ripped-off, or any other kinds of duplicate content. The article must be informative in order to get published. Quality of your content also plays a big role in whether independent publishers will pick the article or not.
  • Resource Box: The resource box should contain a brief bio of author, and 2 to 3 links. You can also have your head-shot photograph in the resource box.
  • No Self-serving article: You should not have a self-serving, that is to say, you cannot have advertising, promotional material, press releases, or sales letter, etc., submitted in the name of article.
  • Abstain from pornography, racism, terrorism, hacking tips, violence, personal attack, etc. None of the article directories are going to publish your article, if your article contains any of these.
  • Abstain from using special characters, long dashes, curly quotes, HTML codes (some of them are accepted), hard line-break, Tabs, etc.
  • Number of articles: You should at least write 10 articles to get good quality backlinks and substantial traffic.
  • Grammar and punctuation: Though an article directory is not a bunch of strict grammarian, nonetheless, you need to use proper grammar and punctuation in order to make readers understand what you are saying.

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