Web content writing is not just another commercial writing. It is something unique, requires specialized skills, knowledge and understanding of the media. Never rope in any casual writer for your web content, as you can’t afford to mess up your website; it is your identity before the entire world. Here are some reasons, why you should hire a professional web content writer.
Understanding of Internet, Websites
Most importantly, why you should rope in a professional web content writer is because of his or her understanding of the Internet medium, websites and what people look forward to from a website. Internet works very differently from other forms of media. Attention span on Internet is limited, cluttered by too many websites around and plenty of distractions. Websites need not only stand out from designing point of view, but also from content’s context. Flawless grammar, crispy writing style, excellent vocabulary, and power packed message should be integral part of your web content. A professional web content writer also knows how a reader reads on Internet, how long one can read and at what point one needs to break the ice. A web content writer knows how websites vary in style and what makes a good site stand out from the rest.
Beyond just writing
A good web content writer can be of immense help, besides just writing. A good web content writer knows tricks of web writing, how many words should be there in a paragraph, how long people can read at a stretch on a page, what kind of messages or web content work well with the target audience, how eyes move through a website, where images need to be placed in a web page, which topic needs how much write up etc. A professional web content writer comes with years of experience in working with other websites or seeing many other good websites. He may also help you in conceptualizing some new ideas for your website.
Flawless work
When you choose a random writer and do not look for a specialized web content writer, there are always chances of errors, confusion and lot of tension. Why would you settle for an average work or hire another proof reader to keep a check on your website, just for the sake of saving few bucks? Instead hire a professional writer who can deliver flawless work, has good writing style, has good command on language and grammar and can deliver good work seeking no further supervision.
Prompt delivery of work
Prompt delivery of work is very essential to every project. There are times, when a project requires very prompt delivery and only a skilled professional web content writer can work good even under time constraints since he has years of experience and need not do much effort for the same.
So don’t make the mistake of hiring an average random writer. Go for a specialized web content writer only.
Tags: Attention Span, Distractions, Entire World, Flawless Work, Grammar, Internet Medium, Internet Websites, Media Attention, Paragraph, Point Of View, Random, Rope, Target Audience, Vocabulary, Web Content Writer, Web Page, Website Images, Website Internet, Writer Web
These days everybody is on social networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter. And so are the brands. Every brand wants fans, followers and millions of online prospects. So these days, brands rope in digital marketers to popularize the brand further on internet, and make the most of social networking benefits. But at times marketers themselves try hand on the same and commit few common mistakes, as discussed below.
Too many pages for a single brand
At times marketers wish to draw more and more followers and create multiple pages, to reflect omnipresence. Imagine Mc. Donald’s having 10 Facebook pages, how many of them will you follow? One or two at the most and that too if it is localized, suppose it says Mc. Donald’s (Japan) or something like that. But soon you may start getting too many updates from both and eventually stop following one of them. Thus to stay on the safer side, create only one page for your brand, people are not on social networking sites solely for you. You will have more number of followers in such case.
Too often updates
At times being a beginner and too excited about the whole thing of social networking brands end up doing too frequent status updates, like changing status message every couple of hours. Don’t forget such things are always annoying for the followers who find their home page cluttered with your messages, and if they end up liking or commenting for any of them, then they may get endless number of notifications from the same. Do not do this. No one wants a cluttered page and full of brand messages. Remember, that person added you since likes you, not to get annoyed with you. So instead of torturing with brand messages, keep updates not more than twice in a day.
Do not talk just for the sake of talking
It is often seen marketers fail to think what to talk on a particular day and eventually end up talking senseless things and write updates just for the sake of writing like ‘Hello, Good morning. How are you all’. How many people will be interested in such a message coming from a brand? A handful may be, since they may have nothing else to do in life. So instead of writing rubbish things, write something which adds value, draws interest and attracts the followers. You may write a status message talking about special discount or latest achievement or the new advertisement you are coming up with or the new outlet you are about to open. You can also conduct polls and contests. Ask for suggestion on some products which always draw lot of attention. If there is a good incentive people are all the more interested in such activities.
These are some major mistakes brands often commit. Stay away from these.
Tags: Brand Messages, Endless Number, Fans, Followers, Imagine, Japan, Marketers, Mc Donald, Media Marketing, Notifications, People, Prospects, Rope, Safer Side, Sake, Senseless Things, Social Marketing, Social Networking Sites, Status Message, Status Updates
We have come a long was in this series, and in the process we have learned quite a few things. We have covered from timing to inspiration to description to techniques to tools of writing. Each one of them was important, and so are the tips I am going to share in this part. In this part of the 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing series, I will tell you about quality; about how you can maintain the quality of your writing. Let’s begin with shedding inhibition for risks.
Take risks
Do not always play a safe game; rather, never play a safe game. Take risks and explore the terrain. You will not learn new things about life, about new ways to construct sentences, and will never get new ideas to write about until you venture out and take risk. Try different construction; try different storyline; so what if you fail!
Revisit your write-ups
Reading and analyzing what you have written in the past is another way to ensure quality of your future writing. You should have a sense of history. You should know from where you started and how far have you come, and then only you can realistically decide where you can go from here.
Rope in your friend
This advice is the toughest to follow because no matter how good your friendship is, he or she will not like to do proofreading for you, at least not readily. My friends have never done that for me, and neither have I put myself through the grueling session of proofreading for my friends. You got the clue, but still you need to talk your friend into proofreading your stuff. If they don’t agree then you have not tried hard enough.
Take a break
Writing is not like producing soap in the factory. You cannot just keep on pouring oil and chemicals for hours, even when you are tired and exhausted, to get the final product. To write well, you need to take breaks between your writing. Play games, watch TV, listen to music, or do whatever you like, but take breaks.
Take a break then return to proofread
Do not proofread your document right after finishing it. You will miss out many errors because your mind was primed by the article. Take a break 10-20 minutes and then come back to do the proofreading. Please do not think about what you wrote during the break.
Tags: Break, Chemicals, Clue, Documen, Friend Advice, Friendship, Grueling Session, Inhibition, Inspiration, Listen To Music, New Ways, Play Games, Risk, Rope, Sense Of History, Sentences, Soap, Stuff, Tools, Ups