Current IT field related information

04 Jan 10 Job Searching Right Out Of College

Finding an entry level position out of college is essential.  That’s the first major step into making the career you’ve been planning, become a reality.  But finding an entry level position when you’re just out of college isn’t always easy.  Especially in this economy the road has become increasingly hard for student starting out and starting their career paths.

Your fist tactic should always be networking.  Before you leave college make sure that you’ve got your name out there to the right people.  You want to stay in contact and make yourself known to a few of the select students around you, and your professors.  They will be a great resource for work down the line, so remember that, and keep those relationships avenues open.

Keep networking outside of school.  Try professional sites like linkedIn, etc, that offer connections with other professionals in the field.  Create lasting professional relationships, as these are where the best jobs will come from.  Companies frequently don’t openly advertise their best positions, and the only way you’ll hear about them is through somebody that you know.

Try your local newspaper, you won’t find fantastic jobs here most of the time, but you will find some decent options to pad your resume and provide income in transition.  Usually jobs advertised in a local newspaper don’t have a high applicant rate, so your chances of landing the job will also be better.

Finally, remember to stay professional.  Whether networking, or applying to the jobs, keep your demeanor professional, as your attitude says a lot about what manner of employee you will be at that company.  One of the biggest complaints about college graduates in the job market lately is that they have a false sense of entitlement.

Many recent grads almost feel as though a high paying job should be instantly available to them.  But that isn’t the case.  You have to work at a company and career to make it succeed, sometimes from the lower ranks of the ladder.  Stay courteous and polite always, be proud and confident, but also humble and realistic.  You don’t want to come off as a cocky self important applicant, because companies tend to stay away from them.  They aren’t hard workers, and they have no long term loyalty.  Both bad strikes to have against you.

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18 Dec 09 Make The Most Of A Job You Hate

The recession is supposed to be over, but the jobs have been slow to return.  This is a huge conundrum if you find yourself stuck in a job that you hate.  You can’t really afford to quit and risk the gamble of finding work with few jobs available.  How do you manage being stuck between the perpetual rock and a hard place?  Well, here are a few tips for making that easier.

-Try thinking positively about the job you hate.  Consider the positive parts, such as the fact that you are lucky enough to have a job during this turmoil.  The fact that you have reliable enough work that you’ve stayed employed, and have been able to live more comfortably than many other Americans.  Thinking about your good fortune is a great way to bring that smile out.

-Set time limits on your tasks, to see if you can accomplish your goals.  This is almost a tactic to make a game out of the monotony you may suffer if you hate your job.  Also this helps you get faster, and better at accomplishing your tasks.  The appearance of becoming a better, harder worker, could help you advance into a higher position that you won’t hate.

-Take an interest in your coworkers.  Make friends, and be positive and good natured with them.  Creating a better work environment around you can really help how you feel at work.  A great way to do that is improve your relations with those around you, creating a friendly environment that you can enjoy.

-Finally, just because you have a job, doesn’t mean you can’t look for a different one.  Try looking for other opportunities that may serve you better.  Something that you can really get into, and have a true passion for, unlike your current job.  Just make sure to keep that knowledge silent, as some employers take personal offence when their employees look for work elsewhere.  The last thing you want is to lose the job you have, because you were looking for a different one.

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09 Dec 09 Finding Funding For A Start Up Business

Having a great business idea is all well and good, but really only part of what you need to start a business.  If you don’t have funding, you’ll never get that business off the ground.  Finding funding for your business is often difficult, unless you know where to look.  So where do you go exactly, if you want to find some willing investors to fund your idea?

Well first, make a budget.  You have to have your money carefully budgeted.  That means how much you intend to spend to make your idea come to life, and how quickly an investor can expect to make their money back.  That means a realistic profit chart that you fully believe you will be able to adhere.  Not having your financial information  carefully planned will detract from how many will want to invest, this is your most important step.

Now you need a good business plan, and that means research on your part.  Look at the businesses that are similar to the one that you would like to start.  See the mechanics of what makes those businesses run, and learn everything you can.  From there you can make a brilliant business plan that covers all your bases, and that stands as a linear realistic guide to business success.  This is one of your main selling points to potential investors, so your plan needs to be iron clad, and well thought out.

From here you’re ready to find some funding.  Banks are a great place to go, as most offer business loans for just this sort of purpose.  Here is where your plan and financial map will serve you incredibly well, as the type of loan you can get will depend on both.  Your credit score combined with the viability of your idea will dictate how much money you can get, and what sort of interest rate you will be expecting.

Another tactic is to find business partners.  Also where your plan and financial map will be of chief importance.  Finding a partner means soliciting those that have the money to put up, and that are willing to work with your idea.  Find people that you want to work with, and that you work well with.  Otherwise you could find yourself in a terrible situation.

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