A good corporate presentation before the board members or a panel of good judges is what we all love to watch, experience and give. But how many of us know what it takes to deliver a perfect corporate presentation before the audience. Here is a list of factors that make a good presentation.
Eye contact with the audience
What’s most important in a formal presentation is making eye contact with the audience. Look into the eyes of your audience, sitting in front of you. Don’t make eye contact with a specific person, but with your entire audience. Otherwise you are not engaging your audience, you are just giving presentation and talking to your own self. If your eyes are wandering here and there, or gazing at the PowerPoint slides or looking down you are actually responsible for the lack of attention of your audience. They may get bored and look for some other subjects of interest. Make enough of eye contact, but don’t keep staring at someone for long it may look flirtatious or intruding into privacy.
Let your personality speak
Your personality has an aura, let it radiate when you are presenting. Be yourself, let your true self impress all. Don’t think much about the audience in front of you, just shoot your best. Whether the audience is corporate members or critics, show your character, charm, right voice pitch, pronunciation, command over the subject, confidence and knowledge. Don’t present like a robot, add spice to the presentation. You may make some movements, but it should be natural.
Too much of text
Too much of text can be fatal for your presentation. Always remember people are not interested in reading long paragraphs, they are interested in listening to you instead. So keep your text input bare minimum, don’t let it destroy nice visuals or the layout. You may use text in form of short sentences, bullets, flowcharts, and as headers.
Don’t preach, interact
No one likes to be preached, taught, so talk to your audience, interact with them in the language they know. Keep the presentation formal yet conversational. It will also keep them interested and attentive. You may ask questions, ask for suggestions and tips, let them ask questions.
Keep it light and amusing
Despite the fact that it’s a formal presentation keep it simple, light hearted and interesting. It’s always good when people laugh with you. It will not only keep the audience engaged and alert, but they will look forward to hear more from you; because they may learn from you and not get educated and taught.
Keep these simple things in mind and your presentation may take you to places.
Tags: Audience, Bare Minimum, Board Members, Bullets, Corporate Members, Corporate Presentation, Eye Contact, Flowcharts, Formal Presentation, Lack Of Attention, Paragraphs, Personality, Powerpoint Slides, Pronunciation, Robot, Sentences, Text Input, True Self, Visuals, Voice Pitch
An effective newsletter is not just flawless English, error free grammar and mechanical style. It’s a lot more. A newsletter has to be interesting, relevant, and informative. Here are some useful tips for your help.
Content has to be powerful
Newsletter is totally dependent on its content and its relevance. Know what you wish to say, followed by the art of saying it. Know what you wish to convey in a specific month of the year. Suppose you are a restaurant owner and you wish to promote your mocktails during summer, then convey the same in that month’s newsletter. Pick up a topic each month and relate it to your product or service.
Know your audience
Define you target audience before starting with your newsletter. Know demography, psychographic construct of you audience. Knowing more about them will help you to develop content of the newsletter while keeping tone, manner, and mood of the newsletter apt. Suppose you are selling an anti-ageing crème to the middle aged women, you should know how to approach them, what should be your style of communication and the like. You can’t afford to lose their interest because of inappropriate style.
Claims come with research
Don’t make big claims without supporting source of facts. Do ample research before making statements. This way you will not land up into problems too. Include facts, statistics, graphs, expert opinions, quotes supporting your research. Such data always build credibility. But don’t forget to mention the source.
Interesting heading
It’s good headlines which instantly draw attention towards the newsletter. Make sure the headline is extremely hard hitting and catchy, evoking curiosity. To make newsletter easy to read break the content into few paragraphs with sub headings.
Audience friendly lingo
Make sure your newsletter has audience friendly, easily comprehensive language, which people can relate to. Avoid technical jargons, too long sentences.
Proofread is important
A newsletter filled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes is highly avoided. Apart from the writer, ask someone else to do the job. Mistakes show writer’s lack of concern, interest, and unprofessionalism. If a brand is laughed at, it is hardly taken seriously. So avoid this.
Now get started with it.
Tags: Credibility, Curiosity, Demography, Free Grammar, Graphs, Heading, Headings, Headlines, Lingo, Mechanical Style, Middle Aged Women, Mocktails, Month Of The Year, Paragraphs, People, Relevance, Restaurant Owner, Sentences, Statistics, Target Audience
We have come a long way since we first started typing words and sentences for the website. The novelty factor associated with reading “free content” has long been overspent. People now get free content delivered to their mails in tons. Even the use of keywords in all types of tags has long passed its “use by date” mark.
In 2011, SEO and writing is going to change big time as the rules of SEO game has changed and so has the readers’ mindset. People have stopped paying attention to copy that looks crappy, as lot of bad content has been littered on the Internet.
Not just the search engines, but users even are a lot more conscious of the value your content adds to his or her life, and after the introduction of snapshot feature in Google SERP, it has become more difficult for badly written content to make its way to the customers’ computer. Even when it gets a chance to get there, they are quickly thrown out.
So how to make a content interesting both for people and machine?
To make your content interesting for your readers you need to do the following:
- Use the language that your visitors converse in.
- Provide them the value they are looking for.
- Do not just write anything. Do a research before delving into the actual writing process.
- Read blog comments, forum posts, and watch YouTube videos to see what your customers are getting and what their requirements are.
Following the handful of tips given above will take your writing business to all new height, but how to make the same content accessible for machines (search engine bots).
If you are new to the field then the fact that you have to write content for machines as well may make you cringe, but this is what we all have been doing since always in the name of SEO content. We have been working to satisfy the needs of machine, so that it could display our websites when visitors come searching information on the topic we are writing.
To make your content standout with machines you need to do the following:
- Do not write for the machine. Even it does not want anything to be written exclusively for it.
- Place important keywords and other related terms at appropriate places.
- Do not go overboard with optimization.
- Write with audience in mind and SEO should be the secondary thought.
Content written for the two groups that we talked about above should not be mutually exclusive. You need to write content that meets the needs of both of them. This is not very difficult, all you need to do is practice.
Tags: Big Time, Converse, Cringe, Forum Posts, Game, Google, Handful, Keywords, Mindset, Paying Attention, People, Search Engine Bots, Search Engines, Sentences, SEO, Serp, Snapshot Feature, Standout, Watch Videos, Writing Process