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27 May 11 How to Write an Effective Newsletter?

An effective newsletter is not just flawless English, error free grammar and mechanical style. It’s a lot more. A newsletter has to be interesting, relevant, and informative. Here are some useful tips for your help.

Content has to be powerful

Newsletter is totally dependent on its content and its relevance. Know what you wish to say, followed by the art of saying it. Know what you wish to convey in a specific month of the year. Suppose you are a restaurant owner and you wish to promote your mocktails during summer, then convey the same in that month’s newsletter. Pick up a topic each month and relate it to your product or service.

Know your audience

Define you target audience before starting with your newsletter. Know demography, psychographic construct of you audience. Knowing more about them will help you to develop content of the newsletter while keeping tone, manner, and mood of the newsletter apt. Suppose you are selling an anti-ageing crème to the middle aged women, you should know how to approach them, what should be your style of communication and the like. You can’t afford to lose their interest because of inappropriate style.

Claims come with research

Don’t make big claims without supporting source of facts. Do ample research before making statements. This way you will not land up into problems too. Include facts, statistics, graphs, expert opinions, quotes supporting your research. Such data always build credibility. But don’t forget to mention the source.

Interesting heading

It’s good headlines which instantly draw attention towards the newsletter. Make sure the headline is extremely hard hitting and catchy, evoking curiosity. To make newsletter easy to read break the content into few paragraphs with sub headings.

Audience friendly lingo

Make sure your newsletter has audience friendly, easily comprehensive language, which people can relate to. Avoid technical jargons, too long sentences.

Proofread is important

A newsletter filled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes is highly avoided. Apart from the writer, ask someone else to do the job. Mistakes show writer’s lack of concern, interest, and unprofessionalism. If a brand is laughed at, it is hardly taken seriously. So avoid this.

Now get started with it.

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12 Dec 10 5 Tips to Nurture Creativity

Are you trying hard to be creative and prove the creative spark within you? Don’t try so hard, we all are creative in greater or smaller proportion. At times it’s latent, so we don’t realize its power and consider ourselves not so creative. Don’t feel that way. All you need to do is stir the creative juice flowing within your mind. It will make you conceptualize ideas, innovate things. A creative mind and its output not only draw materialistic gain, but also immense mental satisfaction and physical well-being. Sharpen your creative side, today.

Here are some tips to evolve as a better creative person.

A pair of thirsty eyes

Change your vision, change the way you look at things with a pinch of newness. Get rid of pre-occupied ideas and notions. Look at things like a child with sheer enthusiasm, curiosity and eagerness. It will definitely help you to overcome your bias, see the world from a new perspective and develop a creative mind.

Stay active

Stay fit and active. An active mind only nurtures creativity and helps creative ideas to evolve. Exercise daily, fresh ideas can evolve anytime. Physical activities will also sharpen your mental acuteness.

Break the rule

A creative person can never be average and conventional. Challenge rules, conventions. Don’t make your life as like others. Try to be different. Break the monotony. If you normally go to movie every weekend, this weekend indulge yourself with a puppet show. Challenge your own understanding and see how you perform. Variety is the key to creativity. Don’t restrict your mind. Explore the world. Don’t follow route, create your own route.

Question everything

A curious mind always learns new things, cultivate creative ideas and innovate new things. Question everything around you. The answer may lead to some creative ideas.

Study things, read more

Learning is the key to creativity. Experience of life is enriched with studying the surrounding, studying art and music, voracious reading etc. It will expand your horizon and help you to evolve as a better creative person. Study people around you, their lifestyle, places, nature. It will give you many ideas. Reading will sharpen your vocabulary power and command on language. It will also help you to come across with better ideas.

Just go with the flow. Nurture your creative mind.

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09 Jul 10 How Important is the Cover of Your Book?

Who says beauty lies in the eye of the beholder? Would you get attracted towards an ugly looking man without knowing he is a real genius within? Would you buy a pathetic necklace unless you know it’s a heritage necklace belonging to princess of the land? You won’t. Right? Definitely inner beauty, inner self is important; but it’s discovered only when the thing is explored and we explore things only when it looks nice and attractive apparently. That’s the strength of appearance. Similarly a book sells more when it looks nice, when its cover looks really interesting. We have often been told not to judge a book from its cover, but in reality it doesn’t work. Among a shelf of all unknown books we pick up the ones which allure us and grab our attention. The cover should be unusual, mysterious, timeless and memorable. It should evoke curiosity and interest to flip through the pages.

Book covers not only attract attention, but also build emotional attachment with the reader. People connect to it even after years and get nostalgic. That’s the power of book cover. It’s unlike a flashy poster, hoarding or road blocker.

In this age of computer graphics technology book cover ideation and creation has been treated as a daily practice, merely mixing and merging stock photographs, adding colors, highlighted by stylish font. They may look nice, but not memorable. But the art of book cover designing is much deep rooted. Very few publishers are still into it, brainstorming and creating unique and fresh book covers. There’s no rule of book cover designing. It just has to be arresting, innovative and memorable. It should echo the sentiment down the years. It may or may not even contain an image. It may be colorful or mono color. It may carry stylish or traditional conservative fonts. It has no set rules.

With a good book cover, you can definitely make the most of its sale. A well thought-out, classic book cover carries its glory down the ages, remains eternal in heart of people, echoing its grandeur.

Tags: Allure, , Beauty Lies In The Eye, Beauty Lies In The Eye Of The Beholder, Computer Graphics Technology, Conservative Fonts, , Emotional Attachment, Eye Of The Beholder, Glory Down, Hoarding, Inner Beauty, , Princess, , Real Genius, Sentiment, Stock Photographs, Technology Book, Unknown Books

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