Newsletter is an effective tool for brand promotion, which people effectively use to reach out the regular and prospective customers. But at times, such newsletters are not warmly welcomed, rather are thrown to the trash by marking as ‘Spam’. Have you ever thought what makes a newsletter destined for the spam box? Here are some reasons.
Too often intrusion
A newsletter which keeps coming to the subscribers’ inbox frequently is a sheer disturbance for them. No one wants sales messages every day. Do not send newsletters so often. Keep a nominal gap between two consecutive newsletters.
Forced newsletters
At times desperate marketers send out the sales newsletters randomly and intrude into privacy. At times, if a person visits a website for some purchase or registers for membership, the website holder counts the person as interested in newsletter and keep sending newsletter even without due permission. Such acts are highly annoying and the recipients do not hesitate to mark such newsletter as ‘spam’ and throw to the trash bin.
Nothing so special
At times marketers assume a newsletter is good enough to induce sales and does not need any added attraction. If you are planning releasing monthly newsletter for your brand to the target group of customers, make sure your every newsletter induces prospects to buy. It can be certain amount of discount or free gifts or offers like ‘Buy 2, Get 2 Free’ etc. Or you may send out newsletters in case of a new launch or some occasion or festival related offer. If there is no such festival approaching, you may simply connect with the season and make the best of it. People open newsletters to find a new offer, not to find ‘Buy from us’ kind of messages. Thus a good newsletter is always thematic, based on some central theme or idea.
Too chaotic
A good design is very important for a newsletter. Even if you need to inform the prospect or educate about something, you can’t afford to bore him or frustrate with a long newsletter, with too much information and cramped breathing space. Keep words minimum, crispy yet attractive. Use good combination of color as per the theme. Layout should be neat with enough white space for the eye to move around easily.
These are the few common mistakes that newsletters carry at times and therefore are destined to be in spam box. Don’t let these silly shortcomings spoil destiny of your newsletter.
Tags: Acts, Added Attraction, Brand Promotion, Due Permission, Free Gifts, Gap, Intrusion, Launch, Marketers, Newsletter, People Find, Prospective Customers, Prospects, Registers, Sales Messages, Spam, Subscribers, Target Group, Trash Bin, Wit
Advertisements are informative, amusing, entertaining, creative, thoughtful and a brand’s face before the world. The man behind conceptualizing and making an advertisement is known as the copywriter. A copywriter writes destiny of an advertisement. This art of writing is much different from other forms of commercial writing. It calls for different sets of aptitude, skills and expertise. Here are some essential skills a good copywriter must possess.
Good hold on vocabulary
If you are an aspirant copywriter, your command over the language has to be excellent. You just can’t afford to mess with your language skill. Learn new words, expand your vocabulary. You may read lot. Don’t get too choosy. Read everything – journals, novels, blogs, dailies, articles. The more you read, better will be your vocabulary. Keep a dictionary handy. Refer to it whenever you find a new word. You should know as many words as possible, then only you can use them effectively. Learn multiple languages if you can.
Sense of humor
A good copywriter needs to possess great sense of humor. If one is not born with it, he or she can cultivate it with time. If one has a good grasp of humor it is easily reflected in his advertisements, as advertising needs to be entertaining and catchy. It calls for wit, humor. Sense of humor helps in twisting and turning words, creating pun and arresting concept. See humorous films, shows.
Understanding of art
Well, a copywriter doesn’t write only. He conceptualizes and writes. And many times a concept has no copy, is just art driven. So copywriter needs a good understanding of art. Even an advertisement with copy needs to relate to the image. If copywriter doesn’t understand art, an advertisement can be complete clueless and mismatch.
Understanding of the viewer
Copywriter needs to understand the market, customers, audiences’ psyche and competition. Without understanding the trend, societal outlook, audiences’ psyche a copywriter can’t create a good advertisement or connect to the audience. A copywriter can be fatal for the brand, if tries to remain firm with his own style and doesn’t consider the brand or its target people.
You should not overlook any of the above-given tips when writing copy for an ad campaign.
Tags: Advertisements, Aptitude, Art Of Writing, Aspirant, Audiences, Clueless, Copywriter, Copywriting, Dailies, Destiny, Dictionary, Good Understanding, Grasp, Language Skill, Market Customers, Mismatch, Psyche, Pun, Vocabulary, Wit