Door to door sales generally appear highly irritating and interfering to the person visited; but from salesman’s point of view it’s one of the prospective chances to hit the bull’s eye. If one knows and masters few tricks of effective door-to-door sales, it’s no big deal. Here are few effective tips for you.
People hate salespersons that are too pushy and keep on nagging to sell. They are sure turn offs. Never consider your prospects as a disposal box of your product. If you find your prospect is not interested in your product, leave it there. If you become too pushy, you may end up losing the prospect forever and incur bad perception of your brand.
With a failed trial or series of trials do not lose hope, it will show on your face and you may appear boring, sad and cold to a good prospect too. If you are not enthusiastic about your product or service, you can’t expect your prospect to find interest in it too. Staying motivated from street to door, under every circumstance, every atmosphere is important as it’s you who are ‘face’ of the brand. So appear enthusiastic, pleasant, motivated, and persuasive. Remember, your prospect is literally a ‘prospect’ for you, not your customer, so don’t expect him or her to be too receptive. They are the people who are not actively looking for your product and your visit is unexpected, interfering. Conversion rate in this type of sale is low, so accept the fact. In a failed attempt, just think it was a bad one and move on to the next with a winning attitude. Celebrate each successful sale, and stay motivated.
Rather than being random and ringing all doorbells on your way, with piled up rates of failure why don’t you start planning a bit and secure more chances of success? Good planning and research may help you. Know who is your target audience, where they are located, what promise they expect from you, what is their trust level, when are they available and receptive to your presentation, what motivates them etc. Choose locations accordingly. So before starting with your sales call do a thorough research on the demography and psychograph of the desired target group. Also, do not reach them in inappropriate time. Strike a balance between quantity and quality of calls.
And you are there. Go and shoot, win and celebrate.
Tags: Atmosphere, Attitude, Circumstance, Conversion Rate, Door To Door, Doorbells, Failure, Masters, Perception, Point Of View, Prospects, Pushy People, Sad, Salespersons, Target Audience, Turn Offs
If you are young then finding a job is difficult only when the economy is down and the companies has stopped hiring new people, but as soon as you cross the 40 mark, getting a job in even a bullish economy with lots of companies hiring starts becoming difficult.
What with the age?
Well, it has less to do with the age, and more to do with the newness in technology and failure of mid-aged individuals to deal with them. As it often happens, people in their mid-to-late forties tend to become slow on learning.
Another thing that keeps people in mid-to-late forties away from job is the salary they seek. I am not saying that you should not be compensated fairly, or at least you should get the sum you need to pay your bills and put some amount in savings.
But, this is not how people running businesses think. They are less inclined towards humanitarian goals, and more towards raking moola and increasing profit. Young people, despite their inexperience, are considered more apt for this goal as teaching new tricks to new horse is comparatively easy and so is taming them.
Then how to get a job in 40s?
This is the question that keeps people in 40s and jobless awake at nights. These are the people who have family to support, and maybe kids to send to university. Unemployment in such time is very difficult to deal with.
But, fortunately there is a way out and in this series I will tell you what to do to get hired. The advices shared will be workable. Do not treat this series as a read-and-forget series. Work on the suggestions shared. If I were you, I would have subscribed to the RSS feed. Do it now and stay up-to-date with the series.
Tags: 40s, Advices, Economy, Failure, Finding A Job, Forties, Getting A Job, How To Get A Job, Humanitarian Goals, Inexperience, Job Guide, Job Help, Job Salary, Job Search, Moola, Newness, People Running, Search People, Unemployment, Young People
Everyone wants to be successful. No one wants to fail, but still many fail to achieve what they term as success despite having every skill require to succeed in their chosen field. Why is it so? This post will answer this question, and will tell you what to do to become successful in your chosen field.
Nothing tastes sweeter than success, and nothing prepares you for success like failure does. Success in nothing but a journey from smaller failure to a bigger one with a scope for introspection and analysis at every juncture. If you want to succeed then do not abstain from failing. The more you will fail the more experienced you will have.
What turns a failure into a success? Is it skill or is it tenacity? Be tenacious and exercise persistence until you succeed. A person is not a loser or cannot be deemed as a loser until he quits.
People who are afraid of growing never succeed. To succeed in your chosen field, you need to keep yourself apprise of the knowhow of your field.
Do not get caught in the analyzing mindset. There will no better time than “NOW” to take action. Do not become victim of analysis or paralysis.
There is a difference between one who touches the sky and the one who sniff the soil all their life. And that difference lies in the willingness to help. Keep helping people, and you will learn many things in the process.
Helping others selflessly is how you build network of trusted friends. Be willing to give, just asking for something in return will not help you build a network.
Be honest to yourself and others. Do not brag or lie.
Nothing backfires as strongly as does overpromising and under delivery. Do more and promise less.
Indulging in a blame-game is a typical mindset of loser. If you have erred, accept it, learn from it and move on. There is no point in playing blame-game. As it is, no one is going to believe you.
Saying no is very important. If you do not know how to effectively say no without antagonizing the recipients then you will either end up having more foes than friends, or you will end up wasting time doing things that does not matter to you.
Tags: Better Time, Blame Game, Failure, Helping Others, Introspection, Journey, Juncture, Knowhow, Loser, Many Things, Mindset, Mistake, Nothing Tastes, Paralysis, Persistence, Scope, Soil, Success Mantra, Tenacity, Willingness
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