These days everybody is on social networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter. And so are the brands. Every brand wants fans, followers and millions of online prospects. So these days, brands rope in digital marketers to popularize the brand further on internet, and make the most of social networking benefits. But at times marketers themselves try hand on the same and commit few common mistakes, as discussed below.
At times marketers wish to draw more and more followers and create multiple pages, to reflect omnipresence. Imagine Mc. Donald’s having 10 Facebook pages, how many of them will you follow? One or two at the most and that too if it is localized, suppose it says Mc. Donald’s (Japan) or something like that. But soon you may start getting too many updates from both and eventually stop following one of them. Thus to stay on the safer side, create only one page for your brand, people are not on social networking sites solely for you. You will have more number of followers in such case.
At times being a beginner and too excited about the whole thing of social networking brands end up doing too frequent status updates, like changing status message every couple of hours. Don’t forget such things are always annoying for the followers who find their home page cluttered with your messages, and if they end up liking or commenting for any of them, then they may get endless number of notifications from the same. Do not do this. No one wants a cluttered page and full of brand messages. Remember, that person added you since likes you, not to get annoyed with you. So instead of torturing with brand messages, keep updates not more than twice in a day.
It is often seen marketers fail to think what to talk on a particular day and eventually end up talking senseless things and write updates just for the sake of writing like ‘Hello, Good morning. How are you all’. How many people will be interested in such a message coming from a brand? A handful may be, since they may have nothing else to do in life. So instead of writing rubbish things, write something which adds value, draws interest and attracts the followers. You may write a status message talking about special discount or latest achievement or the new advertisement you are coming up with or the new outlet you are about to open. You can also conduct polls and contests. Ask for suggestion on some products which always draw lot of attention. If there is a good incentive people are all the more interested in such activities.
These are some major mistakes brands often commit. Stay away from these.
Tags: Brand Messages, Endless Number, Fans, Followers, Imagine, Japan, Marketers, Mc Donald, Media Marketing, Notifications, People, Prospects, Rope, Safer Side, Sake, Senseless Things, Social Marketing, Social Networking Sites, Status Message, Status Updates
Measuring the effectiveness of a marketing campaign is as important, if not more, as is the creation of the campaign, and same yardstick we use to measure social media marketing campaigns as well. But the question is how one measures social media marketing effectiveness? What goals are relevant for social media campaign? To answer questions like these, MarketingSherpa, a leading online marketing research agency, has done a survey in February 2011 with a sample size of more than 3, 000 people, result of which is given below.
The survey suggested that 85% marketers consider social media marketing fruitful if they successfully refer visitors to their websites, whereas, 56% think increased reach (reach of fan, followers, and subscribers) is the objective worth considering. At number three was the effect of the campaign on search engine ranking.
According to the marketers, the least important or the least expressive goal is the customer service/support savings. See image for details.
What do you think, which one is the most important goal from the ones listed above?
Tags: 000 People, Customer Service Support, Followers, Gauge, Marketers, Marketing Agency, Marketing Campaign, Marketing Campaigns, Marketing Effectiveness, Marketing Research, Marketingsherpa, Measures, Media Campaign, Media Marketing, Online Marketing, Search Engine Ranking, Social Marketing, Subscribers, Survey, Yardstick
Like PPC (Pay per Click), the perception about Social Media is also fast changing. Exceeding number of organizations are taking social media in their tight embrace, even at the time of the budget when anything that incur any cost gets frowned upon.
2,300 marketers, who were interviewed by MarketingSherpa for its Social Media Marketing Benchmark Report, testified this.
7% of the marketers said that social media is producing measurable results, so they will increase the budget. 49% of the total respondents said that their organizations were more than keen to increase their social media budget, for they saw it as a promising tactics.
27% marketers said that the results of social media cannot be seen now, so they do not want to stretch the budget too far for that, and will keep the budget as it is, whereas, 17% sees no value in the investment. They feel social media is free, so there is no need to spend anything. See chart below for a visual representation of the survey result.
Tags: Benchmark Report, Budget Time, Embrace, Marketers, Marketing Report, Marketingsherpa, Measurable Results, Media Marketing, Pay Per Click, Perception, Ppc, Respondents, Social Marketing, Social Media, Survey Result, Tight, Value Investment, Visual Representation
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