Who says beauty lies in the eye of the beholder? Would you get attracted towards an ugly looking man without knowing he is a real genius within? Would you buy a pathetic necklace unless you know it’s a heritage necklace belonging to princess of the land? You won’t. Right? Definitely inner beauty, inner self is important; but it’s discovered only when the thing is explored and we explore things only when it looks nice and attractive apparently. That’s the strength of appearance. Similarly a book sells more when it looks nice, when its cover looks really interesting. We have often been told not to judge a book from its cover, but in reality it doesn’t work. Among a shelf of all unknown books we pick up the ones which allure us and grab our attention. The cover should be unusual, mysterious, timeless and memorable. It should evoke curiosity and interest to flip through the pages.
Book covers not only attract attention, but also build emotional attachment with the reader. People connect to it even after years and get nostalgic. That’s the power of book cover. It’s unlike a flashy poster, hoarding or road blocker.
In this age of computer graphics technology book cover ideation and creation has been treated as a daily practice, merely mixing and merging stock photographs, adding colors, highlighted by stylish font. They may look nice, but not memorable. But the art of book cover designing is much deep rooted. Very few publishers are still into it, brainstorming and creating unique and fresh book covers. There’s no rule of book cover designing. It just has to be arresting, innovative and memorable. It should echo the sentiment down the years. It may or may not even contain an image. It may be colorful or mono color. It may carry stylish or traditional conservative fonts. It has no set rules.
With a good book cover, you can definitely make the most of its sale. A well thought-out, classic book cover carries its glory down the ages, remains eternal in heart of people, echoing its grandeur.
Tags: Allure, Appearance, Beauty Lies In The Eye, Beauty Lies In The Eye Of The Beholder, Computer Graphics Technology, Conservative Fonts, Curiosity, Emotional Attachment, Eye Of The Beholder, Glory Down, Hoarding, Inner Beauty, Mono Color, Princess, Publishers, Real Genius, Sentiment, Stock Photographs, Technology Book, Unknown Books
Before we establish the need for article marketing, let us first find out what is article marketing. To explain in simplest term, Article marketing refers to the article written for an article directory with an objective to get backlinks and visitors for the writer’s website from the resource box.
What is a resource box?
The text written at the bottom of an article that talks about the author is known as resource box. A resource box contains a brief bio of the author, 2 to 3 links to the author’s home page and an author’s photograph. A resource box may look like the following:
Why we need Article Marketing
The ultimate goal of an article written for article directories is to get backlinks and visitors for the author’s website. But it has two intermediary goals as well. The first one is to get the article picked by various online publishers, and second is to establish oneself as an expert in the chosen field.
These two goals are worthy because the more people will pick your article the more backlink you will get. And the more established as an expert you will become for your field the more reliable your advices will be. This, in turn, will result in more visitors and more sales.
Generally, author of an article in this case is the webmaster who owns the website to which the article is linking.
What is article directories
An article directory is a website where an author can submit his or her articles. The article directories are often free, and they generate revenue by placing ads in the articles published under its domain. Some of the best known article directories are:
- Ezine Articles
- Go Articles
- Article Dashboard
- Article Alley
- Amazines
- Buzzle
- Search Wrap
In the coming posts, I will discuss about different aspects of article marketing, so stay tuned.
Tags: Advices, Article Directory, Article Ezine, Article Marketing, Backlinks, Dashboard, Directories, Ezine Articles, Marketing Article, Objective, Photograph, Placing Ads, Publishers, Term Article, Who Owns The Website