These days everybody is on social networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter. And so are the brands. Every brand wants fans, followers and millions of online prospects. So these days, brands rope in digital marketers to popularize the brand further on internet, and make the most of social networking benefits. But at times marketers themselves try hand on the same and commit few common mistakes, as discussed below.
At times marketers wish to draw more and more followers and create multiple pages, to reflect omnipresence. Imagine Mc. Donald’s having 10 Facebook pages, how many of them will you follow? One or two at the most and that too if it is localized, suppose it says Mc. Donald’s (Japan) or something like that. But soon you may start getting too many updates from both and eventually stop following one of them. Thus to stay on the safer side, create only one page for your brand, people are not on social networking sites solely for you. You will have more number of followers in such case.
At times being a beginner and too excited about the whole thing of social networking brands end up doing too frequent status updates, like changing status message every couple of hours. Don’t forget such things are always annoying for the followers who find their home page cluttered with your messages, and if they end up liking or commenting for any of them, then they may get endless number of notifications from the same. Do not do this. No one wants a cluttered page and full of brand messages. Remember, that person added you since likes you, not to get annoyed with you. So instead of torturing with brand messages, keep updates not more than twice in a day.
It is often seen marketers fail to think what to talk on a particular day and eventually end up talking senseless things and write updates just for the sake of writing like ‘Hello, Good morning. How are you all’. How many people will be interested in such a message coming from a brand? A handful may be, since they may have nothing else to do in life. So instead of writing rubbish things, write something which adds value, draws interest and attracts the followers. You may write a status message talking about special discount or latest achievement or the new advertisement you are coming up with or the new outlet you are about to open. You can also conduct polls and contests. Ask for suggestion on some products which always draw lot of attention. If there is a good incentive people are all the more interested in such activities.
These are some major mistakes brands often commit. Stay away from these.
Tags: Brand Messages, Endless Number, Fans, Followers, Imagine, Japan, Marketers, Mc Donald, Media Marketing, Notifications, People, Prospects, Rope, Safer Side, Sake, Senseless Things, Social Marketing, Social Networking Sites, Status Message, Status Updates
Are you in the business of celebrity promotion? Have you been contacting newspaper and television channels all your life? Have you been clinging to traditional medium solely and making no much difference? It’s the time to make use of digital medium – Internet and make the most of it. If you are yet to find the strength of this medium and utilize it judiciously for promoting your celebrity client, here are some useful tips for you.
First and foremost important thing that you should do is making a website for your celebrity client. Make an attractive, self explanatory and nicely made website for your celebrity. Apart from information about the celebrity concerned make sure there’s also photo and video gallery. Include his or her achievements in life, awards won and major milestones crossed in the website. People are not only interested in a celebrity’s public life, but also look forward to a slice of personal life. Make the website as pleasing to the visual senses as possible.
Blogging is an instant way to stay connected to the fans and remain popular on web, even in search engine rankings. To keep fans updated about what’s happening in a celebrity’s life a blog post comes really handy. Ask your celebrity client to write a short blog post regularly. If he or she keeps too busy, personal secretary or you as a celebrity manager may do the same on his or her behalf. Make sure you are briefed nicely in such case. Fans will come back to the blog regularly to stay updated about the latest happenings.
These days there’s no other tool like social networking sites – twitter, Facebook, MySpace; taking a toll over human lives. People are glued to them and so are the celebrities. The celebrity should frequently update status message, at least 3-4 times a day. It will keep fans and followers happy and interested. As a celebrity manager you may do the job on celebrity’s behalf. Make sure you also upload pictures and short videos of the celebrity, some formal occasions and may be some casual and personal ones. People will earnestly wait for the next picture to come up. You may also create the celebrity’s official fan page on the social networking sites. Ask people questions related to the celebrity.
People love the celebrities and treat them as idols. But fans and followers also want to come close to the celebrity at times, know more about them and talk directly. Arrange direct online chat session for an hour or so with the celebrity on social networking sites. Advertise the event at least a week before and follow up every alternate days. It will keep the fans awaited for the chat session, eagerly waiting forward to it. Allows the followers to ask direct questions to the celebrity, who may even put on the webcam to make the fans feel great and rewarded.
Power of web is beyond imagination and can actually draw the celebrity more spotlight.
Tags: Case Fans, Celebrities, Celebrity Information, Followers, Job, Latest Happenings, Life Awards, Making A Website, Medium Internet, Milestones, Myspace, Personal Life, Personal Secretary, Search Engine Rankings, Social Networking Sites, Status Message, Television Channels, Traditional Medium, Video Gallery, Visual Senses
Web writing business has witnessed tremendous rate of growth. Web writing is ever growing and has opened many doors of opportunities for good writers. Freelance writing has taken shape of an industry and has been a constant source of earning for many. But not, just good writing skill is enough, one has to treat it like own business, cultivate it, and secure a good future. These tips will help you to evolve as a better web writer and a good entrepreneur.
Always remember, web business is constantly evolving, so keep your eyes open. Learn new things, incorporate them, and follow new trends in the business to keep pace with the clients’ demands. Try new things, slowly you will master it. If you are a website content writer, try blogging or other latest trends. Try for yourself first. A good e-book for yourself could do your publicity and also showcase your skill. In the mean time you will also master the tricks and skills behind it. Don’t be rigid with acquired skills, learn new things.
Whatever, be the situation, don’t underestimate the power of marketing. Even a great masterpiece goes unnoticed, in the absence of good marketing efforts. Even if it takes a little share of your income, consider it as the investment, which will keep your name ahead of others and will fetch you continuous work. Make a great image, profile of yourself. Advertise yourself in multiple places on web or promote through social networking sites.
A good networking works as a silent catalyst behind growth. A good networking could also help you to develop a team of writers and share the total profit, in form of a joint business. It could fetch loads of work and also make your name popular on web.
Treat it like a serious business; build your online presence with an arresting identity. Build personal website or blog, logo, business card, portfolio, contact information, testimonials from clients. Make proper business plan, set target. Despite flexibility, make sure there are fixed hours of working every day.
If some latest technologies and software like keyword research tools, a smart phone, a fax machine, a virtual assistance service, automatic posting tool, or plug-ins can bring along high hopes for your business – grab them and make best of it. Little investments can bring in huge help.
Don’t just go with the wind and work aimlessly for mere bucks. Set a goal, what you wish to achieve in a year or five years time. A pre-determined goal always works as a light at the end of tunnel, towards which one moves with a quest to excel.
And the web is all yours. Go and explore.
Tags: Better Web, Card Portfolio, Content Writer, Continuous Work, e book, Good Marketing, Good Writing, Image Profile, Latest Trends, Marketing Efforts, Marketing Process, Networking Works, New Trends, Personal Website, Serious Business, Social Networking Sites, Web Business, Web Writer, Website Content, Writing Skill