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05 Mar 10 A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XVIII

As said in the last post, this is the last post in the series, and with this I will conclude my discussion on job-search tips for over-45 job seekers. In this part, I will talk about what to you need to promote during your interview.

Attract attention, and focus on the bright side

There may be quite a few things in the résumé that were not so much impressive, so try to bury it deeper during your interview by focusing your interviewer’s attention on your strength. Do not just dodge the questions asked about your weak points. Tackle the question wisely and enroute take a turn and move towards your strength. Do it covertly.

Promote your work ethics

Tell your interviewer that because of your age, you do not feel like hopping from one job to another, and will settle if you get a satisfactory job like the one you are giving interview for. Well say this but not in so many words. It should look as if it is coming naturally from you. Do not fake it. Loyalty is a big asset and that too a rare one.

Tell your interviewer your monetary worth

You have accumulated a lot of knowledge and expertise (perhaps interdepartmental ones as well) in your long career before being unemployed. Tell the worth of those skills in dollar terms. The interviewer needs to know your real worth.

With this our discussion on this topic comes to an end. And as a parting though, I must say that this phase (unemployment) is temporary, and there is always a job for a person who deserves it, and works to get it.

You may want to bookmark this post, as I have provided links to all the posts that I have written in this series below this paragraph. I would like to know what you think about this series, so use the comment box and start sending your input.


  1. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – I
  2. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – II
  3. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – III
  4. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – IV
  5. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – V
  6. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – VI
  7. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – VII
  8. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – VIII
  9. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – IX
  10. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – X
  11. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XI
  12. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XII
  13. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XIII
  14. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XIV
  15. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XV
  16. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XVI
  17. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XVII
  18. A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – XVIII

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10 Feb 10 A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – VIII

I hope the suggestions I have given in the last 7 parts of the series have been put to use, and it is helping you out. In this part, I will talk about power of “now” and how you can use it to get employed. This is not the time of life to pass your time waiting because you have a family to support, mortgage to pay, and future to secure. You need to remain here and use the power of now.

Act now, do not wait

Waiting is not the game you are in the position to play. Go out and take action. Make this “out of job”
a temporary thing. You indeed need some time to figure out what you want, but do it as quickly as you can. Waiting for long will delay the possibility of getting hired. Get out of home now, and start searching for the job that suits you.

Think and decide about career change

If you are tired of doing the same thing again and again, then this is the perfect time to consider a plan change. Make a list of things that you are interested in, and match them against the ability you have. Bingo! You have the list of alternative careers in your hand. It is time to act now, make a resume befitting the needs of new job and start shooting them off.

Go temping

Temping may not offer you permanent solution, but it can fill the gap. You can also use it to gain experience of a new job in which you want to shift. Temping can provide a viable stopgap solution that gives you experience which further can help you in securing a fulltime job.

You should start putting these things to use as soon as you are laid off. These will work wonder and save you from the agony of unemployment, and will help you pay your bills.

Tags: , Agony, Bingo, , Fulltime Job, , , , , Mortgage, , Perfect Time, Permanent Solution, , , Stopgap, , Temporary Thing, Time Of Life,

28 Jan 10 A Job-Search Guide to Help People Over 45 – II

As we discussed in the first part of the series, getting a job after 45 is slightly difficult. But, with a slight preparation, you can remove the negativity attached with your age and get a well-paying job. The goal of this article is to tell you about that.

Be positive

Believe it or not, it reflects. Your positivity oozes out of everything you do and so does negativity. What people will think about you depends upon what you give away (positive or negative vibes). Most of the people get frustrated after couple of failures to land in a job. They become hopeless, but you need to understand hopelessness is not the solution, nor is the frustration. One has to tread forward until it becomes easy to walk and then run in full throttle.

Do not wait for a perfect job

Perfection is an illusion, and that too a bad one. Nothing is perfect, neither you, nor me, nor this article, and nor the job you are seeking. You must realize that you are no longer young, and you have a family to support, so you do not have the luxury to leave jobs coming your way. You need to be realistic of the situation, and be ready to compromise on the quality of job, and slightly on the paycheck you are offered, at least till you get what you want.

Update yourself

The biggest reason behind unemployment of people over 40s is their inability to keep themselves abreast of changes in technology. You need to update yourself with the changes in technology. By becoming up-to-date, you place yourself on equal footing with the youth, which will blunt the edge of negativity concerning your age. A 40+ person with good knowledge of recent technology is an asset for any company.

Think over it, and make a list of things that you think you do not know but are hot favorite among young people. See if those things are raising their employability, if it does then consider learning them.

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